Explore posts from servers
Created by Angius on 1/25/2025 in #❓・help
Excerpt does not work
I have .md files with <!--more--> delimiter in them. I'm trying to render just that excerpt with
<ContentRenderer :value="post" :excerpt="true" :tag="'div'" class="excerpt" />
<ContentRenderer :value="post" :excerpt="true" :tag="'div'" class="excerpt" />
but it just doesn't work, it renders the entire post instead. What's more, after inspecting post, it turns out this object doesn't have the excerpt property, despite the docs stating that every item that has <!--more--> will have it.
11 replies
Created by Angius on 1/25/2025 in #❓・help
ERROR [unhandledRejection] near "ve": syntax error
No description
7 replies
Created by Angius on 1/9/2025 in #help
Trying to add Blazor Server to an `Area` in an existing Razor Pages app
No description
1 replies
Created by Angius on 1/7/2025 in #help
Aspire project won't run if `applicationUrl` given in `launchSettings.json`
Weirdest shit ever...
"profiles": {
"Ogma3": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001"
"profiles": {
"Ogma3": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001"
and going to https://localhost:5001 results in endless loading until the request times out, but
"profiles": {
"Ogma3": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"profiles": {
"Ogma3": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
makes the link not show on Aspire dashboard, true, but manually going to https://localhost:5001 works just peachy... My Aspire config if it matters:
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var sqlPassword = builder.AddParameter("postgres-password", secret: true);
var sqlUsername = builder.AddParameter("postgres-username", secret: true);

var database = builder
.AddPostgres("postgres", sqlUsername, sqlPassword)


var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var sqlPassword = builder.AddParameter("postgres-password", secret: true);
var sqlUsername = builder.AddParameter("postgres-username", secret: true);

var database = builder
.AddPostgres("postgres", sqlUsername, sqlPassword)


39 replies
Created by Angius on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
RollupError: [plugin impound] This module cannot be imported in server runtime.
$ nuxt dev
Nuxt 3.14.159 with Nitro 2.10.4 21:35:12
➜ Local: http://localhost:3000/
➜ Network: use --host to expose

➜ DevTools: press Shift + Alt + D in the browser (v1.6.0) 21:35:21

✔ Vite client built in 613ms 21:35:25
✔ Vite server built in 2715ms 21:35:27

[nitro 21:35:28] ERROR RollupError: [plugin impound] This module cannot be imported in server runtime. [importing node_modules/nitropack/node_modules/unenv/runtime/fetch/index.mjs from node_modules/nitropack/dist/runtime/internal/app.mjs]


✔ Nuxt Nitro server built in 579 ms
$ nuxt dev
Nuxt 3.14.159 with Nitro 2.10.4 21:35:12
➜ Local: http://localhost:3000/
➜ Network: use --host to expose

➜ DevTools: press Shift + Alt + D in the browser (v1.6.0) 21:35:21

✔ Vite client built in 613ms 21:35:25
✔ Vite server built in 2715ms 21:35:27

[nitro 21:35:28] ERROR RollupError: [plugin impound] This module cannot be imported in server runtime. [importing node_modules/nitropack/node_modules/unenv/runtime/fetch/index.mjs from node_modules/nitropack/dist/runtime/internal/app.mjs]


✔ Nuxt Nitro server built in 579 ms
My dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"@heroicons/vue": "^2.1.5",
"@nuxt/fonts": "^0.10.2",
"@nuxt/image": "^1.8.0",
"@nuxt/kit": "^3.14.159",
"@pinia/nuxt": "^0.7.0",
"es-toolkit": "^1.17.0",
"marked": "^15.0.0",
"nuxt": "^3.14.159",
"nuxt-svgo": "^4.0.5",
"sass": "^1.78.0",
"vue": "^3.5.4",
"vue-router": "^4.4.4",
"zod": "^3.23.8"
"dependencies": {
"@heroicons/vue": "^2.1.5",
"@nuxt/fonts": "^0.10.2",
"@nuxt/image": "^1.8.0",
"@nuxt/kit": "^3.14.159",
"@pinia/nuxt": "^0.7.0",
"es-toolkit": "^1.17.0",
"marked": "^15.0.0",
"nuxt": "^3.14.159",
"nuxt-svgo": "^4.0.5",
"sass": "^1.78.0",
"vue": "^3.5.4",
"vue-router": "^4.4.4",
"zod": "^3.23.8"
7 replies
Created by Angius on 9/25/2024 in #help
✅ Rate limiting no worky
Got rate limiting all set up:
public static class RateLimiting
public const string Rss = nameof(Rss);
public const string Quotes = nameof(Quotes);
public const string Reports = nameof(Reports);

public static IServiceCollection AddRateLimiting(this IServiceCollection services)
return services.AddRateLimiter(x => x
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Rss, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Quotes, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Reports, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
options.PermitLimit = 3;
public static class RateLimiting
public const string Rss = nameof(Rss);
public const string Quotes = nameof(Quotes);
public const string Reports = nameof(Reports);

public static IServiceCollection AddRateLimiting(this IServiceCollection services)
return services.AddRateLimiter(x => x
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Rss, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Quotes, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
.AddFixedWindowLimiter(policyName: Reports, options => {
options.Window = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
options.PermitLimit = 3;
and registered
got rate limiting set on an endpoint:
using ReturnType = Results<NotFound, Ok<QuoteDto>>;

public static partial class GetRandomQuote
internal static void CustomizeEndpoint(IEndpointConventionBuilder endpoint) => endpoint

public sealed record Query;

private static async ValueTask<ReturnType> HandleAsync(Query _, ApplicationDbContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var quote = await context.Database.SqlQueryRaw<QuoteDto>("""
SELECT q."Author", q."Body"
FROM "Quotes" q

return quote is null ? TypedResults.NotFound() : TypedResults.Ok(quote);
using ReturnType = Results<NotFound, Ok<QuoteDto>>;

public static partial class GetRandomQuote
internal static void CustomizeEndpoint(IEndpointConventionBuilder endpoint) => endpoint

public sealed record Query;

private static async ValueTask<ReturnType> HandleAsync(Query _, ApplicationDbContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var quote = await context.Database.SqlQueryRaw<QuoteDto>("""
SELECT q."Author", q."Body"
FROM "Quotes" q

return quote is null ? TypedResults.NotFound() : TypedResults.Ok(quote);
and yet I can spam it ad infinitum and rate limiting never triggers. What gives?
74 replies
Created by Angius on 9/12/2024 in #help
EF Core 1-1 relationship with automatic discriminator
I have a CommentsThread entity and multiple ICommentable entities (Blogpost, Profile, Document, etc.) that all reference it:
public sealed class CommentsThread
public long Id { get; init; }
public interface ICommentable
long CommentsThreadId { get; set; }
CommentsThread CommentsThread { get; set; }
public sealed Blogpost : ICommentable
public long CommentsThreadId { get; set; }
public CommentsThread CommentsThread { get; set; }
public sealed class CommentsThread
public long Id { get; init; }
public interface ICommentable
long CommentsThreadId { get; set; }
CommentsThread CommentsThread { get; set; }
public sealed Blogpost : ICommentable
public long CommentsThreadId { get; set; }
public CommentsThread CommentsThread { get; set; }
now, I would like a way to easily find what the comments thread belongs to. Does it contain comments of a blogpost? User profile? Document? One way I figured was to reverse the relationship, and instead have a bunch of nullable FKs in the CommentsThread entity, pointing to all the ICommentables. That way, I could do some
string type;
if (thread.BlogpostId is not null) type = "blogpost";
else if (thread.ProfileId is not null) type = "profile";
else if (thread.DocumentId is not null) type = "document";
else type = "unknown";
string type;
if (thread.BlogpostId is not null) type = "blogpost";
else if (thread.ProfileId is not null) type = "profile";
else if (thread.DocumentId is not null) type = "document";
else type = "unknown";
but it all seems iffy at best. Ideally, what I would like instead, was some
public CommentsSource Source { get; private set; }
public long SourceId { get; private set; }
public CommentsSource Source { get; private set; }
public long SourceId { get; private set; }
properties on the CommentsThread, with CommentsSource being an enum. Problem is, I have nary a clue how to do that. I considered maybe computed columns, but they seemingly can only reference the current entity.
20 replies
Created by Angius on 8/7/2024 in #help
Adding Blazor to an existing Razor Pages project
I decided that messing around with SSR and JS for the admin panel is not worth the hassle and I'll just make it with Blazor. I don't care about the bundle size, I don't care about SignalR connections, seems to be a perfect fit. I think I did everything correctly, but I'm still getting errors out the wazoo.
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {
but going to /panel results in the following:
An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to find the provided template 'panel/'
An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to find the provided template 'panel/'
With the whole log being
3 replies
Created by Angius on 7/30/2024 in #help
Typing `parseArgs` from `@std/cli` properly
I'm having trouble figuring out how would I type the result of parseArgs with collect setting.
import { parseArgs } from "@std/cli";

const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { collect: ["path"] });

generatePaths(params[0].toString(), args["path"]);
import { parseArgs } from "@std/cli";

const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { collect: ["path"] });

generatePaths(params[0].toString(), args["path"]);
the error is caused by the function taking a { [key: string] string } as the second parameter, while args[path] is typed as unknown[]. The code works, just so we're clear, it's just the types that error out.
2 replies
Created by Angius on 7/8/2024 in #❓・help
Error 500 during prerendering, only on Cloudflare Pages
nuxt generate generates the site perfectly well on my machine. The same command used to build the site on Cloudflare Pages throws this at me:
18:27:09.253 [log] [nitro]
18:27:09.254 Errors prerendering:
18:27:09.254 [log] [nitro] ├─ /about (365ms)
18:27:09.254 │ ├── Error: [500]
18:27:09.254 │ └── Linked from /
18:27:09.254 [log] [nitro]
18:27:09.255 [error] Exiting due to prerender errors.
18:27:09.255 at prerender (node_modules/nitropack/dist/chunks/prerender.mjs:218:11)
18:27:09.255 at async node_modules/nuxt/dist/index.mjs:3540:7
18:27:09.255 at async build (node_modules/nuxt/dist/index.mjs:5333:5)
18:27:09.255 at async (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/build.mjs:94:5)
18:27:09.256 at async (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/generate.mjs:55:5)
18:27:09.256 at async runCommand$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1648:16)
18:27:09.256 at async runCommand$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1639:11)
18:27:09.256 at async runMain$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1777:7)
18:27:09.256 [error] Exiting due to prerender errors.
18:27:09.305 error: script "generate" exited with code 1
18:27:09.310 Failed: Error while executing user command. Exited with error code: 1
18:27:09.322 Failed: build command exited with code: 1
18:27:11.109 Failed: error occurred while running build command
18:27:09.253 [log] [nitro]
18:27:09.254 Errors prerendering:
18:27:09.254 [log] [nitro] ├─ /about (365ms)
18:27:09.254 │ ├── Error: [500]
18:27:09.254 │ └── Linked from /
18:27:09.254 [log] [nitro]
18:27:09.255 [error] Exiting due to prerender errors.
18:27:09.255 at prerender (node_modules/nitropack/dist/chunks/prerender.mjs:218:11)
18:27:09.255 at async node_modules/nuxt/dist/index.mjs:3540:7
18:27:09.255 at async build (node_modules/nuxt/dist/index.mjs:5333:5)
18:27:09.255 at async (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/build.mjs:94:5)
18:27:09.256 at async (node_modules/nuxi/dist/chunks/generate.mjs:55:5)
18:27:09.256 at async runCommand$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1648:16)
18:27:09.256 at async runCommand$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1639:11)
18:27:09.256 at async runMain$1 (node_modules/nuxi/dist/shared/nuxi.6aad497e.mjs:1777:7)
18:27:09.256 [error] Exiting due to prerender errors.
18:27:09.305 error: script "generate" exited with code 1
18:27:09.310 Failed: Error while executing user command. Exited with error code: 1
18:27:09.322 Failed: build command exited with code: 1
18:27:11.109 Failed: error occurred while running build command
1 replies
Created by Angius on 6/27/2024 in #help
`Microsoft.Extensions.Logging` and Serilog compatible timing library?
I'm currently using to log how much time a given operation took. It was nice and all when I was using a static logger, but I wanted to switch to an injected ILogger instance. Problem is, SerilogTimings works on a Serilog.ILogger instance, not MEL.ILogger which feels kinda smelly to me. Is there any other library I could use with Serilog and MEL that would let me easily time whatever operations?
4 replies
Created by Angius on 5/28/2024 in #help
Getting route data from a WebAPI without Swagger
The way I'm currently generating TS clients, is I use NSwag to get the OpenAPI spec, then I have a tool written in JS that parses that json and generates TS clients. I was thinking of eliminating some steps from that, though. The way I see it, I should be able to make a console app that references my WebAPI project, and somehow get the route data from there. All nicely typed and all. Bypassing Swagger completely. Can't figure out how, though
15 replies
Created by Angius on 4/24/2024 in #help
Random temperature curve generation too biased
No description
16 replies
Created by Angius on 4/4/2024 in #help
✅ SkiaSharp canvas scale not scaling
I have a method that takes an int[,] array with ones and zeroes. Based on that, I want to create an image, that is optionally resized and blurred. Creating the image at 1:1 scale works, blurring it works as well, but for the love of me I cannot get it to scale...
byte[] CreateImage(int[,] arr, float? scale = null, float? blur = null)
var wSize = arr.GetLength(0);
var hSize = arr.GetLength(1);

var bmp = new SKBitmap(wSize, hSize);
using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(bmp))
for (var w = 0; w < wSize; w++)
for (var h = 0; h < hSize; h++)
canvas.DrawPoint(w, h, arr[w, h] == 0 ? SKColors.White : SKColors.Black);

if (scale is {} s)

if (blur is {} b)
var newBmp = new SKBitmap((int)(wSize * scale ?? 1), (int)(hSize * scale ?? 1));
using var canvas = new SKCanvas(newBmp);
using var paint = new SKPaint();

paint.ImageFilter = SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(b, b);
canvas.DrawImage(SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp), 0, 0, paint);

using var blurredImage = SKImage.FromBitmap(newBmp);
return blurredImage.Encode().ToArray();

using var image = SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp);
return image.Encode().ToArray();
byte[] CreateImage(int[,] arr, float? scale = null, float? blur = null)
var wSize = arr.GetLength(0);
var hSize = arr.GetLength(1);

var bmp = new SKBitmap(wSize, hSize);
using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(bmp))
for (var w = 0; w < wSize; w++)
for (var h = 0; h < hSize; h++)
canvas.DrawPoint(w, h, arr[w, h] == 0 ? SKColors.White : SKColors.Black);

if (scale is {} s)

if (blur is {} b)
var newBmp = new SKBitmap((int)(wSize * scale ?? 1), (int)(hSize * scale ?? 1));
using var canvas = new SKCanvas(newBmp);
using var paint = new SKPaint();

paint.ImageFilter = SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(b, b);
canvas.DrawImage(SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp), 0, 0, paint);

using var blurredImage = SKImage.FromBitmap(newBmp);
return blurredImage.Encode().ToArray();

using var image = SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp);
return image.Encode().ToArray();
5 replies
Created by Angius on 2/9/2024 in #help
✅ Hex color converter breaks on 3-digit and 4-digit values
No description
5 replies
Created by Angius on 1/17/2024 in #help
Is there any way to *conditionally* set a property with EF `.ExecuteUpdateAsync()`?
Right now, I'm doing
var thing = await _ctx.Things.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == req.Id);
if (thing.Name != req.Name) thing.Name = req.Name;
if (thing.Count != req.Count) thing.Count = req.Count;
await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
var thing = await _ctx.Things.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == req.Id);
if (thing.Name != req.Name) thing.Name = req.Name;
if (thing.Count != req.Count) thing.Count = req.Count;
await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
but I'm not sure how would I do something similar, as in, something that avoids setting x.Name = x.Name, with the Execute method. Something like
var rows = await _ctx.Things.Where(t => t.Id == req.Id)
.ExecuteUpdateAsync(props => props
.SetPropertyIf(t => t.Name != req.Name, t => t.Name, req.Name)
.SetPropertyIf(t => t.Count != req.Count, t => t.Count, req.Count))
var rows = await _ctx.Things.Where(t => t.Id == req.Id)
.ExecuteUpdateAsync(props => props
.SetPropertyIf(t => t.Name != req.Name, t => t.Name, req.Name)
.SetPropertyIf(t => t.Count != req.Count, t => t.Count, req.Count))
but no such thing seems to exist.
20 replies
Created by Angius on 7/17/2023 in #help
❔ Azure DevOps repo remote unpack failed
I have a Git repo set up, it's an UE5 project which means large binaries, and Azure repos have unlimited size, so that's why not Github. I'm trying to push the project over SSH, but I'm getting some weird errors
❯ git push -u origin --all
Enter passphrase for key [key]:
Enumerating objects: 2462, done.
Counting objects: 100% (2462/2462), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2433/2433), done.
remote: The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: sha1 file '<stdout>' write error: Broken pipe
error: remote unpack failed: error The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
❯ git push -u origin --all
Enter passphrase for key [key]:
Enumerating objects: 2462, done.
Counting objects: 100% (2462/2462), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2433/2433), done.
remote: The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: sha1 file '<stdout>' write error: Broken pipe
error: remote unpack failed: error The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
23 replies
Created by Angius on 6/25/2023 in #help
❔ Code from the new Gundam episode
11 replies
Created by Angius on 6/21/2023 in #help
❔ Windows - system restore on PC shutdown
Not a C# question, I know, but I've no idea where else to turn to lol Students at my school do all sorts of stuff with the PCs. Weird wallpapers, meatspin in autostart, weird bat files, installing Roblox, all kinds of stuff like that. Not everything can be prevented with just an admin password, AFAIK. Back in college, they had some system set up that would roll back the PC on shutdown (or was it startup?) to a set restore point. So all the software and stuff was still there, but all the settings would be rolled back, and all the newly-installed stuff would be removed. I'd like to use something like that in this school as well, but for the love of me I cannot remember the name of the soft
12 replies