i need a riot employee for help

i have been falsely perma banned, and i havent got no response on a ticket i have submitted. it looks like i am not getting a response because the response i got on the ticket is a fake link and doesnt take me to anywhere
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. If you've been falsely banned and received a suspicious response with a fake link, you should avoid clicking on it. Please make sure your ticket was submitted via the official Riot support site: Riot Games Support. It might be beneficial to submit another ticket explaining your issue in detail and mentioning the suspicious response you received. Also, check your spam/junk email folder to ensure you haven't missed any legitimate communication from Riot. For additional security, update your account credentials and enable two-factor authentication if you haven't already.
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M🕷🕸9mo ago
Me too, i have been falsely perma banned for no particular reason, it says i have a 3rd party software. But the only 3rd party software i have is called ''Deceive'' which can make me appear offline.

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