Suspended for no reason
So this morning i woke up and i went to my pc to play some comp and this pops up as soon as i open the riot client. I never used and didnt even think about using any third party applications, cheats etc. and i dont get why i got suspended with this reason.

25 Replies
same thing happend to me brother
i got banned in the middle of game
cause i dont turn off my python script on the background
do you have razer synapse
i have glorius model d
the software too
but doesnt mean anything just because i have it on my pc they shouldnt ban me
Do you have a Logitech computer?
Hmmm what I think it might be is the mouse software. since there is a macro tab in it
Cuz I also have a glorious model o and got banned two days ago
Contact player support
send in a ticket
Where do i do that
its dumb tho
like i paid 100$ with shipping fee on amazon for this mouse and i get banned because i have the software cos i dont like the rgb and i set a custom color on it
like wth
People usually get unbanned for these kinda things
Just send a ticket
where can i send a ticket tho
im dumb to do that
ive never been to this server tbh
Lemme get the link
thanks man
i was literally abt to buy the new bundle and the battlepass those wouldve been my first skins and i just get banned the morning i wanted to do that
so yeah im pissed
thanks, just sent it
how much time does it take usually for them to reply?
Within 2 days usually
your account is done for . You can try to reach out to riot support but i doubt they will do anything cause they dont care. all of the support is bots
Yea no
they replied saying they were gonna investigate my account for 3-4 days and if theres nothing suspicious abt it they will recover my account
Yea just wait then
Also refrain from sending anymore tickets till u get a reply
As it might result in more waiting time
good luck last time they didnt give a single fk about my account