VALORANTā€¢4w ago

Paying for vp doesn't work

I've always bought vp through revolut and haven't had any problems. but now when I want to buy vp, when it is confirmed in the banking application, nothing happens, the money is not downloaded and vp is not added to the game
16 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agentā€¢4w ago
If you're having trouble purchasing VP (Valorant Points) with Revolut, there are a few steps you can try: 1. Check Revolut: Ensure there are no restrictions or issues with your Revolut account that might be blocking the transaction. 2. Payment Method Review: Try using a different payment method to see if it resolves the issue. 3. Bank and Transaction Limits: Verify if your transaction amount is within any set limits by your bank or the service. 4. Update Client: Ensure your VALORANT client and Riot Client are up to date. 5. Clear Cache: Clear the cache of your browser or the Riot Client. If none of these steps work, you might want to contact Riot Games support for further assistance: Riot Games Support
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> āœ… Mark Solution. Thank you!
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
problem still not fixed
Alhanā€¢4w ago
make a ticket in the support page they are helpful
jidatā€¢4w ago
U can try using a 3rd party site to purchase vp vouchers I recommend unipin
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
this site won't work with my currency
jidatā€¢4w ago
U on EU?
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
EU server TUR acc šŸ˜‰
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
all sold
No description
jidatā€¢4w ago
Make a ticket with support
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
i do it
jidatā€¢4w ago
Wait for a reply The people here can't rly help with payment issues like these for obvious reasons
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
yeah I thought someone had a similar problem
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
nah F butterfly
No description
Alhanā€¢4w ago
think of it for the best we anyways get scammed buying such expensive skins
Patrolkeā€¢4w ago
Xineā€¢4w ago
i have the same problem rn šŸ˜­