takes time to load in game

i havent played for about half a year, i havent had lags on any other game and some why when loading in a match (after picking an agent) it takes me like 6 minutes to load in when im loaded in im running the game on over 200 fps so its not about laging i got no idea why thats happening if anyone knows i will appreciate any help!
18 Replies
GodUsopp87172w ago
nothing helped
snoof.2w ago
i have the same issue have seen others talk abt it and still seen no fixes
GodUsopp87172w ago
also this is my internet so i dont think its an internet problem
No description
snoof.2w ago
yeah my internets fine too it's just annoying cause i've tried so many fixes for it but nothing works. other games work just fine except loading into valorant and so far it feels like they've ignored all of the community help posts about it
GodUsopp87172w ago
someone else also made a post about the same thing
snoof.2w ago
yeah i saw i wish someone would actually reply besides the ai with help
GodUsopp87172w ago
let alone the fact his stuff doesnt even help i treid putting all my settings down still have it
snoof.2w ago
fr i did the same
GodUsopp87172w ago
ig i gotta go r6 now 🙂
Wakeful2w ago
im not sure how useful this will be for you but i had similar issues for a long time until recently which i just replaced my RAM with new sticks and started working fine for me, maybe open a deathmatch/unrated and have your task manager open watching how much valorant is taking up on your processes/disk/storage etc
GodUsopp87172w ago
it takes me like 2500 memory is that normal?
Wakeful2w ago
it will range from 2500-4000 but yes that is normal how many gb of ram do you have and how old are they
GodUsopp87172w ago
i think 16 1 or 2 years
snoof.2w ago
i mean i don't think it's a computer issue at least not for me cause i can run any other game perfectly fine and the game works once im in it's just the loading
GodUsopp87172w ago
snoof.2w ago
it wouldn't be as much of an issue if i didn't get penalty banned for "queue dodging" when it's just the game not loading
Wakeful2w ago
i was on 16gb before but now im on 32gb but thats just my personal experience, it might not be a hardware issue but its definitely something worth looking into maybe check how much your background processes are taking away from your computer while the game is running valorant isnt a game that normally should be taking up alot of ram but its what worked for me so idk we blame riot games either way 🤷‍♂️
#2w ago
Yeah im having this issue too, im on 16gb of ram and my pc runs fine but takes me so long to load in and also freezing during the agent select causing me to keep getting dodge warnings lol