My game keeps freezing every time I load the match
Every time I try to load I to a match it'll look normal till I pick an agent and it will freeze when I'm supposed to be In the match.
64 Replies
I mean how good is your internet/pc
Bc not even the character is loading in
My pc can handle a lot, it used to run valorant with no problem untill a bit ago
Did you update all your driver?
You on windows 11?
And what are your internet speeds like?
I'm on windows 11, also I've been baggy all day but every time I've tried it for these past weeks my internet has been perfectly fine
Wdym with fine
Like how many mbps
How much ping
Try an speedtest

im having the same issue
everytime i load into a game it seems to crash
with no error message
my pc was running it fine like 4 days ago
my internet speeds are amazing

went from this

to this
my thing did that two years ago
thats not the issue
oh alright
I tried searching it up but nothing
same here
are ur drivers up to date?
are u like wifi disconeecting or frame drop disconnecting when u try to laod in
my game becomes choppy
then i disconnect
it does that when i try to load in
I just searched up a fix
gonna test it out now
also did u reinstall?
multipul times
same lol
we got the same issue
also is ur load in time
like over 2 minutes
it takes me long asf to get in
way too long
yea i think were both cooked
bro this was my game thoughhh
same lol
i mean i have r6 but i cant wrap my head around it
r6 is so much worse than val
in my opinion i agree. i loved the playstyle of val
My ban is gonna be so long
This is my seventh time disconnecting
bro ONG
its not our fault 😭
Do u have avast or an antivirus downloaded
I thought I was my antivirus
But I guess not
i deleted the anti virus
im trying one more time
im prauying
it fixes
reinstalling val?
i found something online
that said
disable fullscreen optimizations + run val as an adminiastrator
im abt to check
but this shit wnt load
my primaty monitor is just black😭
i have val as adminiastrator
Is ur game on a hdd?
i think
bro i have a one hour fucking ban
you think thats bad? i get a 2 hour
i just had a 1.5 hour ban before this
this is terrible
my fix did not work
tried to load into a custom game
same shit
yall wanna vc and try to fix it??
Move it to ur ssd
If u have one
I will but
have u had the issue before and this worked
It has worked for 100% of the people yes.
i love you
what did you do to fix it?
Mine would usually do this, to avoid getting afk from
Having to force restart my computer I would load into a deathmath and let it freeze my whole pc because you can’t get banned for leaving desthmatch then restart and then it would usually be fine but I found no suitable solution to it but putting it on your SSD might work like the previous guy said. I haven’t tried it myself
U can move the game from ur hdd to ur ssd
I tried this and it didn’t work.
ok ill give that a try
Download cloudflare warp, enable it, then try
i just reset my whole pc
needed to do that either way
to enable tpm 2.0 to upgrade to windows 11 lmao
im having the same issue, any solutions?