Valorant recommended specs
Guys, can someone help me? I was checking Valorant recommended specs, and based off of what they say. I should be getting 144+ fps. However, I definetly and not getting that. I have a Surface book 2 which has an Nvidia GTX 1050, Intel core i7 8th gen, and 16gb of ddr3 ram. Normally, I get 180 fps in agent selection, but only 50 - 60 fps when in the actual game.
76 Replies
Hello! Have you gone to Graphics Settings and changed Valorant to run optimally on Windows?
I have tried everything from YouTube
From YouTube? What videos have you watched?
Mostly from popular YouTubers like Rem
Also do you have other programs running in the background?
Some people have a wallpaper that moves and can make issues when playing games
No, nothing exept the required things run in the background

I don't have a moving wallpaper
Ah okay.
May I see your graphics settings on Valorant?
or the video settings lol
Alright sure
let me pull it up
give me 30 seconds

I even put it at the lowest resolution in order to get 60 fps
Otherwise I would get worse at 1920 x 1080

Wow yeah.. that’s an odd issue. I have one other idea but let me find a way to word it lol
alright thanks man
Can you screenshot your task manager “performance” tab
while its running valorant?

while running valorant
not in a game though
cpu usage would be at around 60 to 70% in a game
Here is the screenshot
Oh my bad
its alr
There’s a chance you might be using GPU 0 instead of GPU 1
How would I be able to check that
That’s what I don’t know lol
I’ll find out one moment
I also don't think so because I have a microsoft surface book 2, and when the bottom dies (where the gpu sits) the game crashes
It is a two part laptop
everything sits in the top, except for battery 2 as well as the gpu
Yeah then that’s very unlikely

@Tynce I found it
Yeah you already have that hmm..
oh did it fix it?
I don't think so
Well at least we know it’s using the right GPU
that is true
I used to have the gtx 1060 and it worked fine
Did you download Valorant on a SSD or a HDD?
SSD meaning external one?
Oh yes
surface book 2 only has a SSD
so an SSD?
ah alright
I’ve never heard of a surface book 2 before but I’m slowly understanding lol
lol its alr
Is the storage system that holds Valorant really full?
They discontinued the book series after version 3
or like red

oh dang
They still support it though. I am running latest verison of win 11
I have another idea.. have you tried optimizing your entire computer? I know you optimized Valorant, but sometimes it’s the entire computer that cold be an issue..
oh sweet.
Have you cleaned the fans inside your computer?
How would I do that?
Its a surface, you cannot open in without breaking something. Just like a mac. But it is new. I just got it a few months ago
Its not even been used for a year yet
ohhh interesting
Wait do you have a bad motherboard?
I don't think so
there’s a chance that your motherboard could be limiting your graphics card
Idk about that
Its meant for gaming and work
So i don't think it would do that
could I get the model of your motherboard?
let me find it
give me 30 seconds
okay okay

It is a custom board for the surface book 2
Ah I see
Very interesting situation 😅
man what is this obscure ass thing LOL
I’ve never heard of it before but wow
I suppose there’s chance that Valorant didn’t take the Surface Book 2 into consideration when making the minimum requirements for 140 fps
That’s the only thing I can think of
That could be true
Maybe another more experienced person can give a solution, but that’s all I have, I apologize
Thats alr
Thanks for helping though
appreciate it man
Why is multithreaded rendering off?
Doesn't that make the cpu work more
Yes, which in return will increase your FPS
If enabled
So knowledgeable sensei
You've probably tried reinstalling val right? Just a reminder in case you haven't don't kill me.
Alr thanks. Ill try it
Let me see if all of these work
how is the game even running at those specs
ddr3?, gtx 1050, i7 8th?
god damn
When I played on my gtx 1060 it worked perfectly fine
these were top of the line when they first came out
Now rtx has released and outshined by a lot.
None of that works
i could play val with a 10 year old pc
or well i think it was atleast 10
maybe not idk
Yea u don't wanna hear my specs then buddy
personally windows 11 has done the same to me w similar specs
60-90. on win 11 and 165-200ish on win 10
pc could also be trottling i was just throwing that out there if u we’re on win 11
How do you go to windows 10 of I'm on windows 11 pro
I bought the laptop with windows 11 pro
youre going to need to look up windows 10 installastion media and install it on a usb stick
like i said it worked for me but idk if it will work for u