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Game gives me afk bans

its impossible to play the game i have recieved so many afk bans its unplayable, my game takes a bit more to load into a game and i recieve afk bans becuase of it. i play the entire match after too so im not sure what the game wants me to do?
3 Replies
VANGUARD Main8mo ago
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it. Use windows key + r than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have. Learn how to defragment: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/defragment-your-windows-10-pc-048aefac-7f1f-4632-d48a-9700c4ec702a
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
Geniux8mo ago
if you havent already, install valorant on an ssd
pepe8mo ago
I already have it on a ssd and it still loads too long

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