
My focus/crosshair will be on someone and my shots whiff

yo, console player kinda seeking some tips for gunfights, ive been playing and have recently noticed how when using the vandal/ phantom, or any gun, the bloom gets too bad and i end up dying. Ive gotten used to stopping and usually crouching in my gunfights now, and it's really the only thing im missing (besides my shots) thanks slimes
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
It sounds like you're already on the right track by incorporating stopping and crouching into your gunfights to improve accuracy. Here are a few additional tips to help with your aim and reduce bloom: 1. Practice Burst Fire: Instead of holding down the trigger, try to fire in short, controlled bursts. This helps to manage bloom better. 2. Crosshair Placement: Keep your crosshair at head level where you expect enemies to appear. This reduces the need for large, quick adjustments. 3. Spray Control: Learn the spray patterns of the Vandal and Phantom. Practice controlling the recoil by moving your mouse in the opposite direction of the pattern. 4. Use the Shooting Range: Spend time in the shooting range to practice these techniques and improve muscle memory. 5. Adjust Sensitivity: If your aim feels shaky, consider tweaking your mouse sensitivity settings until it feels comfortable and smooth for precise aiming. 6. Stay Calm: In high-pressure situations, staying calm can help maintain accuracy. Take a deep breath and aim carefully rather than panicking and spraying. Keep practicing, and you'll see improvements over time. Good luck!
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