C#5mo ago

✅ Folder Structure

Let's say I want to create ASP.NET Core app and publish it on GitHub. I think it would be wise to create two parts: 1) the app itself, 2) tests (let's say it would be xunit). What folder structure you would propose in such a case?
5 Replies
Angius5mo ago
Main project and test project, both under the same solution
|— MyCoolApp
| |— MyCoolApp.csproj
| \— Program.cs
|— MyCoolApp.Tests
| |— MyCoolApp.Tests.csproj
| \— SomeTest.cs
\— MyCoolApp.sln
|— MyCoolApp
| |— MyCoolApp.csproj
| \— Program.cs
|— MyCoolApp.Tests
| |— MyCoolApp.Tests.csproj
| \— SomeTest.cs
\— MyCoolApp.sln
TomOP5mo ago
I also thought about creating "src" folder to separate "logic", models, etc. from bin and obj folders which I don't need to publish. Do you think it's a good idea or are there any other common solution for that?
Angius5mo ago
I usually don't do that, but sure, you absolutely can I've seen plenty people do it this way
TomOP5mo ago
thanks for your input 🙂
TizzyT5mo ago
Thats what I do. I have a sln, and then under it I have the app/lib/etc and the test app. I only have it all in one project if im working in python for instance. I have the project folder and inside I have a config, src, test I think this approach leaves much to be desired tho?

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