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All posts for C#
Calculation not working
WPF User control and updating binding
Bank code
Thoughts about authorization
Bank program help
Dotnet webapi test failing on GitHub Workflow
Designing a Scalable Booking .Net API β Best Practices & Input Needed
Generic static factories
Problems in Learning Backend
Using IDisposable in private field
VS Code (C# + C# Dev Kit) Failing to Load
Why is it still 2?
How to Structure an Angular + .NET 8 Microservices Project? (MVVM, MVC, Docker, Databases...)
adding constaint on the class object field
Properties referencing their class
How do i make a listbox show thumbnails when I import videos into it?
Is Merge Sort implementation wrong in Wikipedia?
Issue with Github Actions when using Node & Dotnet together
Number With Decimal Point
why does the audio stop playing even on a seprate thread
C# ASP.NET, Why do I have to press button twice to make it works
β How to copy an EXE from a NuGet package in SDK-style project with PackageReference?
Configure Swagger UI through docker?
Ocelot SignalR -> Cookies not sent to endpoint
Can anyone help me with C# ?
β Using git in rider
Unable to reset repeatCount variable to 0
Can I unpack some results from another IEnumerable into my iterator function?
mysql error
How should I structure my Angular, .NET 8 (Microservices), and SQL Server project?
.NET MAUI Android Dashcam App
Choosing the Best Database Approach for Our .NET & Angular Project
Hooking Ole32.dll Drag and Drop functionality in outlook
Logging unhandled/fatal exception in .net core 8
class constructor in c#
β My Discord multitool webhook thingy brokenπ
RectAnimation not smooth
Is 87 hour course overkill for beginner
Grpc.Tools generating camelCase classes
Study Plan | Any suggestions
Foreign text in my app
β MySQL Database Procedure Problem
Binding doesn't update for some reason
Solution for lots of flags
How to get a specific value from a method with multiple return values?
API request issue
Not getting the .txt output after running a process
IIncrementalGenerator and "Inheritance margin" feature hitting removed files
Calling SQLite query inside Inno Setup (update db on application uninstall)
Hot reload doesn't work correctly on .NET9
How do you kill off left padding/margin in DataGridView headers?
β readonly keyword vs const keyword and use-case
Purpose of User Identity Check
Beginner problem with Classes
β Purpose and use of nameof() keyword
Invoke explicitly implemented static interface method
Looking for a roadmap to become .net backend junior.
β using keyword as a directive
I need help deploying my ASP.NET + React.js project to IIS.
β [Authorize] Doesn't Recognize Default Authentication Scheme?
β Logically, is it possible to update the List only if there's a change in the list itself?
Code isnt working
β Do we need to explicitly set foreign keys in EF Core?
How to bypass certificate validation in .NET Core when using a WCF ClientBase object?
β Is there a way to use the whole array or list, instead of looping through it?
DLL references
β Why for some navigation properties, we use setters while for some we initialise a list
Web Dev Track
β FluentAvaloniaUI ComboBox
FromForm list of classes issue
β A dictionary that I made isn't working, but only in one method. It works fine elsewhere.
I am switching a project from edmx to ef core
WPF Layout (I suck still)
Tighter type constraint
Could someone please explain where these 3 integers come from in this problem? **NO SOLUTIONS PLS**
Help with ReportViewer
Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer. How to solve (Parameter 'bytes') error
How to run project
wierd menuitem issue: whole menu closes once deeper than 2 menuitems
β Responsive ScrollViewer AvaloniaUI
β Why in gods name does DateTime.Parse change the hours in this oneliner?
β Addition Tutor Program
good c# learning resources for game dev?
Workshop calculate not working
β JWT AUTH HELP. Postman Get Request Works. But when using the api in the frontend it doesnt
β Trying and learning WFO
β Image Postman
β AWS S3 with ASP.NET Core
β Onion Architecture Authorization doesn't work
Console.SetCursorPosition does not work properly on windows terminal.
β What is Repository pattern design and how to implement it
β Automated Testing Network Code
β Sourcetree reverse to a certain commit
β How do I make a presentation software
How to tell if a variable is a reference or value data type
β ? operator and property assigned to =null! meaning in EF core database context
Authorization with Identity
Is it possible to change Migrations folder path when updating database using UI tools for EF Core
Stuck in tutorial hell
https request which is a bool but it also isnt?
pLEASE recommend me a C# backend or software engineer roadmap
β Help with wpf binding issues
β Purpose of generating SQL Script in EF Core
Loading DLLs with same names
Google credentials.json & token.json in environment variables? Or in render? Or where?
β Should we include database name in connection string when creating new db using EF core ?
game manager
β Project not found when trying to add migration in rider
β Why the need to create a database using EF core and not do it manually using SQL
Immutable Service Options
Interface practices
integration testing my moqs are not working
project failed to load
β Error when targeting .net-android
Would this AsyncQueue have issues with multiple producers and a single consumer?
error on new WPF project
EFCore Multi-level relation
β Change dataGridRow:selected row
Blazor cross component state mutation
Where is selectionForeground in avalonia
β Github action fails, but running it locally via `act` succeeds
What parts of these should i put in functions?
β Using dotnet CLI with net5.0 on macos
EF Concurrency
β Solved! :D
β Database window in rider/visual studio
β Problem with binding (#AvaloniaUI)
Trying to enable/disable sprite of a different object
Ef core seed (data)
β using keyword for resource management in C#
Mapping to avoid data dublicating.(Just help with ideas)
β attack dosent deccreae defense and defending dosent end your turn
Object passed by reference unexpectedly
Issue with configuring Auth0 and the "Allowed Callback url"
StreamJsonRpc Question:
How to overwrite a file that is used by another process?
Calculate if jump is possible
Blazor windows forms server
What affects the speed of my code?
β debug
β Extreme Newbie - Can't Call Class Element Properly.
Struggling to setup Bindings dynamically for my UserControl (WPF TextBox)
β visual studio project c#
Image Manipulation (Cleaning QR Codes)
β Is there something like MemberwiseCopy rather than MemberwiseClone?
β App.config file and .env file
β How do I interpret profiler results?
β is there a difference between NET core and .NET and .NET framework ?
Setting up .net identity email sending
β [solved] efcore owned entity issue
β something abt system.uri idk
DataGridView Virtualization Implementation
InputScope Keyboard disposition
SQL Server Management
Best Practices for Configuration Management software development (WPF C#)
sum of the even numbers in the fibonacci sequence
β Looking for technical advice for monitoring & alerting system architecture
API versioning and redirection to latest
β convert synchronous code to async?
β Did MS push an update that is causing network issues?
β File Searcher in Avalonia
β ADO.Net Vs Entity Framework Core for database connectivity
Othello Reversi game
Optimize graph generation for 2D grid
Umbraco: Blocklist inside Blocklist
TraceEventSession and listen for file access
β Resource to learn how to connect SQL Server to C#
β I need help for visual studio c# forms
β Azure Timer function logging ApplicationInsights Category value
β Why is it common practice to reroute users to login after registering?
WPF Custom TextBox How do I get Text into it?
β C# code that uses FileSearcher running in Bottles
β VS Code C# Highlighting?
β custom font
β WSFED authentication and '.AspNetCore.Correlation.A...' cookie not found.
β Opening a Json file
BsonDocument exceeds the JsonSerializerOptions.MaxDepth setting
β How to notify clients when an db update occurs
β Clarification on VSA
β How To - Disable Intellisense auto-complete on spacebar
Web api
β switching from .net framework to 2.0 standard Library, dependencies problem?
β Object is null after initializing
β solution explorer
I am implementing role-based authentication using ASP.NET Identity. I have issue with assign roles
β How call stacks work in recursive calls
Utilizing List boxes in group box
casting required for nullable even after checking for null
β Can we find min and max values of any given array directly? (use of any built-in methods?)
difference between `struct` and `ref struct`
PasswordBox how to pass data to viewModel
sql server is not deployed due to MSBuild issue
[Open-Ended] Tell me about your workflow & setup.
code only activating for a split moment
Trying to access method from other script
if statement always returns true
Auth Controller Structure & Error Handling
Help with writing a command queueing system for a serial device
β Need Advice: Choosing the Right .NET Version for Our Project
β StringBuilder in C#
Left join 2 or more tables with 1-n relationship
How to get the direct function pointer of virtual struct method?
FileSystemWatcher Service
β update.exe
OpenAPI generating nullable type. Additionally Dictionary value set as "any"
Maze game in console using 2D array
β Separating WinForms & Backend
Tag helper not working properly
Console Game scenes equivalent
Where does the "Version" value come from in a dll's properties in Visual Studio?
Where are Build variables stored with .net Visual Studio Project Properties?
I just want to wrap my head around dotnet
Need an extension method to generate a random decimal within a range
Id points to always null
β Code improvement
Can I / should I enumerate over an IGrouping more than once?
API Swagger URL is not loading at all through .NET aspire 9.0
Durable Functions Not Handling Exceptions Properly in Isolated Model
Advice for tutoring someone
[RESOLVEDβ ] StackPanel and CornerRadius of Border that contained it
β visual studio code can't recover design
How to structure api versioning and how to handle database migrations
β my visual studio dont find "Microsoft.NET.Sdk"
blazor web app using C#
Get associated RateLimiter for the current HttpContext instance
Disable cookies on HttpClient that is also using StandardResilienceHandler
How can you tell if an object supports using?
Assignment Problem
Generics, Constraints and a simple question
Generics w/ EF Core
Named Pipe IPC: Protocols & Status Codes
Correct file structure in VSA web API project.
β out vs ref keyword usage
SQLite weird state managing / caching
Azure Data API Builder - Partial Match
β VSCode being a bitch
How i can make title bar transparent and be inside of my form
Mapperly Help how to map child CreateDto's?
Game development help
Data structure in C# - Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
Quiz outputting wrong code
β Enums as strings on AspNetCore controller .NET 9
is there anyone who can help me to setup prometheus inside the k8s cluster
Formatting .CSS files in a blazor project
β Can I rearrange dll files?
XAML property issues
How to learn MAUI ?
Run ASP.NET Core app in Test Container
β Ajuda a um jogo de xadrez (Help with a game of chess) C# Windows Forms Visual studio
DataTemplate tag in Xaml
How can I reference multiple generics in summary?
β LINQ help: IQueryable<Entity> -> Dictionary<string, Entity[]>
Dynamic header in _Layout
Securing a plugin system:
β 2 Databases Identity.ef + my CustomDb FK INSERT issue
Parameterless constructor in struct
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the log
BL Mapping help
WPF Window Navigation
β CSS styles not loading on "Local" environment, only "Development"
Can I initialize and instance of an object in an array with its index in the array?
I don't understand this warning: BL Mapping (Mapperly)
β Non-nullable property netstandard2.0
Binding a class to a button
β Input boxes not working
β Help
β VS bug?
β Connect WebApp to API ??
`readonly` struct, `in` modifier and defensive copies
refactor database to stop using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as PK
Calculation not displaying
Null reference exception
Need help with a CS1061 Error that is making no sense
Depndency injected IConfiguration returning null.
Programming a fruit stand in visual studio
The edit method does not edit the pre-existing data but it creates a new data entry with NULL
migration problem
β Design page is messed up
How to read stack trace errors
DI and Views
ILogger question.
FileNotFoundException When Reading SmartCard ID
Invoking NodeJS from C#
Purpose and use of nested classes in C#
What is an Enumerator, Iterator, IEnumerable and IEnumerator and relation with yield return keyword
weird memory consumption vs machine spec
How do I "pre-load" a view model
Who is good at MVC + API?? PLEASE contact me, I have so many questions while making this website :')
β Discord paste line tool for C#
CA1860: Avoid using 'Enumerable.Any()' extension method
How do I implement a Camera Class in C# Forms?
β How do I abort a long running API request manually?
β Will I fall into a gotcha with this constructor?
Simple Bank program, DataGridView issue
β Running Python Program from WPF
Help me with C++ / C#
Creating a delegate that accept a ref from a struct method
InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type
ASP.NET Identity, get User ID on POST Request
How to properly set up view in MVC pattern?
EF Core Database Update fails - sp_releaseapplock
Smard card OpenId
'Entity' base class with 'DomainEvents'
β meaning on dependency injection in C#
Conditional ItemGroup in .csproj (SDK style)
Cant add ConfigurationBuilder stuff to Dependency Injection
JwtBearer Invalid Token
relationship navigations entity framework
Using Microsoft.XmlSerializer.Generator issues
Debugger in rider showing variable name not in current cs script
Is my CAPTCHA Img generation good enough for AI bots and OCR to not read it
Feedback on small code exercises
Machine Learning .NET
Preventing ddos attacks in the game
β Interfaces in C#
Ef core rogue key autogeneration
β Anonymous and lambda function in C#
Keyboard shortcuts always resetting after restart
β Enums in C#
β Delegates in C#
Entity Framework Core updating tables in navigation fields
Fast regex that takes in a span instead of a string
β IIS and Katana confusion
How to pool SQLite connections
Question about Dependency Injection:
Issues with ASP.NET Core Unobtrusive Validation on Dynamically Added Form Elements
β Passing back to the main thread
β Deep copy struct
β Nested classes in C# with parent being a generic class
Enumerable.OrderBy help
Publishing to microsoft store
Converting Legacy App to .Net 8
β Created a ASP.Net Core MVC project first time, build takes too long
β Can't see code changes when app is running (vs code)
Duplicate objects in a DB Query
Storing and displaying images
Problem storing iText7 pdf in a memoryStream
Using pipes to return text input from python file to WPF
Inject User and Claims to DbContext using Factory
Parameter count mismatch error when trying to change what is being displayed in a Blazor application
β How to get better at writing EF Queries?
ASP.NET + ReactTS project, how to debug with Firefox in VS?
CopyToOutputDirectory is not including directories
β Overlaying a Semi-Transparent Panel on an Animated GIF in C# WinForms
β Difference between property, method and fields.
β What is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file? Why is it useful?
BL - UserManager custom role
Parsing data from several sources into a common format.
How to automate translating an English XAF application to Hungarian (or any language)?
Problem with binding
β Newtonsoft JSON - file not found
Exception Handling in C#
Immediately delete image file after it being closed
β How can I check if an array need to be resize when adding an element
Creates new object instead of updating it
Reccomended approach for sending messages from ASP.NET backend server to TypeScript web front-end?
β Can custom attributes use interfaces somehow ?
Problem with azure and winforms
β NullReferenceException when declaring an array but not initializing it
N1301 error : unable to find source
How to configure services in my cli application:
β Data Binding System.Numeric.Vector3?
β For loops, while loops, and TryParses
β Why some people donβt like Automapper?
β Matrix multiplication in C#
Xml generic type deserialisation based on attribute
Issue sending parent Id through recursive function
β How to avoid creating same CRUD Commands/Queries for different entities | MediatR, ASP.NET
β NopEcommerce
β Need Help making a PC Windows Cleaner(Lots of errors pls help lol) Link to resptiory below pls dm
SQL Server Table Import Issue
Populate `EnvelopeRecipientCollection` on `Recipients` Property of a `MailItem` in Transport Agent
othello game
What is meant by "Generic" and where do we use them and why are they important
β Groups & Clients in SignalR not taking requests.
β Build NET9 from source
NuGet Private Assets not allowing access as dependency
β Help with running github program (for dark souls)
just got visual c# step by step by john sharp 2022 release, anyone else?
Manually Showing MainWindow.xaml In App.xaml.cs (Dependency Injection)
extending noughts and crosses into N dimensions
β NullPointException in the Update/Post method, but not in the Get Method
How do i restyle the scrollbar, avalonia ui
fail to achieve bounce using return, update not running function
i need help creating mod
β Could someone draw a big red circle around Build Dependencies or send a link to a video on it?
β Separate local function with explicit 'return' statement
β Can someone explain how this ternary expression works
Roslyn String Allocation
Optimistic concurrency failure, object has been modified
β Public class in C#
CRUD webapp Form is accepting empty responses after applying validations
this is a script i copied from a tutorial, for some reason it doesnt work the way in the tutorial.
β Method declaration, outside Main Vs inside main
β Process API: Memory Leaks in Windows (?)
IoC and messy factory methods
Accessing the value contained within a record struct
β Leaderboard Sorting
Arrays of floats in stack
Configuring a spectre cli app:
Restoring default window effects
Sound problems
Why can I not see .NET SDKs'?
β SignalR
β Can't Deploy .NET Aspire application using azd in Azure DevOps Pipeline
β Visual studio dont see new changes
β World generation optimization
Resources for learning IIS and how it interacts with a .NET project?
how do i generate WCF connected services on build/restore?
nswag openapi add a global return type for a specific response code
Binding case-insensitive query parameter to string enum in .NET 9 Minimal API
ref keyword in C#
β Can I using AOT Library into WPF project?
Code Cleaness
WPF UI Template
Access files in a docker image
Prevent Visual Studio from adding NotImplementedException when generating method
Sql Management Import & Export assistant is *horrible*
β How the "out" keyword works internally
β Maui HelloWorld App
Basics (How does an enterprise do it?) DAL Entity mapper
Linux wc vs. C# Character Count: BOM Causes Off-by-One Error
β Wpf app wonβt load when published
Get information about DI container:
Choosing a Blazor stack
Circular Reference Error
ASP.Net suppress error logging
Ollama 404 http denial
CS0120 Error Code help
Deference and Reference in C#
β ! vs != and not operators in C#
β Svg to png conversion
β Solution Explorer Organization
β Firebase and Blazor assistance
nswag (OpenApi) typescript get error type
ResX localisation issue (android, avalonia)
Is it appropriate to compare programming languages while learning a new one?
Performance loss on using united id?
Expression vs Statement vs Expression statement in programming
β trying to install a dependency but I can't get it too work(completed)
β Declaring and initializing multiple values in a single line in C#
β User SendMessage or PostMessage on a unitplayer dll exe game
How to change AccentColor in WPF .NET 9 with Fluent Theme
β c# error to import using
ImageSharp slow asf for some reason
Small issue about Visual Studio graying out things
Restrict loaded assemblies:
Enabling debug/trace logging only for certain parts of code as needed?
Entity Framework Tracking not making changes to db
β Issues with wpf binding
β How does server fetch information from the correct user?
Transitive compile assets in nuget
Flyout Disappears on Window Resize: What Could Be Wrong?
How to Correctly Reference a Method in App.xaml.cs
Cannot access a disposed context instance.
I need help, I don't know what to do.
Need Help with a Minimal API
β Proper way of using EF DbContext in a BackgroundService
Project which programatically calls MSBuild does not properly configure NuGetSdkResolver path
β async/await and parallelism
β How do you log and trace requests in big production applications?
β System.Threading.Channels - Consumer is blocking the main thread where the producer is
How do I write integration tests
β Looking for a Windows Desktop Software Developer
β need coders
I can't afford to sign my app
`dotnet tool` not installing tool from private Azure DevOps artifacts repo?
β Error handling in C#
OOP - Properties and Fields
How Todo Email in C# Web API
Resource to practice C#
Inline if statement best practices in C#
β Issues with canvas
Cryptography (easy) challenge
Help with defintions in my code (CS1061 AND CS0103)
Threading issues, settter with ObservableCollection and ListCollectionView
Seeding DB for Integration Test
β Recurring Access to Socket Forbidden by Access Permissions
β Ways to Add Language Support (WPF)
Working on a car booking system, but the booking calendar isn't functioning properly
Appsettings not mapping to Options class
β Correct approach and used in real life OLTP -> OLAP ETLCode first approach!
β Nuget Package Manager does not seem to be updating (How to Troubleshoot?)
β CSharp IDE instead of visual studio?
β Identity Help
Cannot implicitly convert int to string
β API can't serialize guid in an object from HttpClient request
I need to consult about this code!
β inaccessible due to its protection level error when the const i'm reaching is public
compile-time `IntrPtr` size for union-like structs with `FieldOffset`
β Issues with window resizing
β Request error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
β When should/shouldn't I split off code into a separate lib project?
β Structuring Unit Tests
Swagger CLI when build multi-platform
Need urgent help with winforms c# .net
β Error when loading due to norton antivirus
Realistic AR Hair Filters
Switch statements
MVC vs Razor Pages
β What is a "solution" in C#? How does it differ from a "project" ?
Compare Strings better way.
MassTransit + EventHub with own message format
WPF Snake Game problem
β I cant see the map
β executing
β Mocking DB operations
β how do i read a global variable
β Please help teach me C sharp
β Listbox issue
β Where a can learnSqlCommand Class
Guys where do you recommend sources for learning?
β Pages
β Othello game
β can anyone help me with doker for my api
β UNIQUE constraint failed
WPF DataGrid on CustomControl
Updating/Deleting owned properties with EF Core and AutoMapper
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
when to use var keyword and when to use data type itself
β How to move an NPC locally only
β Taking user input using Console.ReadLine()
Defining a protected method with a single call. Failing verification and I can't figure out why
β Run the program as administrator without unnecessary windows
Seeking Advice ( m new to dev )
Casting and Convert method in C#
β Error when uploading package to microsoft store
why is my code weird??
Implementing OpenIddict in Blazor Hybrid
DI Service Usage in Quartz.NET registration
Help Integrating email service in .NET
Maui.Graphics, using a razor file instead of a .xaml.cs file
Add NuGet package to shared library not possible (Rider)
User ID on Client Side or Not?
Dockerizing dotnet
Copy paste detector
β uploading to microsoft store
Windows Forms
edited data/user input not saved in db
{} vs [] when initializing an array in C#
Database in C#
Properties vs Fields in C#
LINQ in C#
Read file from wwwroot in Blazor web app
Why when I add a file it doesn't appear?
Othello game
Visual Studio integration with Docker Compose not functioning as expected.
Task.Run() in .net framework
Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'int'
C# Dev Kit Extension Syntax Highlighting and Autocomplete Not Working After Updating to .NET 9
β Serialized enum starts with uppercase / camel case is ignored
What is a namespace in C# and why is it important
how to set HttpClientHandler when registering typed HttpClient?
β Ignore case sensitive string in array.
Regex to match on full number only
Convert List to index to be used in an array
How to update mysql server data?
Newtonsoft Json not deserializing with some property/constructor names
β Operators in C#
Where to handle mapping between DTOs and Entity objects?
Othello WPF game
Learn help
β Implementing delete repository method & controller | Web Api
β status code 200 (from disk cache) instead of 301
WPF button animation
EFCore SQL translate
β WPF button animation
β Storing information
Migration error
C# access database
Data types in C#
Error when trying to publish the WebApp to Azure
β Good practice question | Web Api
Help with optimisation
Char help
Help me build a Godot project I cloned from GitHub? (NU1008)
β Kubernetes Secret-provider to env variables
Trying to understand the basics of C# and .NET
SQL Query Filter by date range
Having some crazy errors, First time with C# Trying to mess with unity
β Try catch exception.
In EF Core, how do I insert new data to an existing DB with a Migration?
Can someone help fix CS1061?
VB.NET what does it mean? Is it related to .NET ?
How to add razor pages to razor class library and reference from Blazor server project?
β need help with class
Web API Debugging in Microsoft Edge Not Working
Seeing error MC3074: The tag does not exist in XML namespace when building my project
Missing launch.json file.
Resolve `dotnet` executable path programmatically
Publish Profile Error
Help with C# student task
Need advice on my code
β Need help with a function
Explorer hangs when opening EXE file
β List
i broke my c sharp win form by re pasting whole code then broke so tried to go back now its saying e
avalonia vs react native and other "electrons"
Bad Bitmap quality
Designer view not working
Taskbar Color
"Correct" way of setting up DB for Aspire.NET MicroServices following CA
othello game
map generation
Long string of errors
Using File.ReadAllText in a Dependency Injected Project
Can't Update DB after following Data Access Documentation
ticks must be between datetime.minvalue.ticks and datetime.maxvalue.ticks
MongoDB.Driver.Linq.ExpressionNotSupportedException: ' Expression not supported: i.ToClaim()
EventLogAppender and log4net
β Hosting MVC project on LINUX VPS using github actions
Business Logic Problem
Iis express is unable to load a native dll
Determining Feed Ownership for Edit/Delete Functionality in a client application
Hey guys could you please help me with my test, i need to fix the code it has logic errors
Trying to add Blazor Server to an `Area` in an existing Razor Pages app
Reuse handlers with MediatR?
Code review and guidance
Othello game invalid move
Roslyn not finding a referenced package
Overriding appsettings.json section with environment variable
Sorthing house numbers of type string
WinUI3 ListViewItems only updating when hovering over them
β Best approach for auth | ASP NET Web Api
Postman Scripts to Compare Responses
Alarm services in c#,
Declaring methods with `in` parameters
im not getting any response on these endpoints
How to fix VSCode Error/Warning for valid code
Can I use merge conflict resolution buttons in VS?
Othello game
Which package used to localize in .net app
Worker service recommended folder structure / namespaces
Data Retrieval in a SignalR Hub/Service?
Reccomendations for starter/intermediate c# projects
How to use font feature settings with FormattedText and DrawingContext in WPF
App requires admin to start else shows error
TransperancyKey and Contrast Issue
Best way to have a multi-window console app
β Overriding IConfigurationManager.GetSection for integration tests in .NET 8 Minimal API
β Can't get HTTPS to work for my api deployment.
Static class or regular class with interface?
I got a Mvc and an a API project i want to use [Authorize] attribute in mvc is it possible?
Properties vs constructor:
can anybody tell me why people switch from platform like discord to other for developers or User ??
Seeking Advice on Simplifying a Class with Multiple Operations on Data Pairs
Aspire project won't run if `applicationUrl` given in `launchSettings.json`
Bottlenecks in a SignalR Implementation for Managing Room Data?
A line of C# code is not working with no error
CoreUI Integration problems
β My MAUI android app keeps hitting a breakpoint. but only in debug mode.
β How to use the Visual Studio memory diagnostic
Material for learning how to build JWT/OAuth ASP.NET Web API
Why is my EFCore code saturating my Postgres database connection pool?
Inline if conditionals in dotnet new template
Unable to find symbol file
β Full Stack Developer (Backend-Focused | C#, ASP.NET Core, Azure)
Transferring a project from GDS to NET and compiling
Weird bug
C# fiddle space in Visual Studio
What's the right UI framework pattern?
Project suggestion for XP
QuestPDF measuring text
Need help with Rolsyn analyzer with referencing assembly in tests.
β Does anybody know why all the dll files i make in visual studio 2022 are all 47 KB?
β Getting method parameters with reflection on library code
β Can someone help me get a custom font into visual studio code because i really don't know how to.
Please can somebody help me with this .txt file?
β anyone up to help me with my .net c# assignment. I need urgent help or ima fail :(
β rounded tab on tabcontrol
Othello game error
Colourless code?
Is it possible to remove a many-to-many relationship without using `Include` in EF Core?
most simple form (impossible)
Trying to get Identity to work
New library
Configuration of Testcontainer, WebApplicationFactory and ConfigurationSource in ASP.NET Core.
C# api response infinitly loading and stops debuging with working api and blazor
The app does not allow edits to the pre-existing card view contents
How does Generic<T>.Clear work
College project
Resolving Entity Framework Core Tracking Issues with Shared Relationships in .NET MAUI and SQLite
How to build project to x86_64 format in visual studio?
Compilation issue with source generator
Mutable-by-copy pattern?
EasyHook issue
β Apparently the file thats right there does not exist???
Loading XML results in list longer than XML
how to add inheritance between two c# files?
Azure SWA Github Action failure
Crashes on events trying to read data across threads
Which HTML Viewer would you recommend for WPF .NET 6+ platform?
β help me for uni project
Executing explorer.exe into virtualdesktop
Using Visual Studio Microsoft Forms .NET Framework C#
Include File into Blazor Emscripten VFS
Resource to learn C#
Named Pipes Connection
Small Lists issue
small issue
Having issues with the [serializeField] thing
PersistedAssemblyBuilder to generate executable
what type of pattern would u use?
Make WPF clicks go to the window below.
Uri.TryCreate failing when input is from Chinese localized text
Trying to understand proper error handling
Can you map a project as an external reference to a project in .NET Aspire?
β Padding option does not work in winforms
β how to make a borderless winforms moveable?
.NET Core OnModelCreating gives me error
β Base64
β ABP.IO framework, can't open the swagger
β VS Designer load issue
β Web project used to work, now msbuild failing but nothing has changed in the source
β jwt token
β C# Issue with animation
Othello game
Is there a way to make this a shorter phrase.
β Smpt | email sending
Surprising performance problem under debugger
β Redis | Weird Issue
β how should I deal with common/similar data types between the backend and front?
Spline Mesh
return Object<byte> after checking typeof(T) == typeof(byte)
How to publish/deploy a project which has dependencies on a private MyGet feed
unit testing problem with ICache
Cannot open project
Help with visual studio terminal
Source Generator IDE interaction
Needing help with a mod code (Among Us)
Does blazor webassembly not contain a "backend" server?
β problem with gpt chat
β How to make the compile treat a specific struct as a vector?
β AWS Elasticache - Local Redis
Entity framework
Does anyone have advice on dealing with Blazor not being reactive out of the box?
best approach to handle a nested Scrolling views
β Why does the form look different than it did in the design editor?
β Troubles with looping
β Video Recording with .NET MAUI ISSUE!
fixing bug in register user in my mvc project
Serialize HashSet into a binary file
Player death script(fixed)
β c# websocket i want to disable utf8 validation on `WebSocketMessageType.Text`
What are they trying to say here?
No installed .NET SDK was found on the computer.
Record equality override only for base members
Has anyone used a semantic kernel?
How do I run WebView2 using MVVM?
Desktop icons
High performances way to access members?
Need help with the deployment of my asp.NET core api
Why event is not triggered correctly?
I need documentation for c# after the basics topics asp is a good idea?
why am i missing Syntax?
vscode .net framework 4.8; debug clr without dotnet exe
Cast value's in object[] to type based on result from method.GetParameters
LINQ: Duplicate key after GroupBy
Is is possible to use variable in generic >> EventCallback.Factory.Create<VarType>()
Unable to create an object of type 'JsonContext'
HoverHighlight Issue (Unity)
adding music on forms app
ContentDialog Window using WinUI 3
Downloading large file
Aspire YARP custom domain instead of localhost
im making a project on windowsforms for my final project and when i start it on the second form
β How to talk to Web API hosted on RPI?
Can .NET controllers accept binary data? Should they?
What are your thoughts on my application flow? Diagrams attached
β Start process in dir - solved
Deleting an entity with a many-to-many relationship throws an ArgumentNullException
I cant figure out how to add a subprocess to my app
Find index of Find variable
How to create a "component" in MVC?
XML deserialization with AOT
Error handling through SQL or C#.
β System.InvalidOperationException: No database provide has been configured for this DbContext
β Disposing dbContext with dependency injection
[VS22] Brackets auto format
Issue referencing a library within a cloned GitHub project
How can I check if an index of a 2d array is out of bounds?
Hosting an API
How terrible is this Result implementation?
Blazor css not applied
Controlling state changes from the root object
Why is the struct allowed but the class isn't?
Window title bar causes layout issues
Database In ASP.Net Core
Fresher Interview
Controller methods that rely on JWT authentication using another service
β Need help with folders in VSCode
Trouble Setting up double controllers in a single MVC .net project, API controllers and MVC controll
β very simple fix, im just not smart enough.
Noob C# enjoyer building a project from other people
help to put music on the app
Where i should use async await?
Edit view directs to 404 not found
β Help to display a label on top of a picture box
.Net Maui Prebuild executes multiple times
Proper way to deploy application?
β Looking for help using XMLRPC with a dotnet core WebAPI Project.
Why lambda is faster than other approaches?
created a basic C# .NET WinForms app to clean system files like temp, prefetch, and cache.
wpf elements with a vertical alignment of top aren't exactly at the top and have a weird gap.
Custom JsonConverter to apply to interface or abstract class, anyone ?
i am beginer, where do i find what is inside the method for example File.ReadAllLines
Optimizing Large i18n Loading in Blazor
How to stop audio from overlapping
Dynamic client certificates without socket exhaustion
whats the problem?
My constructor sets the attribute, so why is EFcore complaining?
Source generator unable to resolve external type
Looking for a better way to cancel on keypress from the console
OpenAPI Documents Empty
MSBuild Condition for Design-Time and Compile-Time
Can't assign private variable (Unity)
Sending a file through Sockets C# TCP missing chunks
Contains returning False despite same hashcode and Equals returning true
XAML UI Preview on Visual Studio
GC Troubles
Include directory only in DEBUG.
Puzzled about Nullability in EFCore
Best way to delete all related things to a domain model
405 Method not allowed
Easy way to capture specific window
Why using is used here
First Windows Forms App
EF Core Many to Many relationship through Entity
Trouble with @onclick events in Blazor Server
I can't find an ASP.NET Core Template
How to Filter Firebase Real-Time Data for the Logged-In User in a Maui Application?
Azure Static Web App (Blazor) problem with CORS
Multi-Select dropdown in wpf?
EFCore is incapable of connecting to DB despite everything else being able to
C# help
Mock UserManager in unit tests (Student)
Hosting Blazor Server
TCP Help again...
How to Improve Long API Call Response Times?
Docker-compose volume storing image
Direction of an object relative to player facing direction
Issues loading DLL
ASP.NET Versioning, Folders or Solutions
Jwt authorization returning 401 every time
Can't run monogame project on arch linux
What is the best way to edit a form loaded from Assembly?
β Downloading file with HttpClient does not work
Unidentifiable Crash with ASP.NET
BitBlt Not returning image
EF Core not creating migrations
From WPF to Avalonia
SemaphoreSlim wait without creating a critical section
Identity Server 4 403 Error
my shared projects are not found. how do I fix?
About .Net Aspire WithExternalHttpEndpoints()
Which Architecture to Choose?
Microsoft Authentication in an iframe
Entity Framework Core: How to build without Package Manager Commands?
I need a silent updater for my project Console app .Net Framework
Ending of curly braces results in an error?
browser based client
Advice for learning C# (Beginner - New to C# not programming)
MAUI: scrollviewer's child focused.
Unable to Install SQL Server
β C# TCP connections Help
Race condition with Interlocked.Exchange
Openapi to have XML documentation of the properties and endpoints.
β Disposable class level property
FolderBrowserDialog on .net core
Selenium - change trigerring
Which .NET UI platform to use?
Recommended flow for writing + deploying a basic Microservice Application (with DB)?
Variable is 0
App returning "Bad Request" before Controller method is called or ServiceFilter is triggered.
hello everyone im trying to make a 2d topdown game in unity and the script i wrote isn't working
incorrect even if its the same data from the database
Logical flaw in code
Multi-rid restore/build
Is it possible to create a file outside the project folder?
How to authenticate a chrome extension using blazor server
Pagination or no pagination
β Testing an abstract class
I need to open the new mail window from the new outlook and send an email from there.
Can't authenticate via NTLM from Linux Kestrel hosted ASP.NET API to IIS hosted ASP.NET API
vscode c# debugging not working
do lambda params support any form of deconstruction syntax?
What is the proper way of keeping the state of vm when closing and returning back to the Maui app?
Can't access method from one class in another even though it's set to public
My Visual Studio code keeps making this error
Architectural advice needed
Displaying multiple consoles - .NET
IdentityServer4, oauth and re-logging in
How to implement routing with slug variable
β EF PendingModelChanges Issue
.net identity & new table
Audit Trails
I need help with SharePoint CSOM and Managed Metadata columns please
Need Advice
VS code play button is goofy
How to work with Stylus Input on Windows
Collection was modified. Enumeration operation may not execute.
Learning how to use ASP.NET and Angular
Calling a method in a class running on a separate thread from the main thread
Get values from appsettings in .NET Core
Need help with text files
Verbosity to the point of unusability in generic graph class
records, with expression, required property
ScrollViewer and resizing Canvas problem, please help!!
Adding middleware
Anyone use Neovim and has it working for dotnet?
Update MAUI to net9.0 issue
EF 9
How to implement RateLimiting in a dotnet application that is built using .net461 framework version?
Any way at all to make a button click action in multiple tabs at the same time in selenium?
Error CS1061 PropertyStore does not contain a definition for Settings
1 Error idk how fixe it
Issue with xUnit and Integration Test
Creating a level class that holds all the data for the game, should the data be private?
Benchmarking code
Most optimized download system
β "{0:C}" doesn't return the '$' symbol as it used to.
Unable to properly launch Web API using Docker (Compose)
Loop Optimization
Problem with generating classes on Runtime and with Docker
Visual Studio on Mac
Iterate through Enums
Docker and .NET migrations
how do i add the "remove task" thing? + git/CounterStrike2GSI
How to add spritefont to Monogame
Mono vm not allowing me to call the constructor on a class that inherits from another class
β "Build failed. Fix the compilation errors and try again."
β Compiler limitation or is this logic wrong?
IEnumerable, changes to contained class not applied
I'm writing a code analyzer/fixer
Task cancellation in UDPClient.RecieveAsync not triggering
Upscaling and rotating texture
Aspire .net + Flutter
Decimal in clamped TextBox
What is the better way to identify who is the exact culprit in this exception?
β what is this error and how to fix it
Conflicting File Paths when trying to Read in a JSON file
PayPal payment implementation in .NET MAUI android app
β TCP P2P Data transfer in C# .net framework, ms forms
Is it possible to use pattern matching here?
Missing dll on Azure App Service deployment
Catching an error in a batch transaction
[Net 8] [CoreWCF] emulate HostingEnvironment isHosted
Null reffrence from Json file(monogame)
What is this
I am a total beginner to C# and OOP, I created a project...
publushing .net project to iis
Client/Server communication with Named Pipes
Issues when attempting to use.Net 8 to connect to an Access database
Data retrieval EF-core
MVC project. Can't get my create Book to work.
NFC reader for passports
Multi Tenant architecture with Docker .NET 8
Idiomatic C# Data Objects with Immutable Collections?
Need help asap, unassigned reference acception
Making a map for restaurant
my button disappeared idk where it went although the name still exist
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
How can I make FluentValidation return errors in camel case??
Proper usage of EF Core in teams?
WCF Hosting to IIS
Redis Timeout
SQL gives Missing operator error
Azure Managed Identity
β How would you store dynamic forms?
Keybinds on Rider
adding a double and a float
error (easy)
Logging from disconnected Business logic
β idk why when the form is maximize, it stays as the same size.
β Serializing/Deserializing a Dictionary with a struct key not working
ZkTeco sdk
I am trying to make a desktop icon , to change copy paste keys and alt key to open clipboard
β Route Doesn't Trigger When Called Externally
SQL: Trying to obtain all rows that have a primary key inside a inputted table
not able to display image in monogame
WPF - Custom Control Help
user input, completes given function
β Ef-core query efficiency?
β List.Sort()?
Sloppy Constructors
Recommendations for deploying to and managing Raspberry Pi machines?
How do i start?
How to make sure a background service is never stopped by any user, not even local admin?
Using resourceTypedParamsAndOutputs in bicep
Source code generation not working with partial record, only with partial class
How To Properly Catch An SMTPException & IOException
Help to Resolve Timeout Issue While Updating 20,000 Records Using SQL Server and Entity Framework
Spatial Display and asynchronous updates for desktop Gui app
I made a new project with "dotnet new" and VS Code already doesn't understand the project structure.
β Having issue with CS7036 (No argument given that corresponds to the required parameter)
Problem updating Employee object
Edit function does not work
Should you make an interface for a specific Service Class which is more niche.
(Solved) IHttpClientFactory problem with requests
NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles() when broadcasting mobile hotspot in Windows 11
Razor Pages Authentication issues
A Bug I Encountered
Timer problem
Upgrading to Net 9 Blazor component CSS stops working
Can someone Help me understand why my Mana code is not working?
Trying to detect when a checkbox is ticked/unticked in a datagridview checkbox column (WinForms)
Did I implement State Machine Pattern correctly?
Y it doubles on adding?
β SkiaSharp apply gradient on the whole canvas except to one color
β always gets the invalid data received
Search object Inner list for value
How to add a recource file from a .net forms project into a setup file.
help with python for excel
Looking for a mentor
radar graph
β Chances to get unpaid internship as a beginner
Custom Controls won't show in XAML Designer when referenced via .dll
large matrix multiplication
Can someone help me fix my code, it doesnt open usercoontrols form porperly
β Good courses for ASP.NET backend
Issue with Nested One-to-Many Relationships in SQLite-Net Extensions: LevelTwoModels Property Return
Blazor file unable to be accessed due to being used by another.
Error: dotnet restore Fails with NullReferenceException in .NET SDK 9.0.100 During Docker Build
β Unknown words in web
CSS wont apply to the code
After changing the void Start() method to be triggered by a button, the functionality logic started
ASP.NET Web App (MVC) Authorize doesnt work
BlazoOnAfterRenderAsync not working
β installing a NuGet package to an existing .NET project
β Setup SendGrid to send emails, but not getting them
β Syntax sugar for coroutines
Security regarding JWT .NET 8
β How can I take 2 existing repos (client and backend) and combine them?
Giving a LeastBoxItem in XAML rounded Edges
CommunityToolkit.MVVM ObservableProperty and JsonIgnore
Getting audio input/output with comport as Input
How would you abstract these two functions together most cleanly?
Best tutorials or books to learn C#?
How to stop git from tracking all a folder(.vscode) and everything inside it.
Inequalities Function
WPF - DataGridCheckBoxColumn Issues
Dink2PDF Azure deployment.
β EF Core doesn't stop tracking list items.
Time conversion issue?
SerialPort ParityReplace on Linux
Changing the visibility/animations of UI elements
β I can't understand
Facing Operating System error 3 while adding .mdf file in App_Data
Help with test results
Getting Id to update with the index of my list
Help with a regex
β How much validation should be performed against the CQRS command itself vs in the handler?
Error SQL in appsettings.json string
Avalonia app with WASM-based UI-plugins; looking to bounce some ideas around
Aggregate debug info of vscode debugger hover into another server
Json string to a class object but not {get; set; } !
Repository-Service-Model pattern
Looking for resources regarding login flows and UI states
C# Coding Challenges - Problem Solving Challenges
Hello, guys!
Want to know how Email verification works.
Windows/AD authentication between Angular SPA and .NET API
Do C# dev kit extension requires internet connection to work?
State of Analyzers? StyleCop and/or ...?
[WPF] Svg changing fill during runtime.
best libraries for a journalling app (windows only)
Hi guys i have a problem with my c# - python code!
Vost-api not giving accurate results
How to setup snippets in visual studio?
GetFromJsonAsync and nested objects using FluentResults
Manage small university project
Scaffold item error
β Can f# also use the newest .NET 9?
How to open brace on new line by default for C# or any language in vs code?
Posting a list to a partial view in MVC
β JTI not being pulled from payload when I am trying to validate token
i keep getting this error when i try run c# in vs code
How to RAG by combining Semantic Kernel Memory and Semantic Kernel?
Image sources.
β doubts about migrations
How do I create my own file extension?
NU1902 NU1903 warnings
Troubleshooting xaml - initialize window
When 2 objects occupy the same cords , one kills the other , need help.
.NET 8.0, PostgreSql and left over Idle sessions
I need help implementing recursion in a general way
do defined route added to the the routes table when the app.Run() executed or before?
Json TypeInfoResolver GetCustomAttribute returning wrong result
Custom Logger
β Swashbuckle to other swagger UI
SqlConnection Connection Disposed
β cos(90) = 6.... ???
Value not being displayed on the page
xUnit and Dependency Injection
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
I have a list of students and their grades that I want to sort based on grades
Bidirectionnal A*, there is no junctions
asp attribute span not getting styled like plain span
Failing to recompile Unity.SourceGenerators as type "Enumerator" isn't a valid name or namespace.
Failed to install .NET9 on Raspberry PI
Manipulating Strings
Error: Method not defined in Interface.
Can you some help me make an opening gui
Activator.CreateInstance Help!
β Razor pages template gives me an immediate build error
How to set a custom color for the GridViewColumnHeader ?
Serializing Config Section
When should one use a custom delegate instead of Func/Action/Predicate?
Dependency Injection returning null value
What is best practice to pass model information between razor pages?
WPF Dependancy Properties
can anyone see if this c# script is right for gorilla tag
β Seeding question
Null check
HangMan App
My MAUI app breaks when I publish it, cannot run the project in the debugger anymore in VS.
working on trying my luck at joining my 1st dev team (wish me luck)
C# homework
Solution to remove previous migrations and use a new migration without dropping database.
Compiler warnings about unused variables
Why Are Strings in My ASP.NET 4.8 Web Application Converting to Random Chinese Characters?
What is this "Function" called???
Multiple Selection in WPF with MVVM architect
overriding methods
How can I get format warning on the console?
β EF Core Junction Tables with seperate columns (.net461, global.asax)
β override and virtual Core bin vs bin/debug
β need help with simple number validation function for a guess the number game
What are the actual downsides of using Aspire in prod, being aware it isn't supposed to be?
API call hangs on mobile (.NET MAUI)
Hello guys totally new to coding need some help
Asynchronous batch processing (queue) in C#
Application Insights Auto Instrumentation
Using stackalloc span in if statement
code explaination
.Net Aspire
Trying to log information about event being used
β i have 44 errors that I don't know how to fix
migrate to .NET 9
Class separation
In App Billing purchased fetching on mac os causes restore failed issue sometimes
Windows Forms drawing not saving
Declaring a struct as a constant
β How is JsonConverter(typeof(JsonStringEnumConverter<MyEnum>)) evaluated?
NuGetCommand@2 restore always picks some old .NET SDK version on custom agent
β Why ins't this EF Core query being evaluated client-side?
β how do i install c# on my pc?
β ASP.NET CORE Web Application
Issue with code execution
β Asp .NET Core production settings.json question.
β Visual Studio SSMS error An item with with the same key has already been added
CanExecuteChanged event
Setting wcf response element name
How to to dynamically provide T type of a generic method
β Binding Nested values in RequestBody to Model
job advice
csc.exe takes 140 Seconds to build one specific Project
β Changing ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT causes broken site.
Need advice on how to update my WPF app from .net6 to .net8 with minimal disruption to users
Open brace on new line for new Control Blocks not working
β Does .NET 8 compiled by .NET 9 sdk as production ready as .NET 8 compiled by .NET 8 sdk?
Publish A Project That Reference To Another Project To Output DLL To `libs` Dir
Get another writeline on second itteration
How I could automatically generate the index.cshtml file? I work with ASP.NET,EF and Telerik.
β .NET 8 enum to string serialization throws an exception
What is wrong with my C# Perlin noise generator?
chinese checkers Unity 2d
β How do Avro, ORC and Parquet work?
Rectangle Collision Detection in Monogame
Database adding letters to my output why?
Diagonal Inputs not reading at all
Nuget packages
Dynamically creating rows inside of document.createElement() isn't working with a template?
Micro-optimizing a Z80 emulators' pipeline. **Unsafe code**
does anyone know why my program cant find my cpu temps or my motherboard 12v rail readings
Displaying in App isn't working as intended.
ListView column help (How to autosize, align content and add column lines?)
Node process not being killed properly when WPF closes
β Local Post, 400 Bad Request. Can't figure out why?
β [Nuget] How to find the latest version of a package?
β What is the use of `LogLevel` type in C#?
β Does anyone know how to fix the error below
Trying to embed custom font in WinForms project
Trying to understand required members
I am getting every time new token I have set token expiration time for 1o minutes.
Dynamicly scaling objects to window size in Wpf
.exe wont run outside of Build Folder even when using Fody?
How to get a Type by string without specifying the assembly name, if it's among loaded asms
Generated assembly with xml file which contains all documentation
Problem with Pop3Client
Blazor WASM: Injecting a service
Blazor WASM + prerender - handling forms on client & server
β Path Resolution in .NET MVC Project
β Random error only when app is run on same server as database
How and what to Test
Specifying 4xx Details
updating a MySQL database from EF Core
NRT: How to correctly annotate my generic-class when inheriting from another generic class?
Looking for a logging solution
IDisposable ownership semantics
WPF: Binding selected item of ComboBox inside ItemsControl
Dev express label printing problem in Debian how can I fix it?
β How to stop Bootstrap CSS from overriding the layout.css of my Razor page?
β Winform with Blazor -> HotReload Slow
How Can I add Security Definition in Scalar
My MAUI App Cannot Be Deployed When Running Debugger?
Ignore strong names
β New to C#
β New to C# and need help! Guess the number game.
Aspire python app giving certificate errors when debugging
Possible to use a class as composite key in entity framework?
WPF local: when using Dependency Injection
Inject IDbContextFactory or DbContext directly?
β How does dependencies works ?
β Is it possible to access a Controller's URI at runtime?
β How to add newlines in ASP.NET Web Forms?
β MemoryStream question
mediatR 12.41 breaking change with IRequest
β How to learn data structures and algorithms?
β VerifyHashedPassword always returns a Failed result
How to Start with ASP.NET Web API
Wrong DataContext Inference?
Selecting and filtering from a list with full nullable safety & warnings as errors
Trying to Get Start with Entra ID and Blazor / .NET Core API
Date not getting in required format.
Threading and Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
Wpf binding failures
include project dependencies inside dll
Naming factories βclassβfactory always a good idea?
Rider completion sort criteria
what am i doing wrong
CommunityToolkit discussion: handling Receive async await
Hangfire recurring-jobs struck in queue
VSCode set dotnet sdk directory
Insert Method does not insert or save the user input as wanted
HTTPClient 'Host' header is not sent when 'DefaultRequestVersion' is set to 'Version(2, 0)'
Incorrect Position for syntax tree nod
.NET MAUI Android Licenses
Restoring packages takes way too long
how to delegate on static method
β Separate C# Dll
Database is not fetching data. Applied everything properly.
Calling static method of interface via it's type
Uncaught OperationCancelledException when shutting down IHostedService
β Difference between `string[]` and `IEnumerable<string>`
Task factory issue
Migration not reflecting Model correctly
I'm learning Blazor pages and i can not show images in my Crud
smart AI search application (research)
β can someone help me make an ai app that provides accurate csharp?
β I don't undertand the error: capacity was less than the current size
β Include Source Generator With Library
β Weird VSCode & WPF bug with C# Dev Kit
Insert into Access Database
β How to enable json mode for gpt-4o?
Possible race condition?
β Creating random & unique page id
need help with binary serialization
Flyout Styling (Avalonia)
Entity Framework Foreign Key restraint
Overlapping sounds with mediaplayer?
WPF System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource 'mainwindow.xaml'.
.NET 8 | Out of memory error in ActionBlock.Post (plenty of memory available)
β PdfPig
WinUI 3 controls project dll misses XAML resources
Avalonia Data Trigger
count positives and sum of negatives
β Get bytes and append to List c#
Save button does not save the inserted data
β How to specify camel case for all response properties with Newtonsoft
Refactoring Similar Network Requests
Making Concurrent API calls Asynchronously (Is this Correct?)
gRPC Reusing protos between projects
What is the quickest way to copy API structures (headers, payload, response) from browser inspector?
Pokemon Game SRP
WPF Window -> SkiaGrid Coordinate Conversion Logic Problem
I need microservices project ideas
Homework for me
Get 16 bit floating point precision as a ushort
Out Parameter Question
Get minimum bytes needed for a number in c#
implement stripe payment feature for core web api and wpf
WPF running .ToString() of viewmodel instead of showing the coresponding view
Console Doesn't Clear and Provides nested outputs
Trigger isnt working
β Default interface methods - Am I using them wrong?
Can't build anything in dotnet 8. Not even template project.
Firefox browser in c#/c++
β .NET 9.0 | CSharp - WinForms | Encryption & Button Function Issue
β combo box null reference
Issues with OmniSharp and language servers.
DropDownButton.Flyout.FlyoutItem Click Handling Help needed
Aws Lambda Server Hosting .net Web API
Can't Refactor Or Save this Class File (Lazily Loaded Singleton)
cannot update visual studio installer and visual studio community
Need Help with Application Insights Logging Issue in Production
β Looking for .NET MAUI EXPERT.
communication between host to the docker and the docker to the host machine
β Website doesn't trust SSL Provider (MSSQL Database)
Cant query the data with specified uid
How to pass a caught error from one .cs file to output in a textbox in another .cs file? (same sln)
Visual error
How to delete a cross-domain cookie
β Can you make labels scroll alongside input?
β [SOLVED] Weird DTO response
β Help 2.0
β Help?
β .NET 9.0 - CSharp WinForms (Closed Case)
.Net, C#, MAUI Developer
Java to C#
β How to write unit test for this?
β Is it worth to use stackalloc here?
Control getting resized when adding to FlowLayoutPanel
can someone is ready to help me (like all the days)
Safely getting a result from a async method within a sync method
Compiling C# as a WASM component
help in active firebase database for my project
β Getting duplicates out of a list
β Including documentation of the STL in a custom override
VS Code vs Visual Studio
β I need help for create a videogame
Cron job "0 */30 15-16 * * ?" in Quartz .NET runs also at 16:30 p. m. Is this correct?
How to add a keyboard shortcut on a Visual Studio extension?
why is the .NET SDK download happening at 30kpbs
azure sql and cosmos db access testing using dotnet
Trying to learn EF Core
OnClick delete button directs to 404 Error
Local version looks different to online
Very slow upload in
Dictionary<> Keys do not get fetched properly
Deep copying data from class instances
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging dynamic log level?
ILSpy decompiles namespaces incorrectly
Constructors, Classes
In LINQ to SQL, does Select after OrderBy preserve the ordering?
Is it possible to customize MapIdentityApi<CustomUser>
C#DevKit - Blazor Components not found (Intellisense)
Editing pdf files via C#
Reatime update
β Looking for a developer
why do we declare overloaded operators as `static` methods?
Right-Hand Model on Left-Hand Engine with Right-Hand physics engine
β Why my SRP don't work?
.net core 8 Blazor IdentityCore with Dapper
β Colab
Does this make sense? |
Form TopMost switching
What is the correct ternary operation here?
sqlite table question
Strange issue with Visual Studio and Codeium
β New to c# using Visual studio(WindowsFormsApp)
Where do i go from here?
(SOLVED) dotnet publish complains about missing Emscripten
Build single executable
How to get the nvme serial number?
any learning courses?
β Trouble porting to AOT JSON
Help new to c# and need explanation with substring
Help. Broken Rust plugin
The best resources you used to learn C# in the beginning
Problem configuring a sql
Web API: structure
Passing an array as a parameter to an event
Learning further in C#
β Having trouble going from the old syntax to top level statements
Menu Validation 'char input'
Visualization of obstacles
inheritance vs nested class
.NET MAUI and Android Intents
Call function when system time changed
Vanila for loop snippet VS 2022
Reset identity colums EF Core error.
Any visual studio extension to draw flow diagram from the code
Jittery up and down transformation in unity
How can i connect to Supabase Database with my .net Api
Setting Machine Key in new .NET Core applications
β Center text prompt.
β What is the free alternative to jet brains resharper ?
What is the simplest way to safely manage client backend calls and sensitive data in Razor Pages?
Hitting the button does nothing....
Unity doesn't recognize my slider after loading a new scene (Scene not done loading?) What to do?
Why does my cpup tanks when I am running this script ?
β Issue with picture box in C# Project
How to display api json data into a wpf page
Winforms control not updating on window resize
Problem with datagridview sorting
'FOREIGN KEY constraint failed in Sqlite using Entity Framework Core and WinUi 3
how to show wpf applications as a single process
New to Websites, starting advice? Also, how to get my website to use a domain name instead of my ip?
Godot UDP Client not functioning properly
NetMQ: SendFrame never sends, never returns.
How can I get all active windows that are fullscreen/maximized using the Win32, user32 api
β Vue js + .Net Web Api
Iβm looking for feedback on the security setup, which uses .NET MAUI, ASP.NET Core, and MongoDB.
Establishing binding between css and c# and sql
Upload file with swagger ui crash
β How come my containerized postgres+pgadmin won't let me connect to db from pgadmin?
Choosing a model in ML.NET
How to store user data blobs in MAUI iOS
β variable wont change
Spawning objects at random X co-ordinates and in fixed intervals
Running .jar file through c# on windows?
DiscordPresence Issue
WPF, window doesn't open with specified resolution
Try-catch in an iterator
β Error while exporting HTTPS dev certificate to a file.
Is there a way to make a search bar for a datagrid in WPF?
Can I check-in virus/trojan to TFS/DevOPS
Is there a better way to write this QueryBuilder?
β !
Service layer exception or bool/error object
Kings can you help with cmy code please i'm struggling
Dont know how to get this Mem module
Fractal help
.NET Runtime Docker build tools missing openssl
Blazor index page captures static files
β while loops
Resources to learn dotnet framework
per pixel collision
Executing a jar file through c#
β method glitch
β randoms
Library not importing?
Data fetching in components?
Dont know how to pass an image source into a style
Can't make MenuItem of same style as ContextMenu
Issue with SQlite command
Error acquiring .NET!
Cannot connect my application to sql server on docker.
β Send automated email.
ListBox entries from UserControl not working.
β null or 0
Selection box at the git hub's
Any custom TLS client that has minor implementation of HTTP with custom cipher suite support?
JWT, ClaimIdentity and ClaimPrincipal
Garbage Management wpf
Console auto closes instantly when i run the program
Box plot drawing to sheet in c# (about 500 lines)
reading a txt file and saving the paragraph as one variable
β web forms
β static, public, void
Conflicting System dlls
Reflection Load Interface Instance
β code works fine on my pc but give runtime error on codeforces
I require some help understanding MVC and Database loading/updating
β static r public?
How to get documents for specific user by Cloud Firestore?
β How do I get to the graphical window (where I can drag and drop tools)
β new
Token Claims Membership Mapping
β I'm trying to work with Timer class but something doesn't work properly..
β Methods
Avalonia UI what I need to learn?
WPF Resource Issue
Issues Updating Hybrid .NET MAUI Project from .NET 7 to .NET 8 with Xcode 16 and macOS Updates
invalid column SQL
Issue saving file in packaged WinUI3 app (No issue on UWP)
Does this count as an InsertionSort
β Pink material
What does this mean
β Desktop app not opening
β What's the difference between "Write" and "WriteLine" in C#
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: {directory}\wwwroot\
How to catch implicit conversion using SyntaxWalker and SemanticModel?
β Tic tac toe
Is having two DbContext on same base antipattern or bad approach?
β Better way to set a property using linq?
β When should you or shouldnt you return nested data in an api call?
Google Api to C#
code builds but hangs while running
β How to save to database with ISO format?
Converting a string to a list of objects using only LINQ.
How to host small static website
β How to clean up a stream of incomplete JSON data?
β I keep getting the "build failed" prompt.
Does Polly WaitAndRetryAsync() swallow exceptions during retries?
β Implementing IAsyncLifeTime difference
Does not dash
β Integration testing
error when trying to run aot compilation with my package
Asp.mvc I can't delete an item
level system
Dynamic parsing different document types from Elastic Search
Help on defining aggregates using DDD
compilation fails when using -s ASYNCIFY=1 in browser-wasm project
β NuGet package doesn't exist in current context
Help with creating a Visual Studio 2022 extension
β Missing parameter setter in System.dll
β Guidance and Mock Interview Required
β Why is this different I cant figure this out
β HttpClient Base Address Null in Blazor WASM
Concurrency Failure while updating user in UserManager
Changing the default css for Identity pages in a Blazor Server app
Setting up Azure OpenAI in my school project. web forms
When to use a static helper class vs extension methods
β Visual Studio Doubt
What security restrictions do anti-malware place on Windows processes?
β IndexA and IndexB is nonexistent, don't know why
Visual Studio and Unity C# integration issue
Aspire and PgAdmin
β How to optimize this code?
browser-wasm hell
SignalR Call Outside of Hub or Controller
What can i use a check box and combo box for on my maze game? C#
Message header must separate key and value using ':', OmniSharpLSP
Use DateTrigger to animate width of a Grid Column
Can I catch an error from Task.Run to stop threads crashing main program?
Can't assign a method to a list, is there a way to get a list to execute code?
Where did I go wrong in making a loop of this 2D array?
Loading Form crashing (Windows Form)
Connecting Lines in 3D space
Apache dying on system cron job, but not everytime
Pack URIs do my bloody head in - help needed
There was an error exporting the HTTPS developer certificate to a file
How can I resolve this problem?
Entity navigation modelling so I can understand it better
Custom msbuild task
/reference flag in C# compiler
Why does this not print the firstname and lastname
Trying to get started with threads but UI thread giving cross thread exceptions?
Metro MahApps checkbox content change color when hovered.
Simple help in httpclient c#
C# and native interop with JNI
Copy file to build directory
How to prevent nulls using this approach for Object Initializers?
What type of 3 layered architecture should I use
Azure Functions Dependency Injection "unable to resolve"
A built in way to send SIGTERM ?
How do I go about making a project in c#?
β Unclear file structure
Test setters indirectly via constructor or test them directly?
VSS - Seeking Help
Anyone knows how to code a Color Syntax?
Force Newtonsoft to deserialize into certain formats
Struggling with JSON
Can anyone help me switch my primary key column from int to uniqueidentifier for my web app?
Mono.Cecil TypeReference modifies TypeDefinition
β Working with npm in razor pages with vscode
ASP.NET Core, prevent environment variables being exposed in launchsettings.json
Need pointers on code for console app.
Does anyone know how to flip textures in Silk.NET OpenGL?
Anomaly with JsonSerializer
Web API DAL entities (OnModelCreating)
Where is the letter of the array saved?
C# Basic animation, cant get a circle to align between two lines
How do i sync 2 Textbox Scrolling Positions i want to make a number counter:
lib for core dependency issues
Constants for WPF
Saving Draggable objects location wpf
Problem with the dotnet installation in gitlab-ci (Docker, Debian11)
How to find and update a record in a recursive model?
Is there a faster way of splitting strings?
How do i sync 2 Textbox Scrolling Positions i want to make a number counter:
β difference between `MyClass obj2 = obj1;` and `MyClass obj2 = new MyClass(obj1);`
I cannot understand the command pattern.
How to make bindings for a native library using ClangSharp?
What should I do next?
Null Warnings
Good Apps to Help With Studying for Mobile Users?
β Do I always need to avoid coupling?
I have a problem with the reloading of the text editor.
Best way to deserialize duplicate JSON API responses (Using Newtonsoft.JSON)
The Given key was not present in the dictionary
how to avoid "-0" when converting float to string?
Extra bytes in TCP message
Why is my JWT token not getting authorized and not getting entering the [Authorize] method?
Any case where `TError` can't be boxed in example?
When to use Dependency injection?
System.Data.SQLite cannot install
How in ASP.NET Web API application .NET 8, Set server time in UTC?
WPF Scaling Bug
Having issues setting up Avalonia
Border.Background property
β Catching keyboards from Remote Desktop Session
β My program canβt be run.
WPF TreeView Fails to load ItemsSource
fastest way to check if list doesn't contain null ?
having problems with random number generator in uni project
[WinForms] Need ideas/help where to start..
i cant load data from DB to dataTable
Number of projects in Visual studio
Efcore - Database issues (Sqlite)
How do you implement paging on API requests?
β Can someone check if my authorization or authentication is good or bad
Named function magically turns into anonymous method for no clear reason, cannot be used as Action
[WinForms] Need help optimizing custom controls creation/updating of ui
WPF - Binding json data into datagrid and datagrid updates during runtime
Need help finding a library for a specific job
Not a function? Service
Setting a Default Value for Migrations
β Winforms not freeing memory when disposing of control
β SMTP server broke
MVVM Toolkit Messenger - RequestMessage
I'm having a weird null reference issue with a Razor Pages view component.
Integration Test for 3rd party API
Ubuntu 24.01 WSL build Package Microsoft.NET.ILLink.Tasks, version 8.0.10 not found
problem with Rpc code
[Unity] Is there a way to have a ContextMenu give an arguement to a method?
can u help me make the mouse not move the slider when colliding with the slide bar?
WPF RichTextBox is very slow
β what is a primary constructor? is it any similar to parameterless constructor?
What is the use of Interface
WPF Design patterns
β link A project's file to B project which references A project
Attempt to run a program with dll
β why is the variable not being typed?
how do stacks, lists, arrays, etc have a collection expression?
Why is the antiforgery token in MS example appending the token only on "/" or "/index/html"
Utf8Json or Jil for Net3.5
Questions/concerns about memory usage in my project
User built queries on objects
Force Clickonce to use a specific port?
ILogger<T> extension method "pass the args".
Uninstaller won't remove AppData\Local expanded files.
Is List.Contains(Object) checks by address or by value?
Delay While Page Loading
Issue installing NUnit
β building nativeaot project with static library still requires library to be copied
β cleanup
ViewFeatures, but something that isn't deprecated?
".NET MAUI iOS Simulator Error: 'Please connect the device' with UDID, stuck after build"
.Net 8 Web Api Config
β How do I pin both NET 8 and NET 6 sdk versions in global.json?
UWP MAUI building problem
β please take a look
Windows Authentication
Migration issues -EF core.
Join to other table in LINQKit Predicate
β How to debug a visual studio extension?
my MVC view thinks my model is null!
WPF login system
MVVM should model items have INotify?
β How to create C# project in Visual Studio Code?
β Factory method
β 'where' constraints
c#?Β₯ beginnee
User Secrets in Blazor Web Assembly
EFCore - When to save changes
β Azure Key vault - what is considered a transaction?
β Scanning PDFs using ASP.NET
Slow WCF requests
Using Azure ADB2C, new user claim is being sent on every sign in
Sudden compiling errors
razor page says the number 2 is invalid
β need help in c#
Garbage collector
Need help with fixing my rounded rectangle calculation
β I want to write basic C# code in Rider I have downloaded but I can not see console APP option
Error Number:515,State:2,Class:16
I want a page to play music in my WPF app, I have it working at the minute, but there is a problem.
Is there a way to create an AWS SAM image on docker with compose ?
changing a boolean value outside a loop from inside a loop
NUnit test with Asp net web API
Convert from MSSql to MySql
what are hashtags for in C#?
Need help
Code to Diagram (EF Core Power Tools) very beginner question
β SDK 8.0.403: System.InvalidOperationException: No workload set information
Intelisense unexpectedly broken in VisualStudio.
NuGet package project references
β Can someone explain Delegates to me like i'm 5?
β I'm looking for performance and load testing data on ConfigureAwait(false)
β FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly. The system cannot find the file specified.
VS intellisence when building dotnet runtime locally
Dapper Migrations
Looking for a logging solution
EF Core - Intermediate table or Navigation Properties?
β Any practical use to have an endpoint accessing an entity trough a non ID path variable?
β Razor page not updating properly
Partial view not found in Razor Pages despite being in the correct location
Many To Many relationship with cascading for both entities
NUnit test class what has functions Step1,Step2,Step3...
β difference between internal and file access modifiers
Blazor - Can we OnValidSubmit for every control change?
Can't override OpenApiSchema
Just learned generics...
β Migration-independent Database Seeding
Simple yolo webcam throwing System.InvalidOperationException: 'The calling thread cannot access this
Save an image to a mysql
DataSet, DataTable from System library doesn't generate nullable attribute.
β How to write this as a one liner?
β my application in the assembly works fine on my PC, BUT
β can somebody help me learn about smtp so i can make a email message sender please
β Test keep returning 503 while postman give 200
Creating a class Player based on instructions
books or tutorials which talk bout: action invoker,model binder,under the hood in core
β WPF Application, renaming
β Help interpreting classes
Basic stuff: c#
β Unit Testing in Rider not working
whats this, is this just console or .net console when creating a new project with visual studio 22?
Looking for AI dev to back me up a little in open source project
β random current value?
β Creating multiple projects inside one solution in Rider on mac
My autoclicker project is not working.
Cannot get my ASP.NET site to publish to Azure app services.
β stuck on getting 20 prime numbers C#
Project Installer
Multilayer architecture - explanation?
β Issue with Sdk Targeting Multiple Frameworks
How to setup shared/common data in a web app
β What is a concrete class?
Looking for help to test Zebra printing on Linux
β EF not creating all tables from migration
c# beginner
(Still) Failing to process an XML API response
Generic converter bounding in EF Core
.net does work with Android Studio on Mac M3
Not found 404 at await fetch
I can't find the problem with this bot
Hello i have a question i am trying to display this text on my game but it doesnt work can anyone h
β XF -> MAUI (Shell) - Trying to translate this weird navigation model π΅π«
β Can you run EF Core migration update at application startup rather than with the CLI tools?
.NET Error Unknown SQL Exception
β Delegates. What are they and what are they used for?
(MONOGAME )How to pass a method with parameters to the update method
Returning Service result to Controller (Minimal API)
Remove-Migration and Add Migration not correctly working how i expected
Building Constructors 101
β Ef Core unexpected query behaviour
Dictionary vs switch in source generated code
β File.WriteAllBytesAsync fails to download to bin folder with no error
β How to speed up execution of BigInteger.Pow?
going into c#
"Building a C# Interface to Display Real-Time Data on macOS"
Need help inserting row to DB table from Ajax or unsure if supposed to be through the backend?
β Strings
β Keyauth
Async issue
Is it necessary to setup validation constraints at the api level and database level?
system.text.json not deserializing objects all request 0 i don't know to do (api)
Improving performance / caching
There is a typo error and I can't figure it out
How to target .net standard in visual studio
Help with error
How to start coding C# in vs code??
unity character clips into floor and cant walk properly
β cant get dotnet sdk recognized
Studying singly linked lists and need help understanding pointer functionality
This is my code how do I convert the Object of Basewords into a string?
β Aspnet runtime not found when running, but present in dotnet --info (linux)
β Mac is not supported by Visual Studio anymore, There is not download link for Mac user anymore,
β Hey IDK how to use NetSpell
Need help with AspNetCore and GUID.
β .NET workloads not found when searching
What the best way to handle splines/rail grinding in Unity?
What's the correct way to handle state in a SignalR Hub?
C# winforms need help to do this..
β Storing user related data when using an auth provider
β Explicit interface implementation
nugget package update
β Help with small error
β Command Not Found error
ASP.NET Identity Login endpoint returns schema in of auth tokens
How do i put "" Inside a String?
β ASP.NET razor
Need help for my escape room array field
FileWatcher for project folder
β Trying to make an undo function on my paint program thingie
CheckPasswordSignInAsync returns fail when password is correct
β remove dotted border around win32 control in wpf?
Xunit and database projects
Why does Ef Core not save my data in the database?
So... I'm new on programing and i want to start somewhere pls help
β None of my stuff is being pushed to my repository on github.
Need help connecting AJAX to Controller to DAL
β What is the difference?
β What is wrong with this code???
β How to read Environment Variables in VS Code ?
β CheckPasswordSignInAsync returns fail when password is correct
need help via modding cuphead
Getting the initial text size of a RichEditBox. (answered)
β How to add a textfile in monogame pipeline(MONOGAME)
i just download vs2022 professional i wanna do a Loader
Two properties slows down the query for 26 seconds
MudBlazor DropContainer not triggering ItemDropped
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
.NET MVC Doubt About Action (Method Post)
β Not sure why im getting this error
β how can i install node.js module in visual studio community app
β Array wont fully print out Windows Forms App
β Use Sqlite in a C# project
In Memory DATABase troubles
making interface button
WPF Submenu Styling
win32 island in wpf application has #f0f0f0 background colour
β Doing school HW and am unsure how to fix my issue. Trying to loop through an array with subroutine
Forwarding calls to string.Create with custom culture info.
β Callable Class
β this error makes no sense
.NET MVC Project Issue
Managing Scoped Service Lifecycles with a Singleton Factory in .NET: Best Practices?
Blazor Isolated CSS not working
Dependency Injection question
C# backend vs Java backend
problem with docker installation for .Net
creating a nuget for a custom msbuild task
β Exception handling..
β SQL code
calculated value in Start() function seems to be 0 when trying to use it.
β Different output on same code.
β System.FormatException
β vs code community don't start my code
Manipulate Json
How do y'all get the ideas for your side projects?
β Fedora 40, dotnet 8 sdk, canβt use debugging tools in vscode.
β Why is this try/catch block preventing lines after it from firing when an exception is caught?
β Is it possible to ask check for a keypress without pausing the whole console?
How to add an image tag to an Aspire's ProjectResource?
Unit Testing ASP.NET async api service
help with project for school, the program keeps looping and doesn't stop adding "*"
β Problem connecting entities on efcore
C# programming in Linux Mint
β ASP.NET MVC and mapping correct views.
β DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseMongoDB is not referenced after use AspNetCore.HealthChecks.MongoDb
Why ins't inlining working here?
β Is there a reason to still be using EventArgs and EventHandler<T> for events?
Dealing with HTTPClient metrics
Form Data Binding Issue in ASP.NET Core MVC - Dictionary Not Receiving Values
No secure hashing method?
β how I can write like this?
β could not be translated
β Deserialize JSON back into custom object
β βbaseβ
β Change WPF element style depending on property value
errors that i cant figure out for the life of me
How to convert a whole json file to C# classes with Newtonsoft.Json?
β get set help
VS hangs while typing
Does it make sense to two references (to database migration and data seeding) in the same using
Guessing game
OOP guidance (for myself)
Call method with updated data
learning C#
β What's new in .NET 8 regarding making a WASM project?
Partial classes and platform specific code
A problem with blazor while verifying cookies
Migrating to EF Core migrations
β Is it possible to clean up all this in a vs release folder?
β Help why I have anything in the toolbox
β Z position controlling of my WPF window
SQL code invalid object name
Developing a program
Code formatter
Integration Test issue on ubuntu-latest (.NET 8)
β How do I disable copilot? I dont have it installed and yet it's there
β hey I need some help!
Confused on why my simple leetcode solution works
the namespace is not recognised
ads for multi-platform avalonia (or Android at least xD)
β Exception handling
Markdown editor without separate preview
App Insights vs Azure Monitor (OpenTelemetry)
Custom Memory Allocator
Im pretty new to c#
β array of methods
ASP.NET Data Error
Null Literal and NUll reference problems
Mercado Pago integration in .Net Clean arquitecture
β How does the button know what to do?
question on complexity of a game
[solved]Stuck on a The input is not a valid Base-64 string error
What project type to choose, VS
.NET MVC Error at Program.cs
ObeservableProperty onChange is called twice?
How to formate code in Visual Studio?
β Is it possible to Parse a string and identify it's type?
.NET MVC Project Help!
β how do i update my nuget package?
Powershell script to automate run exe file
SQL code
Strange memory usage in C# OpenTK project
Implementing a Service that caches requests and then executes on an interval.
β Invoking an event on property changed (WPF)
Is it Heap Corruption
As a beginner,
Newtonsoft.Json issue
β Senior .NET Developer Needed
WPF CollectionView Filter on Property of Model?
β Weird .net error that comes out of nowhere when i start up my project
β vscode telling me some weird errors
β wrong warning
Dash Panel Mechanic not working
β Main program input arguments
β Distributed transactions
Visual Studio button not appearing (Obv C#)
β Sharing C# projects with Github/Fork
Question about SignalR
Multi Assembly wwwroot folder Loading
Dynamic Culture WPF
Where to go from Basic C#
WPF ListBox w/ Header Button IsEnabled Question
β Access a runtime Dictionary easier
β Rate limiting no worky
β first contribute in Microsoft docs
How do I make a good DTO of lot's of classes.
β Source2Roblox API CHANGE
artifacted playback using `NAudio` with multiple raw pcm streams
β Assistance with CMD Commands (if not allowed, please delete)
code help
Unit test help
Clean Architecture
Design Patterns / Factory Method
β enumeration help
Data structure options for UI virtualization
it doesnt let me insert a code into my sprite :c
Need help selecting objects in a list
trying to fix a bug where i cant get the click event on a buttom
Trying to create an Image in Visual Studio 2022
β Folder Structure
β how do i publish my .NET project?
Advice about file management in projects
i cant run my code and i dont know what to do
How to handle account registrations with Firebase and ASP.NET Identity
how to use wirteLine in monogame
Starter pack for the perfect project
Lucene: best analyzer for handling PascalCase?
created a new view but that view only outputs the html (of the login page!)
C# Codeforces Template
CS0051: Inconsistent access
β Factory Method Pattern
β SQL code
How can I get service provider from service collection?
Why do my Admin controllers trigger OnRemoteFailure in ConfigureOpenIdConnectOptions when using cust
MSTest: How to assert 2 collections
Could not load file or assembly '...' with a weaved DLL
visual studio installer including .net6.0 desktop runtime issues on installation
β OpenApi generation
Generically creating a delegate from a MethodInfo with parameter upcasting
ServiceController refuse to run on window platform
β [closed] Where do people get .NET 9 RC 2?
β confusing list logic
β Designing a configurable object in EF Core
403 Forbidden
How to get user information when using google authentication in dotnet 8 MVC?
CS0050: Inconsistent Accessibility
Debugging memory leak
Binding problems, property not updating
β Cohesion vs Coupling?
Error when migrating from Legacy Blazor WASM into Blazor 8 ServerInteractive
β static, what does it actually mean?
Tried many things to fix this SqlClient exceptions, but no hope
Is it possible to use Reflection to replace a static readonly field without the static constructor?
Help Needed: Implementing Face Recognizer in C# Windows Forms App with Emgu CV
Compiler Error CS1503 Help
VSC & C# newbie, cannot get file to work for the life of me
β impossible error
I need help (3D Animations).
What should i choose?
Is an input library a good project for the portfolio?
MemoryMappedFile not working under global
WinUI 3 App.g.i.cs Autogen File breaking?
Does this work the way I think it does?
β Microsoft Identity, ASP.NET API and MVC
.NET 8 SPA Identity
VS code says my c# code is unsupported
Need help with Wix Tool V4
null check raising errors
β Inconsistent accessibility error - no idea where this came from
Return Value on Entity Modification
Install SkiaSharp
β while loop on cpu
β when programming a CLI in C#...
Login Message Help
how do i rotate part of a multidimensional matrix?
HTTPS payload decryption using root authorized private key
β typeof()?
Reading HTTP requests on machine level
How find file in Docker?
difference between a normal variable and one declared with that property shorthand garbage
How to Build Multiple Binaries from Dotnet New Console?
NewtonSoft Serialization Exception
I need to figure this out asap, with a problem in my program, please sendd me a friend request
Blazor - Identity Scaffolding Fails
Updating datagrid gui from other threads
Help me
Hello i have a question
Approaches to get around a big codebase
β Having to press <return> twice?
β Addition with integers and floating point numbers
Using sharppcap to read packets
β Abstract classes / Interfaces, why do we use them?
β null reference
C# Normal Map file a .tiff or .dds
Better way to check a list of characters?
Use Custom Attributes with ASP.NET Identity
Connecting multiple computers with C#? How?
help me find correct response model
β New to visual studio why are my Console.Write/ReadLines white?
Async delegate causes WPF to freeze until search is done
how to add sprite sheet animation in monogame
Unity - Reusable components, how?
Prefix Suffix Leetcode Problem
Determining Nuget Dependency Order
VirtualFileResult has access to files outside of wwwroot.. sometimes?
β How should updating Database work with Kanban style app work?
β How to handle complex Include in EF Core
β set "dotnet run" to always run in release
good GUI for a chess game?
β Design patterns or tools to for a changing database?
Convert a Binary string to a file
I need help to fix my Unity #C script
β Map json to a dto issue
Translating linq query into OUTER APPLY or CROSS APPLY
any idea on how to turn this code into a desktop app ?
LaTex Notations
β OnParametersSetAsync() in a blazor component being called before clicking a button in Blazor app
Whats the difference between Workspace and AdhocWorkspace?
β Discord Authentication Redirection Issue
My app (WinUI 3) is freezing up on this line even though I'm using await
β Mystery errors that appear in build output but not the editor
random number
MySqlException: Column 'Age' cannot be null
β Visual Studio Projects
Accessing configuration inside CreateDefaultBuilder chain
β Passing a potential NULL value, is it allowed?
Sharing the custom marshalled type across libraries
EF-Core unable to create migration
Using code generation to replace reflection, and Roslyn+Visual Studio performance.
β C# homework help (german)
Does structs generate inaccessible copies?
How to disable Microsoft Identity Web generated endpoints and redirection
β RPN calculator
Entity Framework Core Migration to Supabase Hangs Indefinitely
β How can I make "X" button on the default frame of the Visual Studio make program close?
β Help with Tooltip content binding
How to make sliding panel animations in avalonia using xaml ?
MemoryMarshal.Cast on a struct with array of known fixed size
Help with Entity Framework Core: Union of Two Queries with Inherited Types Failing
β ASP.NET Core SSL not working.
Best Way To Load and Cache Scoped Data?
did i code right?
Compiling C# without Visual Studio
Writing to text files
MySqlException: Field 'CreatedOnUtc' doesn't have a default value
β User defined Exception Handling
i dont know much about reflection and im having problems
β Can't infer type arguments from usage
β OpenGl Problem : I am trying to render a square, but I am getting a black Screen
β Reading a file
Increased I/O utilization after new version deployment
β help with assignment
Reading from a textfile
SQL ssl error 0
β How can I package files within installer in Visual Studio 2022?
Identifying something with an attribute with IIncrementalSourceGenerator
WinForms error after inserting a picture
WPF Framework Canvas Automatic Scaling based on largest coordinate in list
Mono.Cecil weaver messed up branch targets
Access is denied
MSB4019 error when building Windows game binary on Linux
Blazor: calling a function on submit
Cartography/imaging: understanding projection between heterogeneous 2D coordinate systems
β Having trouble handling errors when registering a new user
GUI programming tool
β Visio for C# class program
β Making a chess program. Why is this happening?
Tilemap control in MAUI
How to make a sliding panel animation on Avalonia>?
How to break programming plateu
I am trying to add a custom cursor to my winforms app
Need Unity audio help.
Using code to reference code
Priority queue, queue empty error.
The good way to store user info
β Unit of Work for just Repositories or Services as well?
hello this is video of one of my biggest problems PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME
How to connect Rigid body with Reference?
how to see the console programm output in vs, WPF
Having an issue implementing A* pathfinding
Visual Studio Settings
Issue with not being able to register with google ReCaptcha v2
β How to hide sensitive data, like database credentials api keys etc
Issue with JSON serialization of a nested dictionary
Help Needed: Issues Compiling and Running Avalonia App on macOS
Strange Marshalling issue
MySqlException: Table 'searchhome.aspnetusers' doesn't exist
Winforms: add an existing form
β Improving my etiquette writing C#
How to make upload file in ASP.NET Core?
Can i simplify the code???
another problem with my project
how to call another method
Looking for c# library to create graph, blueprint like functionality in unreal engine
β False Positive Virus Detection on my C# network ping code
Why do we enclose the `Main` function inside of a class in C#?
β Problem with a Recursion Function
β ASP.NET 'web' application
β help with assignement
HttpClient does automatic retry after recieving 408 (Timeout) error code from server
How can I fix this system.runtime error?
β ImmutableArray<T>.Contains(T, IEqualityComparer<T>) exists in one thread, but not another
can't find an image that is asked to be searched
Is this a TableLayoutPanel?
How to make this Field into Property
β .NET 8, EF Core, Fluent API - Schema definition is ignored when accessing via DbSet
anyone want to make an exucutor for Roblox
Blazor Forms and Different Sessions
Create data during EF6 migrations
System.AggregateException in TCP requests
β EFCore issues when removing an entity,
SocketException, TCPListener, TCPClient reason?
incredibly slow ctrl-click-to-go-to-definition feature VS2022
β need some help making a program
FileSystemWatcher causes user limit exceptions on Kubuntu Linux
Build order with dotnet build ...?
Change language at runtime in WPF
Cant find design view for win form
Error MSB4018: The "Message" task failed unexpectedly
LastIndexOf method can't find index of ";" HELP
β best UI framework?
How flexible is NSwag?
hi can i some good short and sweet C# ?
Access is denied problem
[YARP] How to set up a reverse proxy for another full web server in a sub path?
Cancellation Tokens
.NET Modelstate does not apply validation
2FA? Is it hard to implement?
How do I fix this jittery behaviour when calculating distances?
EF Core 1-1 relationship with automatic discriminator
thinking how my code should look like
How to Setup a remote Blazor server on Ubuntu
Api Method Name Attribute
remove or minify variable names out from compiled exe
need help making and deploying a postback api
Validate datagridview cell values
Hi, how I can use Python commands in C# Windows Form .NET Framework
Hangfire Execution Time
Application fails to find DLL that is in the same directory
How to distribute VisualStyles for dialogs Vista style - FIXED!
[Rider] Incompatible framework for unit tests
How can I use wpf with c++?
Error: The value of shadow key property 'ResourceDemandChunks.Id' is unknown when attempting to save
β Exceptions
shorter way of writing x => x.Length()
When I select a category from a picker, I want only its children to appear in the other picker
β Possible null reference assignment warning on event unsubscribe
AWS Cognito as IDP - Federated Auth flow - token endpoint from API
Does Visual Studio come with IIS Express
JsonSerializer escaping '&'
SignalR Groups not working
Not sure what Senior Dev expect me to do
β Hi guys, please help my interview preparation. Welcome any .NET god.
β Hey i need 2 project for college
β Strange colleague
β What exactly is .NET?
Can't autoresize height of row ( datagridview in winform)
β need help in database
β CSharpFunctionalExtensions.Result implicit conversion
If I handled the SSO oauth as client in the backend [ASP.NET] how to integrate it with the frontend?
P/Invoke boolean call always returns true in Release builds
im new to C# and im trying to learn if you lot could help me with this that would be amazing
Why am I unable to increment this property?
ASP.NET help to do a design
ASP.NET endpoint logging
Can you use winAPI gdi and wpf with each other in c#?
Creating a game of ships with C#/ASP.NET
Question about reactivity in Blazor
Support generic method NativeAOT JsonTypedInfo all together
β Nullable<int> and xUnit
Random ERR_CONNECTION_RESET when uploading PDF files
Problems with compiling OLD-Projects
WPF LiveCharts
Populating a Dictionary from a CSV File with Words Separated by Semicolons
β Reading/Writing in Excel with C#
.Csproj problems
Slider Image
WaitOne for EventWaitHandle makes program crash without error?
I can't get the value I selected from the picker in the viewmodel
Issue with verifying jwt toke in front end
Getting a (very) high resolution timer in C#
Incremental generator not outputting generated members
Opus, sodium and ffmpeg for docker linux app
Identity framework yay or nay?
Costura.Fody Help?
I need help doing something like this like a small player menu
how to get undefinied type in a <>
Optimizing the pipeline on my Z80 emulator
β Navigation Property
Which package for middleware
Visual Studio - "browse files" window not responding in any case + closes Visual Studio
Using SSE and Rest together
error CS0506. How to fix?
Generated files are not being emitted
Help with finding a good start for a Project
Brand new to coding in VSC and C#. how do i fix this?
Implementing Google OAuth throws an error after logging in
Question about best practices for project org
Slope Physics not working when trying to make Sonic face movement direction
my program won't run in vs 2022, but it runs in an online compiler
JSON Deserialization Multiple Entries
Calls in .NET Maui
EF Core Defined in Library Assembly, Configured in ASPNET Asembly
Need help with a bug
β What is considered enough knowledge to start applying?
Help me understand the GC in depth
β map structure for my exercises
App to Google App Store
β How to Implement Blazor Web App Authentication and Authorization Using JWT with Auto Render mode
Math.Round issue
My views are not connected
β random move
β IIS?
β NodaTime JSON Serialization
β using Logging with ASP.NET
File stream Speed Question
How do you declare an Array's Count property to be consistent within a Struct?
β How do I add
When using iis run the project the 401 error handled in program.cs is not working(works in localhost
β EntityFramework Core trying to add Navigation Property that already exists
β Roslyn: Get file scoped namespace
Live Templates: Jetbrains Rider
β iis problem
RFC3339 to DateTime
β [Solved] Linux - Workload ID android is not recognised
Add sound to audio input
Question about IIS /API Issue
Get route information on controller
β Html CSS Button
β Q about the "?" symbol when declaring vars
β Covariant return type properties
How do I reference either the x or y field of a Vector2 depending on some condition?
β AddHttpClient and AddHostedService
β Obfuscate
Testing multi layered .NET application
How do I run/start my code?
Costom ScrollViewer Wpf
How to use ExtensionMethods for structs
β ObservableCollection.Add() takes too long.
Default value to textarea in .net core MVC
Help on how async/await works
Help about UI design for a code editor
β using using to clear up ambiguous references.
Class with same name as namespace
hey guys. please take a look at this SO question. thanks
Unable to create DbContext
Access database field in one to many relationship in asp net core
Trying to scaffold a MySQL database with Rider
I just finish my Project, How can export my project ?
Worse performance with pointers?
Conveyor belts - having a weird problem
how to download release ?
β Background jobs, choosing the right library
β How to send notification with WPF???!?!?
C# .NET 8.0, extract readonly struct System.Int32 from an irl GitHub
Need Help with Rate Limiting in Azure Function App (C#, Version 4, In-Process)
Is there any better way to make a horizontally scrollable list with resizable elements than mine?
Add an object to list
β Per request timeout
Server sent event & React freezing the application core how to add role to identity
udemy course advice related to C# , .net
kinect for windows (version 1/ x 360) help setting up
JSON Parsing to TreeView
Unable to get tabs to show after initial login screen for MAUI app
Non-Nullable type "required" double up.
Process not spawning as a child
Cancel long running task/method
β Need someone that can make a gui for me without code
How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?
Help with Rage Plugin Hook V API
HELP | Windows Context Menu Manager
Beginner question: classes and constructor code?
Grainy gif output when using `Graphics` on source Bitmap
Beginner questions. prevent unhalted exception
Adding Identity Core to an existing project
Help in coding a Aircraft Database
Some Sources to learn C# and Unity from nothing
merge into pattern
C# MAUI with Material Design
β Event-Driven-Architecture Cons Issue
I'm new to .net
Individual accounts authentication
β .NET Worker service doesn't load appsettings.json into a class
Temporary Pause
Storing types as strings
SQLServer Express in docker - can update DB, but cant connect
Run Powershell inside VS
β Error code 127 (Windows)
β C# linux
admin but no access?
New in the game
β Why am I getting these errors
Using Blazor WebAssembly for client interactions in Blazor Server
Easy to use C# audio library for spectrum analyzer?
Connection strings in WinForms?
decimal celciusDiv not working and being used as 0 when casted as int
I'm getting a .NET MAUI converter error
microsoft visual studio 2022 professional
How does one typically handle complex program flow?
ASP Publish
β whats up with this console output
SQL help
β Windows Audio Capture
β EFCore 8 MySQL - Table doesn't exist, but it does?
Web-based game with ASP.NET
Console.WriteLine does nothing
Blazor Static SSR - redirect after form submission
β JsonSerializer ignoring encoding options?
Is there a method that throws an exception if a config value is not present in appsettings?
Scaling c# win Forms
Error 500.9 when I expand httpRuntime size
β My RESX file still is supposedly invalid
β Why Red Underline on Views?
How to sustain TcpListener keep-alive?
Guys i deleted a huge file by accident in visual studio
Trying to get a method to work
β How do you handle countdowns of objects?
β Add grid dynamically from MainWindow to SecondaryWindow
β Azure key vault with microservices
β A problem with field.
Main Menu load
β How to access specific fields from an [ObservableProperty] ObservableCollection<Object>?
β how do i override built-in methods?
β Find .NET course on Udemy
Issues with SKImageFilter
β SQL Database Assignment - Simple question
C# quizzes
Can't Figure Out How to Generate MSIX on Publishing MAUI App
Docker build cache
β ternary select between static classes
Project ideas
DataGridViewCell won't display line breaks properly when editing
Passing one int from one script to another
Where can i put files so they will be in the same folder as the exe?
ImageSharp Alpha overwrite
confused on this error
Handling exceptions when querying with EF
Why does Task 1 prints first instead of Task 3 - Async & Await
β Infinite Bandwidth Work-around?
How to get EXE file?
Why I'm getting this error
Is it possible to add Markup support to this text editor I made in Winforms?
β how do i join two lists?
β How to learn Relational Databases?
ASP.NET Core (backend) + Avalonia UI (desktop frontend)
β EF: how to structure same EF select query with no tracking?
Adding modding capabilities to my C# game
Blazor WebAssembly can't load
Observer pattern and strategy pattern together?
How can i send text files with a discord bot?
Sending files using HTTP
Async Task Help
β MAUI - Mutlitap Gesture
[WPF] DragDrop problems
Payments - architectural dilemma
Not writing, but not returning errors
β Launch app at window startup
Getting Out of Memory Exception when loading in images
β Can help me with this error of uuid.lib
β Avalonia - Can't see anything even though control is styled
How do I detect if the mouse position is outside a panel and its children in WinForm
Global key events listener (when app window is minimalised or out of focus)
How do i quickly convert to base 9 ?
Azurite to run in VS or Docker
Kafka Flow (Producer Consumer arch.)
β CSS and JS Files Not Recognized in ASP.NET Core Project
Local user accounts with Entra External ID in Blazor WASM BFF application
β Guidance in software development
β using
β How can I integrate PayPal donation with
C help
can someone review my comments?
β Minimal API IIS Deployment: 404 Error
How to update UI easily on variable change in MAUI
Best way to search and replace substrings in large XML files
Casting class with generic variable to the same class with an interface that the generic implements
Transparent Background UserControl/Custom DoubleBufferedPanel in WinForms causing tearing issues
β Regex MatchCollection not collecting
Mixed Project References
Eagerly compile minimal apis
-h and -v support for help and version respectively in CommandLineParser
What's up with SQLite and Jetbrains Rider
β EF Best way to do UPDATE on entity
Please help me to understand this:
Application is unable to load assemblies after the IIS pool is recycled.
β foreach debugging: how do I see what iteration (the variable i in the superior for loop) I am in?
β Struggling to use custom comparer with a list of KeyValuePairs
β Json Validation and Populating with Nulls if Missing
i was learning about making a top-down game using a tutorial but the player rotation doesnt work
β How to get data out of a custom control?
β Class library is not loaded with the Main solution
"x.csproj": not found in GH actions
β EF SaveChanges in transactions
Drag And Drop
Feedback on nested API
IsAuthenticated = false
Suggestions needed
ai code for c'#
Help me find what is null
System.Text.Json.JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected
Autofac: when to use RegiserType with SingleInstance vs RegisterInstance with ExternallyOwned?
β PostgreSQL in docker container
Body request
Label Background
β Brainstorming ideas for a school project
Machine learning in .net
console freeze replication because of quick edit in windows 11
Specific radio button style in WPF
TabView In .net maui
hey im new to c#
Git licensing question
EF Stupid, Why I get this error developer and the knowledge of deployment
β Project appears to freeze at some arbitrary point.
Not angular specific - general guidance needed
β .NET 8 CVE-2024-38167 and updating project references
Hello I need help with this code I dont get why its not working
β How do I set a struct attribute to its parameter name?
How to use FieldInterceptors to sanitize String Fields in GraphQL Requests and Responses Using HotCh
β SignalR in a background service
β How to use .NET 4.5 in Visual Studio 2022
β Update needed
β MVC application routing issue.
CS0006 Can't find metadata dll, but paths are correct
β WebApi template doesn't run on https from the terminal but runs from VS Code's debug and run
Authenticate with AspNet.Security.OAuth.Spotify
Resource Explorer not updating .resx.cs file when I make changes
System.IO.InvalidDataException: 'End of Central Directory record could not be found.'
Destructor not being called
β How To Style ScrollBar Avalonia
β Need help fixing my C# Html Extraction Code
β Updated Visual Studio - Microsoft.Net.Sdk.Razor cannot be found
C# Blazor CSS Isolation
Stride keeps freezing
β assistant missing
β WireGuard Wrapper
c# development in linux
Local machine refuses to connect to an ASP.NET Core Web API container
Sharing PNG/SVG resources between WPF projects
Book/Documentation reference to get started with wpf
β Errors with my API
Best practices: Where should I assign value to an EF model DateTime property
UI behavior specification language/tool
IA knowledge
β inheritance
Avalonia IconPath not showing up
Career crisis advice
Simulate Drag/Drop into separate application
I need Some help to create print pages for c# desktop application made in Winforms
Maui + Blazor hybrid app live coding
Should I be worried about it ?
My Discord app is using all my memory. What am I doing wrong?
β Issue
β Should NuGet package be installed both in the main project and class library?
Does my GenerateRefreshTokenString() method is secure enough?
β unity
Entity Framework: Define a string computed Primary Key column in Data Annotations
How to start test inside docker container from app?
Should I start with pythom?
Deploy .NET api for free with HTTPS?
β deserializing records with STJ results in default values
whats this at the top?
β Use() Extension Overload
How can I make this library I released better / general thoughts on Result and Unions?
Microservice Tutorial Error
Simulate Drag and Drop action onto another application?
Weird Build Error
Understanding COM interface references for an ASP.NET REST API...
Iβm thinking about making a little iOS app.
β Factory-based middleware activation in core
Need help learning C#
ConfigurationManager return null instead of string values
code generator: Exception type "System.InvalidOperationException"
β Can't compile a mod
Selenium C# text retrieval
β Hybrid MultiTenancy with aspnet and efcore
making mail sender
performance issue when using Oracle sql versions query
β Simplest way to take a 2d grid of pixel colors and display a window
Disabling keyboard key/mouse click
Arrange points in circle with a Sweep parameter
Process Hacker string remover
View compiler warnings without actually building the codebase?
β Positional record with alternate constructor
β FileZilla Server & Client - How To
I need help asap
(one of many) why are my bitwise operations not working?
Hope to declare class member with variable type
Adding a CommaToken in a code fix
Trouble enabling CORS
C# roadmap please
Issue with ASP.NET Core and WCF Service Integration
Controls from WPF.UI can't render properly on WPF, .NET Framework 4.8
Discord.NET cannot view invite uses
Marshalling bool
Issue with httpContext and cascadingParamter in blazor web app
Expose localhost to the internet without a tunnel
How can I dispose my unmanaged code object?
Is there a way to block the calling of public method from abstract class inside a derived one?
I am having trouble with some quirks in Visual Studios SSDT (SQL Server Data Tool)
Selenium WebDriver and NUnit Tests
Visual Studio treating resources.resx as a c# file.
very easy tutorial for jwt authentication in core
how to setup C# in VS code
noob question
Need help with strange .NET MAUI Entry Display Behavior
Catching unique constraint violations and returning the field(s) violating it in a "service" class
β Avalonia - Textbox text changed
β how to discord bot 101
How do I manage singleton Regex initialization in Scoped service ?
How can i secure my appsettings.json data in my api
β Methods (with bodies) in interfaces
Visual Studio has dementia
Blazor Web Assembly (stand alone) - [Authorize] Attribute not recognising roles straight after login
β CancellationtokenSource and Cancel Task
β Beginner needs help in C# HtmlAgilityPack and Linq query
β help with basic c#
β Can .NET handle SSL certificates at runtime?
OnModelCreating dont work in Memory Database
RunSynchronously may not be called on a task not bound to a delegate
I need material for c# xaml/xml or sdl
β Help with JobGen Plus
Dotnet API and local DB connection string
β SerialPort performance
Help with very basic c#
What's the best way to implement charts in WPF
Unable to debug newly created Azure Function app (.NET 8.0 Isolated)
trying to make a modded launcher
How to check if element exists in html cefsharp
Running synchronous tasks on separate thread with FIFO
EF - mapping DateTime to 'date' type in Postgres
Abstract events implemented, but compiler warns they aren't used
β ASP.NET Core: Confusion with builder.Services.AddTransient() and App Lifetime Management
How to create migrations in rider, when you have multiple projects in one Solution?
β Cannot connect to mysql docker container db from AspNet Core App
β im trying to make a game in windows forms
EF-Core migrations issue
Cache response time issue
β Rider Not Creating a New Project in an existing solution correctly?
Type arguments cannot be inferred from usage
β HTTPClient's GetAsync errors and doesn't get caught
Can someone help me understand what Rosalyn API is and what is does?
JavaScript Framework with C# syntax
Why i can't insert values in private arrays?
EF Core with TPC hierarchy: InvalidCastException despite no casting
β Extension Methods
β A nicer way to create an on-demand property?
attach console to a non console application?
RFID Card Reader Event Handling Issue in Windows Forms Application
MAUI with blazor hybrid new project not formatted
β Generic function with conditional type based logic inside
Include files only on a specific platform
β Transient DbContext vs DbContextFactory
Chunking both key and value from dictionary
help me learn
β azure file storage
β Benchmarks not running
Searching for the best way to dynamically load and unload assemblies in .NET Framework
How install Guna.UI2.WinForms i am project;
Google Auth invalid OAuth state
How to get the text from inside a ComboBox
β wtf? what is the problem here?
YARP vs Basic HTTP Redirect
blazor maui hybrid js initializers not working
Looking for tutorials for C# / that show how to create a CRUD app with RIDER IDE
Skill issue serializing tasks
Get Object of unknown type with unknown parameters from string
recover deleted files from github on visual studio
Need help for a coding project
C# WPF how to send keys with 'CTRL' key
OAuth - Failed to retrieve access token.
How to prevent GitHub from building executables for all platforms?
SourceGenerator multiple steps (passing data from one to another)
System.NotSupportedException: Collection was of a fixed size.
Blazor Page not updating model
OOP design pattern question
Validation Error Template
Adding Blazor to an existing Razor Pages project
Is it a problem if I don't have .csproj?
Don't start hosted services on start
Unable to connect to containerised postgres from webapi container ( on Ubuntu)
β Problems adding usercontrol
Is there a way I can improve this code? I feel its kind of hard to understand
Very weird params passing error to main Method
how do I disable this
can someone help me read and understand this
Integrate Blazor components inside MVC .NET Framework 4.8
StreamWriter writing some lines multiple times
β question
β C# noob needs help retrying WebClient .DownloadString
Error connecting to subchannel.
Loop For X times
Towards the end of the bar being filled, I can click again. Does anyone know why?
XML in an API
Grpc question
How would you read this outloud or put it into a sentence?
web api and service
Main not running?
Syncfusion rating controller creates empty textboxes when there is more than one rating on the page
child/parent class, how do i 'mass define' child properties?
β how to add horizontal scroll bar to code block?
How to stream bytes from SerialPort (System.IO.Ports) into a chart.
What's this syntax in this object instantiation
Method uses
How does signInManager return tokens?
dotnet-ef error creating migrations
Certain services could not be instantiated due to iss
reflection good course
SignedXml using SHA256 on .net framework 4
Using two authentications (Azure SSO & JWT) for one Web Api
How to click on link?
how to use OID parameter in Dapper
β Why wont my intella sence work
how to download c# for linux, app develoupment
Help with parameter usage
β How to bulk compress a directory of images until each individual image is under a set size?
'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context (hint: it does)
Generate a unique number given two other numbers between -10 and 10
Not rly C# question
Can't access interface method
Implementing an extendable Calculator Console Application
Progress bar problem
why reading from a file in webforms application using StreamReader class dose not block the browser?
β Predicates
Problem with Docker
question for those reading this:
Issues with LINQ query to left join three tables
The problem with the 'name' argument in EF, WinForms
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
β do using the lock object in the below code make seance?
β BuildServiceProvider does not exist
Why does my WinForms application looks sharper in the Editor?
Saving all previous console output
Dynamic Lighting API in non UWP applications
Replace Bytes To Another Bytes
MainWindow.xaml doesnt see my dict
Relative paths with assemblies calling each other
Difference in these Blazos EF Core Samples?
Syntax for c# to do this?
API does not deploy in debug mode
When piping into stdin of a non-C# program, need to detect when the program has ended
Cannot generate assets for debugging VSCode cloned repository
β Creating a collection similar to Channel/Queue that does not "remove" elements from the collection
Executing an App Without Admin Previleges
Am I reading this right?
β .NET Identity can't require 2FA
One aux, multiple sounds
β Thread and Threading
β Library is a null value
MAUI - Click event not found refered in AppShell.xaml.cs
Trouble Streaming Video Files [Error:416 Range Not Satisfiable] (ASP.NET/Angular)
β (beginner) Align child to left, parent to the middle
Render WPF to surface
Optimizing a c# solution (algorithm)
To-Do List Application
β Use of Unassigned local variable?
β What syntax for c#?
Implementing scripting in a game engine
β Print to Debug page
β How To Use C# To Access FastAPI Server?
Can't create a file in solution
Simulating electricity flow in wire/component classes in a linked list like manner
Project file cannot specify more than one ApplicationDefinition element.
Ensure that the records stay saved for the database
Question regarding thread safety
β A bit of a beginner qustion, working with data types and variables. I can't seem to get it working
Aggregate data grouped by a key
Creating a thread that lives for as long as the application.
syntax for c# to do this math.
β Custom `IComparer` adds so much overhead
Cannot center my top numbers with rest of written characters
Unity aim down sights
2d char array is not showing the 1 character
new Span vs stackalloc
why is it only my first row of my sql table is being read :(
Make window only resizable in the diagonal axis
CSharp's C++ std::variant
β Which API design is better
TextBox Difficulties
How to test user controls
Want to learn how to code a basic window in C# on replit
Error CS0246
β Fibonacci sequence
Version error
Parallel list
β what is this
β how to add certain folders to .gitignore
Determine the positions of nodes inside of a graph
β if statement help
β Need Help for integration with Ory Self hosted (kratos, haydra, keto, Oathkeeper)
Visual Studio Debugger Breakpoint Not Working / Not Stopped
MAUI - How to merge flyout navigation with navigation from code - GoToAsync()?
β Self learning c#
MassTransit: UseConsumeFilter throws nullreference exception on startup if I have batch consumers
is it possible to export a console app as an html script of some sort
β hi, im trying to download an open source, im really new to this, and i need help with some errors
Making a List<T> from an instance of T without knowing T
Change ASP.NET response encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1?
Base Class architecture
YouTube Api
β Best practices for initialization of variables at the start of a class, outside of methods?
System.Linq and TakeLast() not defined.
asp core form tag helpers but the router has dynamic route
Read-only question
POS System
WinForms Button Icon Problem
WinForms problem with SQLite
My program gives my discord status a random ass image that I didn't assign lol
need to get data from ms access on linux. Help me pls
I can't get IApplicationBuilder to be not null in my test project
Identity 2FA wont enable
Help me understand
Need help with finding the filepath of a folder inside the solution without hard coding it
Anyone know what is up with HttpClient failing Post request?
Image Opacity Mask loading in UserControl but not on Page
Solution Architecture Question
how can i run multiple projects in vscode
How can i make email confirmation 1 in sql server
Install dotnet Library from GitHub
ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a closed Stream. I don't understand why it doesn't work.
Struggling with a passive regeneration
DLL Dependencies Error
β attempting to encrypt with ECB
not showing up
β How to correctly write conditions with expressions?
Flexible Authentication and Authorization
β how to start
How can I change the image in this area in a form?
Good resources on Authentication
β WPF Help with ICommand
.msm file
program wont build in debug
for new .net programmer , what the front-end framework u recommend them to learn?
β Test Explorer Skips Async Tests
FindResource not work
Question about Static Readonly Field optimization in Tier 2 JIT ASM
Optimize Search Algorithm to find Most dense part in rhythm game map.
How can I have a key-value data structure that allows duplicate keys?
C# Spotify Api
β Loading types from an assembly fails because assemblies provided via project SDK cannot be loaded
Mapping metadata
Enum based Singleton
MSBuild tasks, external dependencies and NuGet
Positioning window in per monitor aware v2
β Identity Services Registration not working
β unregistered services
β Periodically (asynchronously) yielding in an otherwise synchronous method
change from backgroundworker to async/await
Raw mouse input from a win32 hwnd.
Sell me on interfaces (and components if unity)
I need help with a windows service
List, Collection Initializer and Capacity
β Routes for learn C#/.NET/ASP.NET being a go developer
β EFCore generates unwieldy query
Purpose of Dependency Injection
critical mass(?) of service registrations causing scope validation to go from 5 to 30 seconds
Swagger + Database problem
Im getting a very ambiguous error when trying to get data via aspnet
Data base limit for values in `IN` clause
Seeding Data Into Database
EF - Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id'
Using JavaScript with Blazor
e commerce database help
C# Code for checking if the player is touching ground doesnt work
β Understanding and working around `this`
Cascading delete from child to parent
β Configuring .NET 8 Identity
How should Error Status Code returned from a DLLImport function be handled?
How can I make an application automatically start when my laptop starts?
β .NET 8 Identity with SQLite
β trying to figure out SQLite database encryption
β I want to learn C#
School Project
β e-commerce app
β How to get Console app to open in console rather than within vs code
β getting error using http client
β Design of events
MassTransit sage StateMachine Error Handling
MVVM toolkit receive method of messaging service
Process.Start print the command
Question regarding tasks
can anyone help? i need to print out the 3 most repeated numbers in the array
Queue Cancellationtoken
Installed Entity framework SQLite but getting this error in console
Performance question
β Where does the extra linebreak come from (StringBuilder)?
maui Datagrid From ( akgul.Maui.DataGrid )
β how do i fix this syntax error?
β .NET bug
β .NET SDK installed on the machine is targeting a different platform
Exectute Python from C#
ASP.NET - Domain Models Validation
Visual Studio C# WinForms, a question for better performance.
Building a console app for a uni assignment and struggling
.net core Error
β Using Params with Pattern Matching Switch statement
WPF DataGrid Not Updating
Dynamic Order By Entity Framework
Blazor databinding in childcomponent inside of editform
β How do async methods handle references
Monogame, Effect can't find parrameter.
WPF TreeListView bind multiple different node object types
How to find if there entity with same type and with same entities in collection?
how to make authorization for login
VS: How do I attach to a process in a chiseled container?
How can I open a program in a script?
where can i learn roslyn compiler api in easier manner?
How do I change style of nested items?
Tab Control Data Binding
β how do i fix this?
Help needed with design design
β Rider Program does not contain Static Main
β Faster & thread safe random number generator?
β Why is this not returning 20?
β Storing connection string securely
Capture clients IP address when they call my API
Connecting to localhost API Server IP-address
IConfiguration using the json string/Data Model directly, instead of saving to a temporary file?
C# Networking
Type <class name> appears to be immutable, but no constructor found to accept values.
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.
Trying to convert TMX loading Python Code into C#
β ASP.NET Core Environment Variables: missing Parameter "clientSecret" for EntraId
Who to force a type
Visual Studio debug question
Read DLLs from ERP program written in DevExpress
Implement a program where you can add name and age into a seperate list
All compiler errors have to be fixed before you can enter playmode!
need help with program (.exe)
Wpf frame navigation automatically makes the path smaller
How to pass List<string> from one action to another using TempData
How Can I Debug ASP Core Controller Registered, but Not Matching?
Trailing whitespace problem
Question about GraphQL
write nunit test
How do I test a running API?
Please help me with this Route
Please Help Prevent SQL injection
there is big different bw core 7 and 8?
β Improving code
Syntax Error in for loop.
Avalonia ListBox pass selected DataTemplate
Trying to setup SQLite with EntityFramework (Discord Bot /w DSharpPlus)
Error when starting code
issue with paths and stuff idk
β Evaluating arbitrary XML in MSBuild?
Event handlers not registering
Unsure of why i get cert errors, can anyone run this project with docker?
How to go from taking in one photo upload to taking a multiple photo upload
β new to c#, following freecodecamp tutorial
WPF app, having trouble setting vertical bounds on a TextBlock
Using a library that requires STAThread in WPF with async
Not allowed to load local resource image error in browser console
Using the C# dev kit(not the dotnet cli) how to disable top level statements within vscode?
Is it possible to change the return type of interface method to the type of the implementing struct?
i want to assign the grades with the grade points how can i do that?
Choppy text
Issue with DbContext reading in DB Tables
Creating an app, is NavigationWindow the way to go to have multiple pages?
how do i make a loop or array to choose between different color[]? (csharp)
How can I access the custom extra columns I tacked on to the AspNetUsers Identity db table?
β What is C# Code Lowering?
Custom HttpMessageHandler to save http request and response in DB
[AllowAnonymous] not working when request was handled by YARP
can somebody help me,
Design pattern for dynamic content for a browser game?
How can I set bool to true in Model with radio input?
What are Records and why should I use them
Dictionary help (its confusing)
One-to-many relationships - EF
Advantage of async
Lambda, delegates, events. Help !
Lambda, delegates, evens. Help !
Help me understand how you would approach this problem.
Guys in my service class my interface is throwing some error can you help:
drawing Rectangles in winforms c# help
ActionFilters for ViewComponents
What is the name of this Linting rule in Rider?
β A problem with tracking behavior in unit tests
How to create a single self-contained executable of a dotnet 8 C# console app in vscode?
OpenTelemetry not including SpanId with ActivityEvent.
β Connecting to a database + Extracting Data from it.
Using IFormFile in Web API project results in network failure.
Hey guys this is my service file :
Metronome Click Inconsistent
How to debug runtime/libs in Visual Studio?
Converting 8-bit PCM Stream into FLAC Stream
β EF core transactions in PostgreSQL
Question regarding multiple calls to AddHttpClient()
ViewModel Command ran when I debugged, but the View is not updated
How can I use a precompiled C/C++ dll in a C# project?
MVC w/ Razor View - Form POST
β why not working
EF parameterless constructor
Maui CommunityToolkit MediaElement
Help with EF Core polymorphic associations
code organization with windows vs page
β Describing `object` response in swagger
attempting to solve error, need help :(
β IL for function vs expression-bodied-function
β i want get the id of user but id wont show up of user blazor wasm with web api
β Waiting on a task more efficiently
β Why is this an error?
help understanding unit test and mocking, which of the two example are valid
I'm making a pipe friction loss calculation tool
Hook into job state change in HangFire
Bevel effect in Style Template
How to pin Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref version
β ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier not retruning id of current user
Reflection and customclass in list properties c#
Multi-Instance Application with SignalR and Redis as backplane
β is there any way to delete items from the database and return the deleted list in one request?
Aggregation vs Composition (UML)?
Need help compressing an RPS system
The "ResolvePackageAssets" task failed unexpectedly.
Overkill on the use of interfaces for Dependency Injection in Web APIs?
How to use a templated control in main window view?
identity blazor
When I try to run it on Android without debug Visual Studio, it does not work
Clip content in a Border
API integration issue in .NET core framework.
β REALLY SIMPLE PROBABLY help reading one line from file into two fields (variables)
Looking for free/open source .docx to .pdf converter
How can I send image data from javascript to c#
Installing a .net tool in an offline network (moving on disk on key)
β razor
β How come this gives me no warning in Rider?
creating am installer for windows application
β ASP.NET open project
How to handle updating a list of children entity
Docker - .NET 8.0 UTF-8 Problem
β Double-Async
WinUI3 project will not launch when packaged with Windows Application Packaging Project
DeleteBehavior can't be cascade in join table
API versioning from NuGet Packages
How to add a watermark to a GIF?
Inferring arguments to a method
β warning LNK4272: library machine type 'x86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64'
application insight serilog
Yo guyss i was learning c++ and i stopped until i finished oop and now i like c# more
β web api connection refused
β Beginner C# learner and I got a question
β struggling with basic dictionary and lists....
β Exception thrown: 'System.FormatException' in mscorlib.dll
β [Solved] How to fetch some Svg pictures from the web and display them using WinUI 3?
β Reducing exception usage, async methods
β Menus and Submenus in VSIX Extensions
usercontrols visible not visibles are not working
β trying to build a single file WPF app but the publish dialog box looks nothing like the docs
β CORS issue when making GET request to server running asp application.
am i still junior?(
How to move an item in a "sorted" list above another item, preserving the sorting?
β Anybody here know how to fix internal SSD appearing as HDD when used externally through USB 1.0?
β how do i make user input date in the same line
β build one file
β Animations
How is Modelstate.IsValid triggered?
β Apply multiple attributes from custom attribute
β AutoValidateForgeryToken with fetch API
Stuck between using a MetadataLoadContext for reflection and using an assembly reference for testing
β GetLength vs .Length
Panel.ZIndex not work when the canvas is used as a ItemsControl.ItemsPanel
DataGrid Cell Selection / Row Color
β positional parameters
β [AllowedValue] not doing anything
β Winforms Forms converted to just c# classes
Handling Nullable Property Updates in ASP.NET
Windows Forms Wrong color help
.NET 8 / Blazor Server+WASM / Configuration
β can anyone help me with a unity c# script error
why that?
β CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies in csproj not being respected?
autorun not working?
β Web API format for error response
β Web API Controller Response JObject
Winforms - cursor doesn't stay as "WaitCursor" in long running async method
β Deployment for ASP.Net Core Web API
β Help needed: ensuring synchronization on startup for Minimal API app
Foreign Key Exception on Id when attempting to insert
β e-commerce design
My NuGet packages are not created
C# event subscription in the context of a gRPC stream
Custom Made Collection
are theses considered namespaces?
Pattern matching `Type` in a way that can be assigned to a `const` variable... is it possible?
why the Clist.Contains(customer) is not getting true in that case ?
How to retain precision in the Sql Server Table column data type 'float' when using SqlBulkCopy?
app.UseHealthChecks("/health"); works locally, does not work behind iis deployment.
β Trying to add tic tac toe board snapshot to variable for display of full match later
How to join multiples forms
How does .Contains work inside of a .All()?
if(fork) and if(!fork) - how do they work?
More Elegant Way to Make a Generic Lookup Type
Weirdest problem - catch doesnt work
β Shuffling db results using LINQ.
Multipart form upload prepends the file
Work with .resx Resource files on vscode
β Splitting string into chunks with delimiter
Trying to map values to a single DTO
ASP.NET Core Web API byte[] issues
Any way for me to be able to choose the dotnet sdk arch
How to implement alternative items. A is alt. to B and C => B alt. to A and C, etc.
β .Net 8 WebApi not responding from Docker container
how to write method outside the main method in the program class?
β "An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request."
Index.cshtml not found
Looking for help with object init problem
β anyone know why I'm getting this error
β Variable access help :(
kill system
ASP.NET Core same structure for all responses
β EF Core include only one property of collection
β WPF UI (lepoco/wpfui) Questions
Dealing with the professor: advice appreciated
WPF TextBlock Text binding
WiX 5: Harvesting fromabsolute path
Appium error
What causes these 2 packages? How to fix this.
Managed Debugging Assistant 'PInvokeStackImbalance'
β I have been hired in a company that is still using c# with webforms
Element not found error while trying to use UserNotficationListener
Embedding a 3D view with OpenGL backend within a WPF view
Regex negative lookahead not working
EF Core - Where clause on multiple field in object list
Scaling Background Services !
Problem with json deserialization
Use the model binding configuration to map PropertyInfo to its input name in Json / query param
Amazon S3 client total request count
Calculated Properties with EF Core
β Legacy project, `using System.Net.HTTP` does not compile. What do?
why I can not jump
encoding to ANSI
VS 2022 - Root Element is not valid - WPF
β how to make C# file send data to arduino
β Help understanding how to get foreign relation using Entity Framework core.
β In Identity Model class i am having CS1729 coded error message.
β New to C#
β Synchronous wait and swallow exceptions
MSBuild make it NOT copy a dependency to the output path
How to create a foreign key pointing to the db table created by ASP.NET Identity (AspNetUsers)?
Authentication problem in SignalR
β How to move these modules from column 1 to 2?
how do you use Color.fromArgb
β SignalR authentication not working
β did i install a malware?
yield return
Extending the Assert class in xunit
Character Controller Issue
Cannot add multiple same objects to DB, only distinct are saved. .NET EntityFramework
β Simple Semester Project
How does API versioning work
β Expandability of the ASP.NET WEB API - Mongo tutorial code
β Can't activate c# dev kit
β Trying out NUnit test, I need help!
Packages issue
β how to show design code
β LINQ, simple query
β wpf json CRUD(mvvm)
β A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed.
β Trouble setting up user-secrets
How do I reduce class coupling? Is class decoupling always necessary?
β what will be the default value of the `params int[] value` if i did not pass it while calling M
Updating progress on the screen problem
i dont know why i am still got `CS8602 - Dereference of a possibly null reference.` in that indexer
Snake Game C# in Godot
Iβm going to college for programming. Iβm trying to find a good laptop, low price.
β Git branch management program
enumerable.range vs yield return
MAUI, C#, XAML - @(Content) build action is not supported
What the hell is this error?
JsonSerialization Help
How to use Squirrel Releasify with rider
yield return in c#
Why wont this run?
ASP.NET Core 5 Identity reset password token is randomly invalid
Windows forms project scaling issue
How to support offline CRUD operations using Blazor PWA
β I'm new to csharp and I wanted to setup a new project and it says "unable to find the project"
β Unrecognized escape sequence how do I solve it ?
question about strings & stringbuilder!
β connecting docker container from localhost
β Return readonly property
How to Bind typeparam with property in Blazor?
β what do i need to follow to setup c#
Aspx Code Help
β Console.WriteLine("a") isn't showing "a" in console but "Hello, World!"
What is dependency injection and when should I realistically use it
Dependency injection approach for object, used only in a single method
should state machine have ability to add/remove
intel has ceased HAXM support
β why am i getting this error
easy question but i still didnt understand after searching google: what is the point of ToString?
async functions always finish on a background thread
Issue following Maui Example from MS Learn
Program Runs VERY slowly and jittery in WPF
Newtonsoft.JSON ignore a JsonProperty
β is Assembly.Load(byte[] coff) not supported for mixed mode assemblies on windows?
Learning how to test API with NUnit and Nsubstitute
NLog configuration file issues.
β how can i improve this code ?
cant get user control showing after its opened and closed
Cannot use AvalonDock Metro theme for ResourceDictionary after upgraded to .net5
β Error: The remote server returned an error: (403)
standard output from Process not giving any output for certain commands
Trying to Learn C Sharp on MacOS
How to deployment wpf app without internet
Multiple 1 to Many Relationships in Entity Framework
visual studio setup
dotnet run throws segfault
Need to develop SDK.
ASPX Website: URL is getting cut by the browser because it seems too long
β Why is the attempted fix still creating a new copy of the dv each time CallDispose is called?
Questions regarding a linq query
Distinct List in List of Lists
β System Exception cannot figure out why it's happening
Which object creation method is more used?
How to link C++ library to C#, and make C++ library cannot to decompile?
"ReferencePath" item list does not define a value for the "CopyLocal" metadata
Unit Testing | Unsupported expression: ht => ht.LoadAll<ReasonType>()Non-overridable members
Register user doesnt work (MySQL)
β How To Pass A String or LoginModel back through navigation Avalonia.MVVM
Kestrel https url binding warning
.Add() and .Update() aren't working, why though?
WPF - Using RTF as a Notes section.
Hi is this the same thing?
I need help refactoring my http request
Recommend book/source
Confusing code with keyword ref
β Azure app service Web API project not running
MVVM How to make observablecollection<string> always contain a string
VS Remove all bindings, then configure from scratch
Datadog APM not working
Curly bracket auto formatting
β User Input is glitching
β How to optimize this method?
seems like this doesn't work as intended!
C# carrier advice
β EF Core Relationship
β BindingList<T> ???
β Two methods: struct and non-struct
runtime crashing debugger crashing
possible null reference warning
2 error abt variables
β Issues logging in from frontend via backend API
Controller Routing errors
β is down
Unit test error
β CS1513 '}' expected
MVVM w/ Toolkit | Observing Child Properties
β SSRS | How To Upload Multiple RDL File to Report Server ?
How to identify the correct .sln or .csproj file to build?
β await in c#
β error on sql query: can't found the entry point denominated 'SI606edd9d38f5df5
DefaultAzureCredential Saying AZ CLI is not installed when it is
β Folder selector can not select folder from phone
FluentResults in the Domain layer
β Console.WriteLine("a"); is showing "Hello, World!"
[Xamarin] [Android] Pass pointer into GLES20.GlBufferSubData
β I cannot create a database
how to manage nested models in asp net and mongo
β Console app makes another app
β git merge vs git rebase
Facial Recognition
Dictionary translation
Console Application On Exit (Win 11)
β Help please asap i cant make my portal to appear
Array resizing issues
Form app doesnt loading
Files not copying to output directory - Linux
Why `where T: class`
Although I make the same query from an api endpoint, I get different results from different devices
problem with request
Any tips how to be good in WPF
FlowLayoutPanel TopDown problem
Job scheduling: Quartz vs Hangfire vs ?
β Image input field is required
svelte or react..... with asp net core??
Restrict register endpoint using ASP.NET Core Identity
Request for in depth material regarding auth implementation in. net
Thread when starting a process
Microsoft DataFrame example not working
Properly output caching an API
Trying to get a small free database?
β Strange parsing error with docker instance
Tidying and making a repeat column faster
new command fixing memory leak.
β Refresh Token + JWT + Identity
β Refresh token for Identity
Question about SQL server and VPF visual studio
Unable to get the FieldInfo's value
β Reading .csv files correctly
XmlReader skipping every other node while iterating
β "You must install or update .NET to run this application"
Set animation class in blazor doesnt work.
β Is it a good idea to store CSS class as a property in my C# model?
β What are repetitive tasks that you do in a web interface that you would automate?
Creating the input from Python
β I have an encrypted file and I suspect it is a malicious virus. Can I decrypt it?
β Unable to create migration - 'Unable to resolve service for type 'DbContextOptions'
LINQ help
β github push not work !
Parsing XML directly into serializable object?
Update configuration in memory
Structure of system with polymorphism
Fill in missing dates in list?
Is it feasible to develop blazor web apps using neovim?
β Web API redirect back to client
How to add info box on functions ? How to add alert messages before run ?
MudBlazor exception with MudDataGrid
Source generator WithAttributeMetadataName transform function not get invoke
Visual Studio Code
How to handle outputs that alter the same line and remove lines while running a process?
Application closing without any errors when uploading a picture
Hiding Encryption key from RE
what URL should Kestrel listen to in a docker container on Azure App Service
ASP.Net WebForm application is becoming slower after precompiling it in Azure
Need help with video processing
Help with coding a JSON file-based framework for extending features in a Unity mod
Making my functions more generic
How to update app automatically ?
β The value '(image path)' is not valid for Image.
β NullReferenceException for a array of bytes (image)
β How do I get rid of 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException'
What is the correct way to bind a view model to a view?
How to get screen capture at 120 frames per second?
`Microsoft.Extensions.Logging` and Serilog compatible timing library?
What's a good youtube tutorial about C#?
Windows Installer problem ... ClickOnce working
β What is more efficient the C# Written course or the videos from dotnet
What return method is appropriate for controller actions for SPA frontend?
Log in system error
β using System; is greyed out, any help?
I want to find file when the file it's found I want to say where is the file path
visual studio code beginner mistake?
Why do i need to pass in the generics here?
β can anyone help me out setting up c# in vsc? im struggling to get it to debug
cannot solve build error
Is there any difference between visual studio code and community?
how can I avoid chaos like this ?
i want to migrate db from sqlserver to supabase(postressql) but i have error with entitity framework
new to c#! not too sure why i can't call my method from class
Test project in project where project is in same folder as solution (
Unsure how to set IIS Application Pool Identity to non-admin user or semi-admin user
Step up my programming level
How to check if program is running as root on Linux
thumbnail gen(doc, excel)
problem with updating method for backend with mongo driver
UseStaticFiles for HTML
Trouble connecting to MySQL database form a seperate computer
C# how can i adapt my panel while dragging the form
Uncaught exception
Problem with JWT, always returns Unauthorized
Simple Injector with mediatR
β Auto replying to request
β .net8 impersonate
How to use C# to determine the end or next redirection point of a page
How to skip exception
Learning DB and Identity
await-work in thread class is different from await-work in task class?
how can i speed up this transparent image rendering in winforms?
β Access to the path 'C:\Users\Administarto\AppData\Local\Application Data' is denied
β How to get Options from DI
Looking for more performant alternatives to reflection for iterating through properties of a class
Stopping Invoking the rest of the registered methods if the bool is true
hello can any one help me i have a problem on collision
β When I enter Visual Studio WPF, all lines of code in all scripts are underlined. How to fix this?
I need to render text in my game with opentk
Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.
Getting user credentials blazor
porting FNA and C# into Nintendo 3DS
β Content would exceed Content-Length
β EFCore fetching all data in nearly all tables after a single insert
β where constraint on interface method
What is SDL exactly, why should I use it?
Unable to get logged in user when using React SPA
Docker non-root access volume for runtime image
StateHasChanged not working in timers.
β how to write web.config for IIS deploy
The generated C# executable does not run on empty computers.
LibraryImport examples, especially on Linux
β Namespace error
method with object lists error
β The code doesnt work as intended
i migrating from sqlserver to mongo db but in login the page throeing an errror ExpressionNotSupport
Problem while "dotnet ef migrations add Init"
Large-scale project technologies
Dublicate Properties in Tables?
Have public static values accessible thru the class that inherited this class
Gradle Build Failed in unity
C# wpf Popup DragMove Help
heartbeat logging
System.AccessViolationException In windows but not in linux
Which is faster - a type LUT or a switch?
public WPF and Console project in same sulution
EndPoints not working WCF, service is running
Newbie VSCode Running Locally Problem
Azure DevOps Pipelines: Environment Variables Not Available in dotnet test Command
How to put VS Code integrated terminal into my second monitor?
Collections expression to add an item at the start.
Every HttpClient request has a 5 second delay before execution
β Syntax Error
XML Deserialization
β CancellationTokenSource .. apply what design pattern?
β livecharts
Optimization problem for matching two lists of objects with same property
β need C# challenges
Unable to get logged in user with GetUserAsync
Is it possible to update public IReadOnlyList?
Unable to set User FK in another model (User extends IdentityUser)
β need visual studio C# offline installer please guys
β object composition: a database perspective
β How to solve this problem?
I'm Trying To Make a Horror game
C# WPF: Creating 2D Graphics
WinForms elements are greyed out when built
Connecting to database via String in XML
β what is the name of the pattern that used in types that end with *source?
β not a specific issue on a code, I just need somewhat of a lesson
C# Wpf DatePicker Custom Style Error
Strange seemingly new behavior of docker-compose with dot net C# solution
An async function called without await
Internal error in the debugger.Exception = System.DllNotFoundException
How to start a background service using Package.appxmanifest?
Authentication without a dedicated separate database in .NET 8.0?
Add assemblies on Visual Studio
Launching WPF Windows via code when wpf is not startup project
Do we really need microservices in order to scale out an application horizontally?
UI modification
WPF Styling of a button
Converting from DTO to DomainModel
cancellation token to stop Console.ReadLine is only working on the first try
learning moq framework
β .net best practices & useful patterns
mapping a dynamic object to an existing object and only map properties that exist in the source obj
when I want to enter to open my path, the click event is activated
β updated to Swashbuckle 6.6 from 6.4 and now my code doesn't compile
β i feel like there is a really easy fix that i am missing
β I might be stupid, but my score system adds two every time a collision happens instead of one.
please help me understand this warning
β enter the button,I need this thing very urgently
β Api request matching issue
β how to convert Dictionary to C# object?
β Database cmd.ExecuteScalar() ERROR
Enter and move buttons
Teaching C# - Basic and Advanced topics (that are must learn)
Database suffix builder
β I need help with compiling an console application exe with the Roslyn compiler
β I need help with positioning the news under weather, stock, and time.
Put a pdf in a form
β EF Core - Not getting updated data from PostgreSQL table
How do I implement the Chrome API Sidepanel with a Blazor browser extension?
β Need Help making a Loader for a game.
QuestPDF Why does the document become empty after adding the table and how to fix it?
β [Solved] Dotnet restore is failing on new apps
I am new to C# and would like to hear about all the resources(paid or not) where I can learn C#.
png image but background is not transparent
Problem with Timer
svelte with core
Dependency Injection + MVVM?
freeze winform app until loop exits
ASP.NET how does an actionmethod get my model?
Not increasing Score integer
I need help with api keys.
Avalonia ViewLocator not ViewLocating
open a path
Looking for Boilerplate and Learning Resources
Making 2d world generation deterministic
β Enable CORS
Method on DI service doesn't do anything
I'm new to C# and i need to know something
DbContextFactory check for valid connection on app startup
What's wrong with my LINQ expression?
Access dependency property from a viewmodel WPF
Avoid reserializing entire JSON?
ado net
β Variable calling from other classes
insert mac addresses into a table of sqlite db
MSBuild doesn't detect files created using Target
Design Hashset
Problem with Updating Messages in Windows Forms (FlowLayoutPanel)
.NET vs PHP frameworks - which is better for big websites with many requests?
β C# expert
β switch .net version (Ubuntu)
Maui, Mapping, Syncfusion, Marker, Tooltip, Api, Json
Porting a tiny library from Lua to C#
HttpPost forms in ASP.NET
trying to learn encapsulation
How to iterate all classes in a name space ?
NullReferenceException but checking for Null?
I don't know how to do this
Google Token
CMake to generate C# project and compile it
β My other post is closed idk why but
β Create a item box with info
Using Screen.FromPoint(Cursor.Position) always returns `Display 0`
Resx file problems
Difficulty with Blazor Server chat app
Velocity increase at start of the program not constant
β Docker issue
β Open telemetry & core
β Help with Avalonia databinding and library objects on ViewModels
β How can I change this code
β Problem with Data Binding
β Automate test data generation
β Dependency injection
does anybody know how to use mica title bar in winui3?
KMP-Algorithm in C#
β Malformed input: 321 is an invalid input length
get the last richtextbox
Why do you need to use else statements?
How to set a variable = to itself + another variable
β Jittery CSS pan animation
β Can't start a C# code
β How to make a "loading" progress bar
Minigame UI Canvas not closing after adding delay to the end of the minigame
Any way to reactivate a hanging foreign task (provided by an API/SDK)?
DataGridViewCell won't display line breaks properly when editing
dotnet publish fails due to a build error that doesn't happen when I run just dotnet build
draw board caro
Devexpress loadOptions parse filter array, how to handle in serverside
β I'm having issues with "MostrarEstatisticasPorLocal/Sensor/Tipo" in Menu.cs
"Duplicate property" Entity Framework 8 Error
Json to enum deserialization issue
Float (signed) number comparisons compiled to unsigned version of instruction
Attempting to create a CRUD API
Console app working with Windows Form app
Open browser tab with session data
Youtube Live Chat
Console Adventure Game Structure
Blazor web assembly app
Needing help on why it always does 60 instead of 120.
β Blazor App
β How to read from glsl (shader) file
How to create files before main and pass command line args with net8.0-browser and wasm
Dockerized .NET8 API not accessible.
Trying to add Fonts to a Style.xaml in WPF
what is the easiest and fastest way to improve problem solving skills?
OAuth reporting bad redirect uri but only after redirect
What does this error mean?
Sockets and WPF
Community.Toolkit.MVVM Error on [ObservableProperty]: The name 'x' does not exist in current context
`OperatingSystem.IsAndroid()` Alternative for .NET Standard 2.0
Pipe is being closed. Trying to pass request body to php process
MVVM .net MAUI delete button not working
Opening serial port in windows service (Solved)
β play an mp4 file without MediaPlayer and in full screen
Very simple C# Library automatically converted to TS Library
How to manage components with Avalonia
Help using generics and maps
website problem: update and permmisson
TDD: Mocking services
'.AspNetCore.Correlation.FN07PveE1rsK2IsgyCPuDYdU49H3_TL3yIc8wyE0zRw' cookie not found.
ASP.NET & EntraId: Acquire Token on Behalf of User for Azure Resource Manager
View Injection
deserialize non-nullable
β Something is causing this to go into stack overflow
Reading in JSON-RPC for LSP msg returning Null???
Weird behaviour with SpriteBatch.Draw in MonoGame
β Auto Updating WPF applications options and best practices
β "False Errors"??
Windows Forms EXE
In an UWP app, how can I get all currently open `Window` instances?
Synchronization error, with threads
Http Post HELP
help with XML
Bunch of CS0246 and CS0234 errors.
[Reading files from sftp server] is what i am trying to do possible?
deploy rest api container from github & docker hub to Azure app service
Help on Covariance and Contravariance in C#
How do I get visual studio to suggest code like this ?
Debugging a ReflectionTypeLoadException
Help designing classes for a game
β From App C# Error
Webapi with SSL in production, using docker
Prefered approached when needing to customize Data Grid value
Application looking in wrong runtimes/{arch}/native directory
C# pnputil not recognized
replace variable with random number
Could not load file or assemblyβ¦
CSV Reader Issue
Why can't I install this NuGet package
How does EF know what database to use?
β Casting to enum when only having a Type object
How to fix a simple (hopefully) error?
WPF how to add data from 2 list entries to a different window that uses a CustomContol
Acces data from another form
Why the cats images doesnt show after the 1st one?
Styling in Avalonia
Changed the name of my file and now everythings fucked :C i changed the code but my database is gone
β keyauth to c# file
I am attempting to assign an integer value to a 2d array, but I get a null reference errorβ
β How to handle TextBox Text changing on ViewModel in Avalonia
Static linking of `.lib`/`.a` file not working
strategy design pattern on discount
"Non-nullable field..." warning even though the value is ensured to be declared
Truncating 1 and 0 and returning as a double
β Required property
Binary serialization / deserialization where you don't control the format
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'NOT'. error during ef database update
IP-based licensing system
Project requirements?
Good morning guys, I'm having a problem with my program service worker.
Modern UI like W11 for WinForm
Identity struggle
Cant navigate to different directories in sftp server using SSH.NET
Canvas: Any benefit to "reusing" shapes vs. Canvas.Clear() and creating new shapes every render?
β List<KeyValuePair<Trader, long>> requires primary key to be defined
console.readline and float
Open source LSP with dependency injection aware implementation finding?
Build Errors says that debug target is missing even when building the solution & projects
Screenshot and save to file
β null error, not sure how to fix
How to serialize part of an object with a guid but then deserialize later?
β help. i'm trying to make the last letter the first letter and vice versa
Best practice for Database EF Migrations (Auto v Manual)
How to search database for matching text efficiently with C# (maybe with tokens)
β Need help with docker deployment
Best practice for class constructors?
Bearer token is not used by Swagger for endpoints with [authorize], but used for [AllowAnonymous]
cant connect to database ;-;
Refresh a card without refreshing the whole board
How does tokenization work to protect sensitive data?
Use the ms print to pdf printer to re-print a pdf file
I finished a 4 hour tutorial on c#, how do I do to progress in the language from now?
How can i ref in a lambda
Trouble implementing Identity
Entity DB object with immutable variables
use parameter from a class of type form in another form
Hello im repairing an old mod from Risk of Rain 2 and need help.
Has anyone every used: System.Speech.Recognition locally with great success?
Resolving correct DbContext depending on ???
WPF - Unable to create copy of template in Visual Studio
Additional profiling tools for Visual Studio (or cmdline)?
HTTP Streams don't stream data for me
Visual studio 2022 community Jquery ,Js, html hot reload
Docker container not port forwarding
can i get help? im new to this and i wanna represent data in a panel
My First Ever C-Sharp Mini Project!
MVC Identity help
Nice ways to partially serialize and deserialize objects?
-1 in array?
anyone know animation in unity? i know i should ask here but nobody responds in Unity discord
object ref not set blah blah blah
iCalendar(.ics) file for outlook/teams to hide RSVP option or remove accept, reject option from RSVP
OOP C sharp exam help
Extension Methods
I'm having problem making a post in swagger. Its a one to many relationship where "Produto" is one.
MAUI for Android requires wasi-experimental to be installed but it is already installed
C# Yaml error
Unable to determine reason for publish error
β Why I'm getting ArgumentException/System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException exception?
recommendation for course
Getting checked for username instead of email attribute in Identity framework in ASP.NET Core MVC
Where do I code?!
Data Grid View is not showing data.
when to use switches and when to use if statements?
Ping Pong Game (Need Helping Adjusting AI Move)
Help with my converting DCM to JPEG in C#
Need help with mvc,NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
best git bash command to start your dotnet application
Blazor reactive state
EF Relationships - Constraint to ids present in another relationship
Help with my first project
Multi-target builds with C++/CLI projects
help with grenade FPS game
Code no working
AspNetCore Null Exception
NamedPipeClientStream.ReadAsync() continuously reads after the first message arrives
β Trying to edit button onMouseOver styles, but to no avail
Unit Testing gRPC server with EF Core
MAUI new Apple requirements
Easiest and simplest way to insert a Microsoft SQL Server DB into an app saving data in csv files?
Relative Coordsystem and Euler-Angles
WPF Fonts in a ResourceDictionary
β Mapping IDataReader into typed class
Getting the Value of XElement including tags
Memory leaks with OpenFileDIalog, SaveFIleDialog, and DataGridView in WinForms
Help me explain the ref keycode
β just a quick question about if, else, else if
Error in Json Source Generation (ambiguous operator)
β Refactor C# code
β Why cant this script acsess currentlySelectedTile
Trap problems with character controller
how do i set a character controller as disabled or active in a c# code?
β Pushed project from pc to github and downlaoded on other PC
β how to interupt an animation before its finished rolling the full thing
Animation question
i need help with collision detection, i think
How to make a bet system in a Turtle race?
Are Matrix4x4 multiplications pre or post multiplied?
Attribute Style Preference
Handling reading large files in C#
Reflection with InlineArrayAttribute?
β Issues with Avalonia
Blazor NavigationManager throws Unspecified navigation exeption.
ASP.NET core, Access Table that is defined in another project
can I specify an Type wildcard for GetMethod?
how to host Wpf(.net7.0) in mfc
Why does this truncated Vector 2 have 2 decimal places
WinUI: Creating a DataTemplate through Code doesent resolve all bindings.
Can't declare variables not in main?
hangman game
Extending a class while overwriting its properties
good puzzle for someone, dont know why or how this works
How to block the execution of a method when running EF migration
String enums - current consensus
Should I learn python before C#
β Help needed: Buttons update enabled state after two clicks.
dotnet test on Azure Devops has .NET 8 and requires .NET 6 and crashes?
Need help debugging a tiny console app on server
ASP.NET core, send more data with formData
β How can i turn this into a query?
how difficult would this be to do?
Beginner Questions
β Blazor and Javascript loading
cant convert type (int, int) to Vector2
dotnet not being recognized in Ubuntu 22.4 LTS container During Scripted Install
text file management
I have a small error that is quite confusing
New to C#, need help on random number guessing game!
Claims returning null for LinkedIn OAuth, why?
Errors working with Entity Framework
Converting a code from C to C#
β Blazor / ASP.NET - @inject keyed service
Im coding my 3D engine called STRATIS and there are two errors.
What's the difference between webhook and sending an HTTP request to an endpoint exposed by client
Identifying the Framework in a .csproj file
MSBuild For c# project with c++ dlls
β Typically how is an image stored?
MarshalDirectiveException: Cannot marshal 'return value': Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination
Need help to get data from MongoDB
Trying to create objects using a loop, but don't know what i'm doing wrong?
Can't get Data in Controller by Ajax from View in dotnet MVC Core
Question about Avalonia
List<> modification
when do I need to learn dotnet aspire?
MVVM Data Binding across multiple content pages in one application not working (.NET Maui)
Help with building
ASP.NET Core Identity - How to manage roles?
Why does it give the error?
MVVM Binding
[SOLVED] .NET runtime control over tty input and output
Cannot find method although defined and used?
Front stack help
why do we need to specify the route again in handler methods, and why it's absolute
.NET The way to handle proxy
ASP.NET MVC Way to handle a page
Graph Coloring help
Performance Advice
β Trimming/NativeAOT preserve specific constructor(s) in ClassLibrary
Unknown Access Violation Error
How do I confirm the framework of a dotnet application from the code?
Struggling with one thing about interfaces.
Help with libraries
Trying to use Electron.NET with Blazor Web App
.net ecosystem questions
ASP.NET: Elegant controller <-> service interaction
Can't figure out how to apply attributes to values in json property dictionary (System.Text.Json)
Recommendation for handling logging in a API
Reading config files (mostly secrets) from outside appsettings and env vars - bad idea?
asp - Calling another api endpoint
Testing practices and libraries
Switching to C# and curious if there's anything I could improve on in this very basic math script.
General Google SSO Login Question
How to write Testcases with ServiceProvider.GetKeyedService method in .Net 8?
Identity problem
Blazor validation - validation message not added?
β RestSharp
EF Entity 'required' property
Problem using class libraries in Unit tests
β Hangfire as windows service
Accessing Function from Nested UI File - Avalonia
Can you solve this problem
How are people dealing with mapping from a class object to generated object from protobuf?
β How to learn XAML styling
Help understanding some code
Where can i learn Xaml tags
relationship between C# compiler and .net core sdk
how to make validations on sever side
Export Nuget Package (.targets and .nuspec): what am I doing wrong?
"Using" Not working
LFU/LRU InProc .NET Weighted Entry Cache?
β Disable trimming for certain assemblies
Firebase .net
win forms c#
OData Dictionary Response
how do transitive dependencies work?
Color parameter problem
How does database sharding work
β WinUI3 not compatible with my .NET 7 package
β Need help with with Input Simulator
Need Help fixing my Xaml and Xaml.cs files
β Anyone good with ClaimsPrincipal? Trying to print the User's email
Creating react TS frontend for my C# .net backend
can I ask about your opinion for this description that prove that structs is value type
Name does not exist in the current context
When should i use Private constractor with factory method?
Δ° need help with c#
Getting route data from a WebAPI without Swagger
Can someone explain to me how to change this Gearbox icon back to the old textbox?
Help with counter
Enforcing Windows Store updates for a WPF app
Best way to run dotnet c# application in background Github actions while running postman tests
Synchronizing with Monitor
β Cors Errors on new API controller
ASP.Net data not showing up on page
β Hi team,
API Architecture (CQRS, Read-Only repository, ...)
Someone help me with DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs
β Microsoft sql unable to connect. What I'm missing?
The instance of entity type 'OptimizerInstanceEntity' cannot be tracked
ImageSharp add circular border around image
Jagged Array
AspNetCore.Reporting.LocalReport caching issue export excel
β use Console.write to set foreground color?
β Can someone help me with timer (blazor)
DrawString doesn't update text / Windows Forms
cant connect to MariaDB
List changed by first function gets reset by second function
How to set env variables in Docker reliably
Calculating Student Grade Book Average (GBA) in Percent - Encountering Zero Value Issue
Choosing what architecture NuGet.Protocol Downloads
Quit Game Button
Difficulty in passing index
β Setting up WPF logging to OTLP collector
when connecting database 404 not found error
Weird error to do with index out of range
Monitor Signaling
Im new to C# and im kinda stuck here. Please help
β How to make Hangfire as windows service connected with database
Image slideshow
β C# WPFUI Pakistan developer
β visual studio 2019 is not opening a c++ lib
ASP.NET Dependency Injection Fails to instantiate service
Kusto Ingestion queue
It Crashes every Time im Adding Picture Using PhotoBox
Targets not running
β Readonly methods
β In window service app how to get table and column data in core
How does Dapper work
Messed up while trying to commit/merge
Byte array to BitArray
Problem with lists
Can't style NavLink in Blazor
best place to get started learning C# for web dev?
β Error submitting answers: Exception of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.NavigationException'
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Pls Help :.)
is the method hiding considered a type of polymorphisim?
writing a program to calculate losses and victory in a war game for social media
Typed ids to plain id
Filtering an Observable Collection in WPF MVVM via ICollectionView
Input Simulation Libraries
player collision not working for my monogame game!
Input Box in C#
How can I create a timer for a participant taking a quiz?(Blazor)
How to use the same HttpClient instance with different session cookies / proxies?
Opening DB Connection: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types
Delegate.CreateDelegate returns "ArgumentException: method arguments are incompatible"
Running custom build targets within library user
Transforming own type into ProblemDetails
Share the resources that helped you grow in understanding Data Structures and Algorithms?
Directory.Packages.props working for all projects except Api
Preview Monaco editor input as html on blazor project
Source generators VSCode
β Help with XAML
Basic project structure for api/frontend
Problem with creating a project
help me
Running simple C# program with minimal documentation
β Dependency Injection Error?
i cant login to my azure account throu visual studio 22
How to update a listbox contents with a text file that is constantly being updated.
β globalusings not being generated
anyone using with nunit 4 for migration?
Installing a testlogger/adapter system wide on linux?
β VS is trying to put my whole user folder on github
Do you think this job offer is a red flag?
Why do experienced devs hate Automapper and prefer Riok Mapperly
Looking for AltiumSDK/API for PcbDoc
Preventing SQL Injections with string based queries
β Need help making classes
ASP.NET project the latest frontend push killed the SSL certificate for localhost.
Play a Sound file as a URL Link in WPF
β Question about partial classes
β Detect the user name who started the process
β Is there a way to programmatically formatt a file core send ping websocket closed
Help adding authorization
Why does calling the PrintFullName() method require casting it as ((Employee)PTE).PrintFullName() ?
So im a bit new to the C# Language but i have a project for drawing sth using drawline/drawellipse
Unable to add a new Controller in Visual Studio
Build failures error
β WinUI 3 Template Studio, NavigationView Header in Settings Page is Missing
Model State Always Returning False Whenever I click on Submit, Below is my code:
Updating from AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning -> Asp.Versioning - Issues with swaggergen
dotnet application to moderate pc usage
β Identity without ApiEndpoints
Trouble Connecting to Database
Is there a tree for that?
I'm getting an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object"
Help for a noob
Isolation level for reading a row only once
I can't find ASP.NET Core with React.js
HTML renders before/during OnInitializedAsync - Blazor server side (no SignalR)
Issue 0x80040402 (VS-Code) by creating a new project
Upgrading to net8 and automapper 13.0.1 fails
ChangeToken / PhysicalFileProvider behavior
Simple AP
Is this the correct way to replace to replace a discord bot background service logger with Serilog?
How to Dockerize
β Setting up centralized logging for desktop apps
Duplicate enum values serialization problems
SqlException without stopping or catching
How can I access Identity Profile UI Pages such as Email, Change password, 2FA
Create a DbContext at build time, but change the connectionstring at runtime.
Updating Multiple instance of the same page in real time
Changing ListItem index
Image is not being skewed correctly
SqlException: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY
Brotli compression with all cores
How can I get the memory address of a feilds in C#?
Finding Index of Dictionary Key
Async function
New ContentPages in .net MAUI app don't have InitializeComponent() methods
How do I add a picture in a picturebox in code?
Queue and Node question
Channel Status(es) - staff question
How to refactor two classes that need visibility of each other?
how do i put an image into a program
C# Dev Kit, not available in VSCode on Manjaro.
Is it possible to get a stacktrace of another thread?
What template do I use in Visual Studio to add a XAML file to a Uno project?
β Help with depedency injection?
DevExpress Chart Control
Tic Tac Toe Game
What are you guys take in SOLID?
C# course
β Trying to set up Google OAuth SSO in ASP.NET (No MVC)
How do i solve this type error?
β Force Binding update in ViewModel where UpdateSourceTrigger==LostFocus
I need help with an application
β [SOLVED] Solution Explorer is Empty :(
White pixels
How to Implement Automatic Versioning for NuGet Package Using GitHub Actions?
Is implementing ICloneable in unittests worthless?
β How to use a UserControl inside of a Window?
.resx does not properly generate Design-File
OBS Websocket confusion
β Difference between CreateApplicationBuilder and CreateDefaultBuilder?
access form1 controls from a usercontrol
The type or namespace name 'Api' could not be found
Modifying the hosts file through c# code
β Finding all FieldInfo's of BackingFields of a type
Remove Tab Control
Query improvement suggestions
Proper way to constantly log to file
β Store data for the game
β How to use IRelayCommand in CommunityToolkit.Mvvm with parameters?
Help with image upload
Logic error
Why does this function return NaN?
i cant figure out whats wrong with my code
Goals and Learning Path
Check whether list of generics contains a type, that implements interface
Refactoring objects issue
A problem while making a request for API in maui .net
β How to play an MP3 from byte data array instead of writing it to a file and then playing it?
I need help with my project
β Windows Subsystem for Android Alternatives
Access Token Expiry date suggestions
Interface implementing generic parameters
How to encapsulate the code that has been processed using the Newtonsoft Json library?
is this a bad practice
β Read `launchsettings.json` environment variable from a terminal script in Rider
what is the best way to access the Model object in a razor view, in a javascript?
I am trying to deskew an image using opencvsharp and I get 2 errors so far
(WinUI 3) Visual State Manager throwing System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
β ERROR: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
AllowOutOfOrderMetadataProperties Does not deserialize TypeDiscriminator in .NET 9 Preview 3
Need Help Setting Up C# on VsCode
ASP .NET Session Auth
.NET8 Serialize class as JSON
Parameterized Unit Testing Class Types
Coupling attachments/files to the database in a portable way.
How to control system sound output
WPF Acquiring an Item clicked in a ListBox
Configure Serilog to only write warnings to Seq sink
fetching address's coordinates in c#.
Mutation IsLoading remains true in (Phetch library)
You favourite extensions in visual studio 2022?
Label switching with arrow keys
EF Core Loses Decimal Precision After Save
Error CS0234
duplicate key error efcore
WPF possible threading issue?
Tips for learning base language?
blazor webassembly and web api image file upload
"Help Needed: SQL Server Connection Error :("
whys the code undetected?
[ASP.NET] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'viewData')
Buttons Are annoying
Blazor sends wrong index to the event
How to structure interfaces and their implementations
How to see all downloaded NuGet-Packages from different VS-projects?
#visual studio
MVS project
WPF Datagrid Extended
Shared Scrutor code across multiples solutions
β Help with mp3 to midi
Lua functionality
unit testing
How to connect to a database using MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)
Unit testing
β SignalR client to client communication (chat)
β How to create a folder in project root?
β is it okay to use try/catch for logic behavior?
Definitive C# language reference?
how to build solution
ASP.NET Web Form
Reference a higher version of System.Runtime
is there anyway i could make a usb/something else connect a external display?
IIS Not Starting ASP.NET Core Site
DotNet Core 8: JWT authorization problem
β Required Member must be set in the object initializer or attribute constructor
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Architecture help
β what's the difference?
FluentValidation isn't being used in Razor Page's Model State?
Comments in curried lambda expression
β JSON + ASP.NET attribute usage
Adding items to an observable collection from 'outside' (MVVM)
Class Objects Aren't Working Correctly?
First time docker visual studio, container runs with compose visual studio not with CLI (swagger we)
Creating pipeline with selenium specflow
β How do I gracefully asynchronously exit a console application?
Nam of this pattern?
Microservices - confusion about the structure
Recursion, help finding the base case?
help with this code c# windows forms
Deployment vs production environments
Generic types API design
How to Override CosmosClient Configuration in WebApplicationFactory for Integration Testing
How does managed C++ work for interoping with C# code?
new problems
Cannot resolve symbol 'ServiceController'
Uploads folder
β how to swap 2 numbers c# forms
Getting the typeof this to use in a generic method
Any tooling to help with "event carried state transfer" pattern?
The type or namespace name 'Screen' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Forms'
β is anyone familiar with c# asp. net forms?
Semantic kernel
Send already hashed password to backend instead of raw password with identity
Help me understand
JsonSerializerOptions Ignore when null
Resending confirmation email results in "A failure has occurred" error
Is using GetAwaiter().GetResult() for async methods in constructor a hack!
Build Error
issue while importing Bitmap
Cant create seed data for integrational tests
Program to an Interface means in Head First Design Patterns book
blazor form edit is not sending data to backend
I want to be a job ready in .Net
β how to make print button in c#
Application rewrite itself during runtime?
β .NET SDK does not support targeted version
Error CS0103
Understanding Recursion for a complete beginner (Fibonacci Series)
Testcontainers CosmosDB / WebApplication Factory ConnectionString Not Working
β where to learn c# forms?
Lever to open a door
Blazor Design: Expression Service That Depends on other Objects
MassTransit unit test does not hit breakpoint in consumer
β System.IO.FileNotFoundException
How to marshall pointer to array inside struct
What C# certifications are worth getting?
Why cannot a nested XML-Element be serialized? What do I miss?
not properly import dll in c# godot
Looping through frames in a video?
Translating basic UML diagram into code?
Textblock is overlapping with combobox items (WPF)
Anyone interested in trying to break an encryption i have written?
How do I cast my enum to a list of custom object?
β UI winforms combobox issue
Problem with seeding data
UUID v4 vs v7
Best practice reading from `Socket` / `NetworkStream`?
Need help finishing a project but I have no clue how to go about it
Delegate with Task problem
β Help with a project
Fighting with the longest common prefix puzzle
Easiest way to serialize System.Numerics.Vector3 using System.Text.Json (.NET 8)
How to learn good software / OO design?
Help display 2 tables from Sql Server in WPF C#
Can't retrieve data because of JsonIgnore
Storage for http request routes
C# help
Integrational testing and authentification
Conveyor Placement System
Π‘# Blazor Class organization and authorization
β How can i run this project i cant run it on visual studio code
Properly import dll in csproj
2D Position to Relative ImageBox Position
Trying to understand MVVM and MVC. Blazor ASP.NET
β The request was aborted: a protected SSL/TLS channel could not be created
β Added CORS feature to Blazor WASM - I cannot find the file to put it in
Dealing with collection type in MongoDb provider efcore
Accessing individual words in user input (Console.Readline())
isa direcotry not a file error
I made a ImGui menu for a game on unity but i dont know how to inject it in my game
C# array init
What is a "DataService" In this context
Blazor Setup ASP.NET module not found in ISS Express - Rider IDE
exam in 2 days
How can I accept multiple clients?
msgal null refernce exeption
c# Need help with associating files to a profile
Help please with Compute method from DataTable class
getting acces token inside mvc
Serialization abstract class and it's child's into xml
Is macOs good for .NET 6 development?
Latest Angular / Standalone / Integration
Switch statement dont work with variables
Sending emails to WPF
β problems with executing code from variable
md5 hash function
Null object reference when trying to update an instance
β adding a search option to a gridview table
Adding a picture to a button in a style for a window
func wont print the logging level before the exception
Removing implicitly installed NuGet packages / Ignoring dependencies
JSON Deserialize
β Using statement still grayed out even if it in use [SOLVED]
Inheriting a base window class in WPF
Setup ASP.NET on Linux Server
Issues with EntityFramework. Unable to add-migrations, enable-migrations.
HttpResponseMessage.Content.Header.ContentEncoding is empty
Rider cannot build imported project, but dotnet CLI can
How to refer to the mainwindow class from another class.
ef core audit log interceptor?
base64 encoding csv string
Please help
Resolving External $ref Paths With Nested Refs in NSwag for OpenAPI Specification in C#
Chess Game API project structure
Face Recognition
Warning issues that i doesnt know what's the problem
Should i start with MAUI?
Blazor HubConnectionBuilder Timeouts
Can Someone help me fix this messy code and simplify it.
I need help creating a function c#
β No route matches the supplied value. when trying put request to /venture/{id}/portfolio
Unsure what this error means
HTTP Request Pending Time Unusually High
MinimalApi vs Mvc - ValidationOfHeaders
How to get rid of nullable warning?
yo im tied to make a game and there is problom
NetArchTests Not Detecting Project References
Trying to make a "Distributed SQLite" in C# and gRPC/Protobuf - don't know what to do next
Unable to get all the azure ad groups details which logged in user is a part of.
Testing my UserEdit Api endpoint using swagger fails and throws a code 400 response
Native bindings to MacOS ObjC classes?
How to get Windows.Storage.Provider
Avalonia: how to get the data of a control where the sender belongs to?
How do I do an inner GroupJoin on dotnet?
On deserializing using Newtonsoft, I get default constructor required issue on mac but not on window
Microsoft Identity and web api
CSharp dotnet v4.5 unable to compile
C# Array and Bubble Sort
Decrease all of arrays by 1, optimization because of Time limit Exeeded
β Difference between explicit and implicit operators
resource dictionary confusion
What is the equivalent of this react component if made using C# and Blazor?
Application memory keeps increasing
Serve SPA (React) in ASP.NET web API
How can i detect a new e-mail arrival using GraphClientServer
Concern over inheritance with static interface methods
Resolving External Components with Nested Components in NSwag for OpenAPI specs
Looking for help with database injection in NinjaTrader - Advanced(I think)
How to set Object from Inherited class with Reflections
Issue with unit test for Argon2-based password hash service
API Endpoint is Invoked with `null` Argument
β arrays addition
Can anyone help me with my visual studio please?
Video game dev bug
what does assembly mean c#-wise ?
Xamarin blank screen
addition problem
Circular Dependency
Please, help me with program logic
How to create a structure like Discord.NET
GUI Development Tutorial
i have some doubt here this is the sequence number generatingeg:SGC24DOC000001
Am I doing this right?
Streaming 3D content to frontend
How to create first user (Admin)?
What is the best EXPERT .net api course? or generally C# course
Is there an implementation for converting a SecurityToken to JsonWebToken?
β why is the random number not being printed to the console?
The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
β Hosted Service running as Windows Service
Are streams any better than byte array outside of I.O context?
missing Android SDK component
Socket Console App
β EF multicolumn index by only having navigational property in the model
Static Classes without Implementation
Database Design with EF Core: Two Entities share another Entity
why is there "string[] args" inside the main function parentheses?
Need to only pick a a number Once
API Versioning
Retrieving Roles with Empty Permission Arrays in Entity Framework Core Repository
no route found
Async events firing out of expected sequence.
Help with sorting package issues in Visual Studio.
β Qt display image async
WriteLine happening after Readline, why?
Cannon not following mouse?
How to replace flowpanel's scrollbar with guna Framework's scrollbar
I am about done with the assignment but it won't run, why?
Cannot find RemoteCertificateValidationCallback in ClientWebSocketOptions
Can Memory<T> be created from a pointer?
Little problem with a function for a total newbie ...
β Winforms redraw question
Error Accessing a User in Blazor
Can I add a field to compiled class?
Why isn't my generic working properly ?
How to upload C# Microservices architecture web app to gcloud?
Where to store passwords and ApiKeys for production ASP.NET
Creating a Printer class for my own type.
Confused about if statements
β How to get all data without Include?
β Creation of a database (EF/CF)
How to implement default indexing for my own JSONValue class
β Websocket
β How do I understand static typing
Options pattern in a shared class library
Animating both values at the same time
β Character Info Lookup?
Call from Invalid Thread possibly related to Avalonia
Avalonia Beginner
β addpizza line 41 help!
What should I use bond to C# for testing performance CPU
`RoslynCodeTaskFactory` using an ancient version of .NET...?
directory.getfiles help
Newbie question: Decleration of stack vs Arrays
Need a hand with MVC Net7.
Long running process in Blazor Server
Canceling TcpClient after TcpListener has been stopped
Cookies help Dotnet webapi
β Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies at runtime despite being present
.NET 6 web api - HttpClient.PostAsync not hitting HttpPost in controller
β SignalR Authorized Connection
How to Optimize my API calls?
.net updating values issues
Hide private partial class/struct members
Currency Calculator
client-side form validation
β native code in .net
β WPF - Accessing a TreeViewItem's root UserControl DataContext for a Command
Can I call myself a software engineer, without knowing the miniscule details of how .NET works?
β I need in help. How to use razor as html templater.
I need help with fourms
Copying a panel
β wanting to learn microservices for new job opportunities.
Ensure folder can be read/written to by current user, even if program is admin
WPF ContextMenu background color problems
β How to handle errors in services/controllers
Image List
β wont let me call my method
β Conversions of types between two libraries
foreach loop index error
I need to make this textbox not move
Problems creating my own SSO Provider
[SOLVED] IdentityServer scaffolded UI from quickstart does not seem to work
β error 40 in sql server docker and ef core
β redirect url is not passed to request
Hi I Need Help In Two Dimensional Arrays
Android Emulator fails when launched from Rider
Help to convert .xml
β Can you guys help me with binary tree?
Set image value in an input field ASP.NET core
Hangfire out of memory exception crashing our app services. Anyone got any advice?
β wbesocket handling large data
Newtonsoft.Json json handling
how to I take int user input
BindModel with DateTimePicker
β Confused when try to implement Factory Method
What feature flag platform do you recommend?
β WPF UI Design help
β Challenge does not redirect
Swagger Schema generation with multiple TypedResults
Method generated Array printing.
How can I open an sln file?
Help In Docker
SSRS add repeating title ABOVE column groups
β Taking a value out of a method and putting it into another
β Adding a string to a double and then outputting it as a string
Cant figure out what these checkboxes are
Binding DataGrid to DataTable. DataGrid's ItemSource is null on first load. - WPF
β Google External sign in using Identity
SourceGenerator and LibraryImport
Is it possible to pin an array using reflection?
Publish Failure of Class Library with WinAppSdk dependency
Issues with DataAnnotationsValidator and ValidationSummary
Saving Feature Help
β Update or create portfolio EF CORE
Attempting to retrieve a Windows process name causes Access Violation Exception.
β How to fill the object without populating properties?
no such table
How do these parameters even work?
listbox SelectedIndexChanged on load?
β did anyone use Seq for logging?
Branching paths for a text based adventure game (language agnostic)
invalid index error which i dont understand
C# interfaces
β How can I Clean my code/Make it more readable?
What is the Base Class Library?
β Why wont it output to 2 decimal points?
var keyword
β Code for 2dp
β Line 36 Help!
Newtonsoft( Serializing JsonProperty attributes with custom converter
Error while pushing Azure ServiceBus connection string on github.
β Best practices regarding non-nullable property warnings?
.Net and C#
Visualizer XAML
EF problem with mapping
Is my unit testing approach correct?
β how can i let an interface implement a function of a super-interface, instead of shadowing it?
wireless network connection management
.net maui Help
β Different browser on Puppeteersharp
β AddPizzaMenuItem line 35
WPF - how to incorporate existing code into a Content Control
Reasons of 'Systam.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid' error
Newly added resource cannot be used
Cant get my list to work
object reference not set to an instance of object error
Middleware Error
Methods Overloading
way to check if a string contains only alphabet
Connection Error SQLite and C#
if statements with more than once condition
I want to disable auto-merging in Visual Studio Code for git.
assure compiler type is not null
β fade picturebox
I dont fully understand what abstract classes are for
Entity Framework Core 8 -Foreign Key Constraint failure.
β Powershell SDK error on .Net 8
β Program csv extraction
SignInAsync Set-Cookie header not working?
if statement and scopes
Have a WPF treeview stretch to fit its container
Basic calculator application
β Check if an item is in a list
Systam.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid error
Is there a c# equivalent to c malloc and realloc?
Convert enclosing type - implicit enum conversion
Proper way to do per user state management in Blazor with Identity
How to start
WPF Treeview HierarchicalDataTemplate on Type with sub-collection
Unable to import models in service interface
[β ] Receiving Game Controller Input while Minimized (WinForms C#) | Repost
manipulating string
Advice for 3 Layer Architecture,
Many-to-many with class for join entity EF
error code CS5001
Blazor WASM Authentication
.NET Framework and TensorFlow.NET/Machine Learning
Unable to get localization to get to work in MVC .net8
β why dispose call is the latest in the chain?
.net Maui Help
CRUD for complex objects
Adding comments to models in
How to hide Id column from the sqlite db (DataGrid)
Problem with Arrays in Cases and if's
open source mit pdf lib
β c# .net core wep api project issue.
β rest api publishing issue.
Event Hanlder Leaks
Prepend string to git commit messages via VS2022 git interface?
Monogame Lazer Delay
Kind of a low-level question about bits and such
error CS0311 in my loader
Setting up MAUI example project, project won't build
Best Practices for Instantiating Objects in C# Source Generators
The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an asse
β Why is this not outputting anything?
MAUI Popup at first start
WPF Question MVVM
β It says it must have a return type but idk how, help please!
What should the service layer return back to a controller?
Blazor WSAM with Cognito Hosted UI issues
β how to take out items in a string into an array and making it work for other strings?
How to resolve this exception
The combination of `StringEnumConverter` and `EnumMember` does not work
β Calling base of subscribed method results in a StackOverflowException
Control for showing icons (.ICO files) (WinForms .Net 8)
Do I have to target specific runtimes? (I used to be able to have one installer for everyone)
β Is this how you are supposed to use .select() EF CORE
Microservices, but the business layer & data access as single binary?
Publish single-file
β Why is it showing me this error?
Database function skipping data
AssemblyLoadContext LoadfromAssemblyPath vs LoadFromNativeImagePath
SpotifyAPI - i dont understand things but i want this so bad...
β hey, can someone please fix this for me? it keeps giving me errors
β WPF - how to approach a treeview displaying different types at different levels via MVVM
Does hangfire has a redudant delay?
help needed with accesing a variable in another script
β Checking data from SQL database
β How to export data from datagridview into excel file
Problem with Material Design Lib in wpf
β Title: Issues with Authentication and Authorization using JWT with AutoRender Mode in Blazor NET8
β How do I reference a specific private instance of a class
Receiving Game Controller Input while Minimized (WinForms C#)
process start
β Configurations say that appsettings is returning null
β ASP.NET Core Web Api + SignalR
β .NET sdk not working
MEF No exports were found that match the constraint
β WPF - set UIElement (image) in XAML depending on databound Property Enum value
ASP.NET Controller API + Blazor Client UI resources and help
β Run PuppeteerSharp in Docker Container
Docker + Blazor + MSSQL handshake error
Problem with corner radius XAML property
β :white_check_mark: Dictionary<int, ...> lookup time seems a bit too slow
how to read .txt file next to the Program.cs
β Linker Error Trying to Build OpenSSL Static Linking
How things get to the place
Visual code studio and msbuild
MediatR - System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'S' is an invalid start of a value.
Blazor, auto unsubscribe pattern
β Form1.resx file gives error on Internet or Restricted zone
Help with API structure
β WPF - how to correctly call a method in the ViewModel when an event occurs in the View?
Blazor help needed. How can i Validate datalist entries in a child component
Inlcude content after run a command (.csproj)
Opinion on the code i've written
β Receiving Input While Minimized (WinForms C#)
Slack app - Trigger ID expired
can someone help me ?, Im doing a arrow that points to a enemy position based on the player position
"Protected" dll reference
JSON deserialize
Can I set up an integration testing environment with no app available and no code? If so, how?
β WinForms App
β checking console input for certain letters
WPF binding problem in datagrid header
Compile Native Lib
β JSON Deserialize Derived Class
β Could anyone explain to me why, on the second time, the code is skipping the thread "animation"?
What are some tools or methods for debugging microservices?
Normalizing OpenApi Spec File
an error occured while sending an update request
URL Parameters and/or data loading in layout files
β null thingy (SOLVED)
VS run error
mysql connect error
β βStep Test Dataβ
β Using Roslyn language server with Neovim lspconfig
β EF CORE, get request wont return related object
Post file to Discord channel
β how to merge two objects?
Warehouse Assignment
β Getting redirect link
why is this only occasionally async
System.Private.ServiceModel not found
β Please let me know if you have used VS 2022 before
β validation page
Blazor Project Hierarchy
Dealing with sub-models in request endpoint response pattern
β Many-to-many relationship using Entity Framework
β Using UTF-8 encoding
β Multiplatform UI
Start an app on fullSreem on mac
I'm getting a red squiggly line under alphabet.IndexOf() and I don't understand what is the problem
Compiling and outputing code as a .dlll during runtime
Modernizing double loops in C#?
Search in database for more then one column (EFCore, Postgresql)
How to Read byte by byte until EOF?
Help binary trees BST
β ObjectDisposedException without explicit trace
β Renaming Model interferes with API controller creation
β Getting a single value in sql db
β red x on win forms
β Strange version error with EF.Core
Random temperature curve generation too biased
β System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Microsoft Graph without Azure admin
Seed data from migration
Internal classes
β any improvements?
What's the basic approach for CI/CD integration tests in Azure DevOps?
β Please help me read this simple API endpoint documentation
β Minimal API: Pass app config to IEndpointRouteBuilder
Graph structure problem, is my code correct?
Blazor Problems with Layouts
Class Libraries Project Reference
MySql Syntax error
how do i check if a string contains only words and space
C# Acces Databaseq query problem
β Anybody using PostSharp/Metalama?
Mutex? ASP Core - Only Allowing a Method to Be Run One at a Time
β Help with xmlserialization
Unity 3D enemy AI tutorial not working as advertised
β Executing bash script in docker container with Docket.DotNet in ASP.NET website
β Need help in reading data from Serial Port
Invalid signature
Any suggenstion how to implement shopping cart feature?
β Help
Wpf Game Launcher
Any WPF Guides?
β Looking c# expert to help me
β Error on using dot net binaries on mac " is damaged and canβt be opened"
Anyone have thought on Code Signing for .Net Desktop application
Is this UI a web application or a console application?(link inside)
async method, the return expression must be of type 'IActionResult' rather than 'Task>
Download File in Chunks
how do you search a database for an integer with the @search
β Winforms is pain (and i am stupid)
β ssl error
Setting bind data to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
β Mysterious byte problem
Different types of accounts - asp net
primary constructor naming convention
Google autocomplete not working when selecting with mouse
Minimal web API gives HTTP 500.19 error on IIS
Quartz.Net - 100+ Jobs - Ownership
Converting ushort pointer to something I can use to display images
Keyword search and put the values into an excel sheet
β How to work with Python A.I.'s
β Need help with debugging C++
Trying to simulate a turtle race and getting my ass kicked...
β Problem With my code from KeyAuth
Press enter only
C# with Neovim
Question to software development interviewers, is it ok to keep portfolio on localhost over prod?
Redis or database for cache, distribiuted lock, signalR scale-out? help - Trying to access a users roles
Seeking community input for project ideas to learn problem-solving and best practices
Selecting an overloaded method based on the runtime type of an object by casting it to dynamic
β cant assign a value to a variable
EF Core Where on multiple fields
β Help with LINK Async !
Css doesn't show up on .asp website
Best IDE for C#
β How Encrypt string in C# easy and simple way??
What is right rider blazor wasm hot reload profile?
System.Text.Json: Modifying DerivedTypes list after initial resolution
β Regex Result into CSV and Data Grid
β Troubleshooting MAUI build errors
Multipart dataresponse compatible with swagger.
System.Drawing.Printing or System.Printing unsupported under Windows Service.
β where DSA can be applied?
β Cannot see source code of the standard library
β How to Deserialize dd-MM-yyyy in System.Text.Json?
EntityFramework DbContext not sync to database
Sub-expression cannot be used in an argument to nameof.
data structures and algorithms course
Help with DFA coding to reject and accept strings with two 0's and at most one 1's,
vs code program wont run on another person's pc?
ComboBox selects an option and window changes - advice
Visual Studio not placing `{}` on new line
Disabled button Background & Foreground color
C# Forms Help on ListView Items etc.
problems with colliders in unity
β How to debug data binding for a control on a MAUI content page
Could anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong here?
touch input winforms
How to convert text to utf-8
Need blazer help
Error with assembly
What could I do to make this neater?
moving a player when holding wd, as, aw
Put and Delete Methods not working.
β Noob setting up a Database for a school project.
I need help with identity and roles
How to make custom file extension and encrypt?
What open-sourced component library is widely used in Blazor development
Receiving 400 on production, local env works fine
β I need help in my code
Initialize COM object in .Net 8 when using the new GeneratedComInterface and NativeAOT
MSBuild ProjectReference not copying output to folder
Function acting funny
MAUI ContentPage binding not reflecting in child CollectionView on Android
β Reading .txt files in C# .net
β MAUI CollectionView Not Displaying
Azure Table Client Query Filter not evaluating correctly
Project skipped on Solution Build
β Add NuGet packages to Git
Prevent the exit button from closing console application
Explanation for array initialization peculiarities
β How do I get rid of these suggestions?? (VS CODE QUESTION)
How to know if it's worth it to implement a circuit breaker ?
I need help with cursor logic
OOP help with a project please
Entity framework exception while creating a many to many relation
Inheritance Cast
what is the complete roadmap of learning .NET
MAUI hide title bar but preserve resize feature
Placeholder property seems to be missing from textbox?
β Don't quite understand the `required` keyword
β Creating a Search Bar for an app in Visual Studios
classification texts with answers
Performance degradation during Exporting Data
β System.ArgumentException: 'Keyword is not supported: 'trust server certificate'.'
getting some music off Apple Music
What's is good ASP.NET web API project structure
Entity Framework - Circular References
Ambiguous reference with MAUI attached property
β Allowing unsafe in a project
BagOfWords.Transform (
Read brotli stream in chunks
β DataGrid Equivalent for MAUI
I am trying to create List that can perform an action whenever I make a change to it.
how to set Button Style [wpf]
C# IEnumerable ToArray() Benchmark
Can someone explain why these nested `using` is different from the ordinary one?
Cinema app
WPF Help
visual studios (window forms)
Any way to inherit base abstract class' constructor?
Does anyone have new Particels
excel modification
How to perform nested one-to-many join in LINQ
problem with encoding cyrillic
I need help setting up this code for an assignment
Help! records & Ef
β Hi i got this error when i run the project can u help me
my scores array program isn't functioning (i'm a total novice)
Federated authentication with Microservices - options pro/con?
Waiting until struct is modified from another thread
β Architecture in a MAUI project
I am a first timer, I have to do a C# WinsForm project and i am almost finished and i rly need help!
β WPF and ASP.Net Web Api integration.
Writing SQL code
EFCore Collection Trying to save a duplicate.
TicTacToe Game not working
Problems with cyrrilic text encoding in DataGridView
The cursor wont move
C# MAUI .NET8 self-signed certificate
β IMemoryCache missing Contains?
β ML.NET can't add Evaluate logic into pipeline
How to deserialize JSON like a normal person
Is there any reason I should not use Winforms NotifyIcon on windows with maui?
WriteLine vs. ReadLine
is there any way to make something be checked for every time a field is updated or do i need to use
β vs22 copying original form for no reason
Nuget restore (via gitlab runner) fails at a specific package
how to make graph view in maui?
How to create color changes for your application?
β Read a xlsx file with c#
Make a password Storage in my password manager app.
Automatic Assembly Versioning in .NET Core
For WebAPI projects should we go all the way async ?
β API Gateway with Aspire .NET
How to make an expression as short as possible
How could i navigate my cursor in my 2d array for loop
Creating a function that accepts either string or byte[]
MSTest dotnet Test failing from the command prompt
Country And State code against State
β Mock a .NET library to test a minimal web API.
gRPC with HTTP/2.0
β Python.Net import issue
β PC Terminal and VSCode Terminal
Define a Many to Many navigation in EF Core without any Join Table
β GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync exception
NotifyIcon fails to appear sometimes when my app starts at user login
β Reducing code to separate UserControls for easier readability Avalonia
Tilemap too small
Non-Nullable field (WPF)
Damage system isn't working
My player character is just getting launched into the sky despite not changing anything.
Voiceover with Azure (Text-To-Speech)
IEnumerable<T> (or List<T>, or T[]) to IEnumerable (non-generic, ie. no type param)?
Converting HTML to PDF in .NET Applications
Valid Inputs
β Array help C++
β ImGui.NET and OpenTK
Effective way learn asp .net from scratch
ASP MVC Inventory management checkout process help
Authentication problem with InteractiveServer render mode
Practicing OOP in c#, is this logical implementation of an Interface?
Why the shortcut of my App in the Startup Folder not starts??
β Get base version of project in Github actions
My methods loop does not want to stop even if i use return
Is using a blazor component from a service a good idea?
AspNetCore `net8.0` - Blazor {*CatchAll} route overrides MVC AdminController route
Need to edit a outlook mail without interop
Errors in Avalonia.UI
Dependency property converter
Excel modify
EF Core HasPrecision()
Binding Dictionary to DataGrid (WPF)
C# MySQL Windows form application
β Lost again
Missing New Project Templates in VS Code?
.NET Roadmap
β Github actions deploy doesnt increment versions
Cant methods do ReadKey() and ReadLine() by their own or am i forced to use parameters
if statement is being weird
β skill issue
I am lost
Superclass gun
Connecting to an ATEM Switcher via C#Β (Multiplatform)
.net 8 blazor wasm front end breakpoints only work SOME of the time
β Problems with Dijkstra Algorithm
.NET Core - Azure OAuth 2.
Redirect after form POST Blazor Static
How should my dotnet 6.0 WPF application interface with a Mongo database in prod environment?
.NET Core `dotnet watch run` on MacOS
Help implementing multithreading in a distributed system, please?
How to retrive info about CPU usage GPU usage and RAM usage on Linux .NET
β MAUI with Rider
how to download file using wpf ? [FTP]
Property meanings
β Complete Roadmap and course/document/book links
.Net 8 uploading file into sharepoint
Run multiple test projects in parallel
Need Help... I want to establish Bluetooth connection between two laptops to share message between
β read-only builder.Services
Need help publishing a dotnet 6.0 WPF application as a single exe.
Need help with MAUI's XAML Pages
Binding error Datagrid WPF
β how open winforms vs 2019
trying to plan validating azure ad token and calling graph api in azure function
β Transparent flyout items
Is there a way to make an OCR model in C#?
Newbie tryna learn help with Console app
β Updating packages in Directory.Packages.props
β changing server from MYSQL to SQL server (Microsoft) in visual studio
How do I use models from Project A in Project B?
β confused by this error
vectorizable algorithms/excercises
I'm trying to WebScrap data from a currency website.
C# for Unity
C# Custom Screensaver capturing desktop returns solid color
β Disjunctive patterns negation
β Auvik API Client - Ok in Postman, Unauthorized in client...
Authorization doesn't work as it should ASP.NET C#
Crossplatform VarArg PInvoke
β Strange output of my code
β implementing bond of life feature (genshin)
β What is Color value?
Game Over screen when obstacle hit
β How to Implement Dijkstra Algorithm using C#
β Deserializing nested array json file.
how to add new property to json?
EF Core - Runtime-Based "OR" "AND" Comparison in Where()
β Inconsistent accessibility: property type is less accessible than property.
β Code issue?
β Android Emulator in MAUI is not connecting to webAPI
Issue with generic interfaces (covariance/contravariance)
Entity Framework 6 error - 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: entitySet'
ASP.NET Core - Database Model and ViewModel Validation
β how to create and insert images that represent program data into excel file
β Get Gmail inbox using C#
β Windows Forms Problem
β Build on Windows for Windows and Linux simultaneously
Gradle build failed.
help with c#
I cant seem to understand the SOLID principles
Desktop app on Windows - inter process communication / permissions problem.
Why do requests slow down the program so much?
β Properties window not displaying properties for a button (MAUI).
App not Opening On other Computers (WPF)
What do use in a multi-threaded environment?Dictionary with lock OR ConcurrentDictionary?
How can my out parameter be nullable?
β Namespace can't find solution when using it
ListView control not updating with data in Windows Forms application
β Where did the formating go wrong? 7 core mvc Roles not working.
IndexOutOfBoundsException triggered | LeetCode Where will the ball fall
[WPF]How to binding in the UserControl.xaml at the same time load UserControl.xaml UI?
Why Console App don't Auto Run at Windows Startup ?
Architecture problem
How To Set Vertical Snap Points on Avalonia ScrollViewer
Many to Many with Entity Framework
β Auto Completion of AXAML Tags in Rider doesn't work
How do i make .txt file watcher with VS
Variable dosent exist.
How do i share variables from 1 script onto another with VS
β Entity Framework One To Many: Adding to the dbContext and getting value '{Id: -2147482644}'
I know Angular well enough to build apps with it. Do you think I should still learn Blazor?
guys Δ± have a problem
Code issue
Does this server help with homework?
β WiFiDirectDevice.FromIdAsync throws 0x80070005(E_ACCESSDENIED)
(MacOS) How do I hot reload a C# project dll that is being used in a different app?
β Using a C# DLL in C++
Common Library GUI & CLI clients
ngrok - How to listen on webhook requests locally (docker)?
Using a c++ dll in c#
β Help with Data Bindings
I don't know how to get information from several tables
How to remain app like picture
SSL error with entity core
β Can't Authenticate User
Binding errors
Static property override
nvim-dap + netcoredbg: Unit Test Breakpoints not getting hit (sometimes)
β Html form mvc
EF Core how to add two same object in 1 model
Attributes confusion
Setting Up a C# Backend with React Frontend and MySQL on VSCode - Need Guidance for .NET 8 Compatibi
Maui issues after changing namespace
RestSharp multipart request in from Unity fails with NRE after successfully sending request
When I set PublishAot to true, I get "Publish has encountered an error.
Blurring an Image in C#, working slowly
My socket won't send data to 600 endpoints
Help with Azure Cognitive Services?
β Need some help debugging EF Core db query
β Seed cannot be added because of required property ID
Razor Page Validation Error Message
Help Needed: Choosing Between VSCode on Mac or Visual Studio via Remote Desktop for Windows Backgrou
β "Animate" an image along a axis
2D array doesn't initialize the correct size (Checked with breakpoints)
How to understand pining static field, const and instance field
beginner help
Is it possible to use `Span` with a type erased `System.Array` created with `Array.CreateInstance`?
xamarin support
β The minimumβ¦
How to read this type of documentation?
help im a beginner in wpf and i have urgent deadline
Migrating WSDL imports via ServiceDescriptionImporter from Framework to Core
β How do i learn C#, as a Junior Frontend Developer who have used JavaScript and React, TailwindCSS
β XmlReader generic Mapper
Disable Blazor NavLink Login and Signup
β C# + raylib + freebsd
β Setting Foreign key as Primary Key (EF Core)
Winform my button to reset my picturebox and fill it in with a new generated image is not working
VS Project config questions
(Blazor) I'm having trouble accessing a variable inside a parent component.
β There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first
C# Integration with Mulesoft
Visual Studio opening search results in the search dock, not main window
Logic on properly deploying things
System.AggregateException: 'Some services are not able to be constructed
MAUI. How to remove the Title Bar?
Help me sort out perhaps badly done folder/solution structure so I can add a shared Class Library
Using Roslyn in WebAssembly, error creating an AdHocWorkspace
SignalR Blocking Issue: Infinite Wait When Calling a Method from Client
How to connect to database? WPF
β Help needed with WPF GUI
Help in need to have an opinion about Scheduler -> Email notification
β I cant combine folder paths
Why isnt my player being deleted and the scene changed?
mySQL - Unity Connection
Why can't I use the null propagation operator in lambda expressions?
EF core can't use any tooling
Debugging problems
Issue with formatted WriteLine
binary writer help
β Using localhost connection in xamarin
WPF - Resource Dictionary - "the resource could not be resolved"
C# DLL failed to load
Nuget issue
Adding program to Local Machine Registry
Web Api examples.
β How Scope lifetime works
Choose between .NET Maui or Xamarin Forms to learn mobile app development
Unit Testing with NUnit
β How can I connect my Xamarin app to my local API?
I have made the mistake of choosing to use webforms please help( this is has to be done in webform)
Error CS1502; Unity Mobile Developement
Installing an App to unlock USB debugging
I'd like to ask for a little help from someone who has used the HttpServer class
Unity MonoBehaviour and Photon Confusion
List not returning all matching elements
Currently Issues with Mapping (Mapperly), in debug mode when call made to API it exits
sans-io pattern in .NET library
Reusing of types between GraphQL and Rest
Redis.OM Indexes are dropped automatically
The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context
β what should I do to use derived class for return type?
β Hello!
AuthController vs UserController
β Never thought I would have to ask this, but Console.WriteLine() is not working
How do you loosely couple SignalR service to the rest of application?
β Design Question: Hangfire as an event bus?
Why is docfx giving me a recursion error?
Static helper class/method design question
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.
monitoring and observability
β Time of method differs between Stopwatch.GetTimestamp and DateTime.Now
β Authorization in ASP.NET Web Api
set with different values
Adding textures to my raycasting engine
Help with image datatype
Test createAsync not working as expected
I need help with my password generator and checking project. It uses c-sharp forums
I need help to my tic-tac-toe code, which is meeting error when try to run test
β How does Bot work?
β "Legacy Versions" of C# or .NET?
how to make it so when u hover on button it turn blue and when you not it turn back to white
API Routes structure
Unity ray casting giving weird results
β Shorten Property code
Database Connection
Unable to use Hot Reloading
help a noob
Accessing private methods when using Reflection.Emit and AssemblyBuilder
Linq help
anybody know why in mvc the data is in the database but not showing up on the index
LoggerMessage organisation
A small hiccup for the LeetCode puzzle Where the ball will fall
Grpc.Net.Client weird second request call time out exception
EntityFramework & Supabase
Windows Forms help needed
β How can I draw a line between labels?
I get Invalid Token at ConfirmEmailAsync(user, token)
Program loads resources painfully slow (visual c#)
β How to create new cs and csproj files?
β Having trouble compiling a C# 11 file (not mine) on Mac
β `T` always value for `nameof`
β Index Outside Of Bounds System.Data.SQLite
β NotSupportedException: JsonTypeInfo metadata for type... & "minimal" APIs
Need help with GIT logic
ADPCM knowledge required
How can I find the parent Storyboard element of a DoubleAnimation / ThicknessAnimation / etc in WPF?
β Little help adding music to a program
β Pass in arguments to a generic constructor
β Get type of current instance in a static method
Passing DateOnly to controller
Naming conventions with Dto
DI: Registration of services through a builder.
Controller responds 200 but doesnt send any data in ASP.NET
How to use Console.ReadLine() and do other stuff in the background?
Render Razor template for email body but keep having errors
β sqlite local db file
β zoom meeting integration
EF Core
Graph API Outlook feature
Can't find ISingleClientProxy in SignalR, something wrong with nugets
β Guidance needed for encryption
A (hopefully) basic question about singleton instances
understanding %
error while writing automation test
β WPF. Instance with the same key value for {'Id'} is already being tracked
good vid to learn oop?
how to create table using models automatic not manual
how to make id of model as auto increment
β Change FontSize in ViewModel Avalonia
How do i make dotnet(.Net) compile and run c++
How to hide the Console of a Worker Service application
β Problem with Visual Studio
Web sockets management
Issue with RichTextBox UI Freezing During Async Operations
β Mutual TLSHow to configure mTLS in dotnet
Casting types inline
My shell items are trasparent
ServiceFabric DataContract exception serialization and ServiceProxy.Create
Designing a business automated task and trying to optimize the queries performed to the database
adding Auto API into GUI in C#
.NET EF - How to generate a new database in runtime (dynamically)?
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: 'Access is denied'
What is this string?
β My all the field not passing to the controller from view. Please take a look
SQLITE EFcore saving value
β SkiaSharp canvas scale not scaling
β Converting From ReactiveUI to Community Toolkit
UniqueIdentifer Type does not exist Ef Core
Open restore point code C#
Entity Framework IQueryable question
β Should I create single or multiple background services
Help With hints on how can i make multipull accounts using like arrays or something similar to array
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'MovieApi_backend.database.Cont
data update error in c# sql
ASP Core 8 - Custom 404 Handling
Add suffix to version without it showing up as a prerelease
Help refactor service
β looking for help/contributors
How to find relative file path for file inside of project?
Passing parameters to overloaded constructor
I am trying to store data in database using EF my code run fine but its not storing data
Using ref for large data types.
crud operations with blazor server
minor glitch, player twitching
β BackgroundWorker getting progress
My tech stack, what to focus now?
Build Issue due to $(Platform) value
PFX certificate for signing the application package
Inheritance best practice: test Type of subclass or use enum?
C# - Oracle DataBase Converting the Date (Oracle) to a c# DateTime Property
Adding Multitenancy through Finbuckel in the single tenant Dotnet application
I need help with Deployment Logic
Filesystem packer slows down after 30k files
why is my player floating, twitching and can almost not go up a ramp
Model, Dto, Entity - Id?
Request header field content-type is not allowed
Rectangle intersection not workin
Feeding Random into itself - does it "corrupt the randomness"?
Update and add to Resource.resx file via code.
Winform project saves the Image with a black background
β Theoretical question. MediatR and DTO and onion structure
Stack overflow exception when closing one form
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