I need help Error code 62
I have tried a lot of things to try to fix the error but none of the things i have done have fixed my problem.
16 Replies
Is this for logging into PC Valorant or the console version?
Apparently this is a fairly new error code or something? I could be totally wrong lol
Have you tried following a tutorial at all on how to resolve it?
There is a fairly recent one that was uploaded
I was just playing yesterday and ive been on youtube looked for one that would work for me
I just installed it yesterday as well
Let me find more information.. Do you have a screenshot of the error and what it says by any chance?
yes i do let me find it

Ah I see.. What Country do you live in? If you’re comfortable.
Alright well, the issue is fairly recent, like I said previously, and from what I’m reading it’s a connection issue. The issue is on Valorants end, and I believe that using a VPN could resolve it while they look into it.
Alright i will try a VPN thanks for the help.
Of course! Please tell me if it works out for you.
It wont even let me sign in

Oh wow.. I guess it might just be an issue on Valorants end.. Try tomorrow and see if that’ll work perhaps? Sometimes little issues like this happen and we have to wait lol. I hope that’s the problem.
Okay thanks.