TanStack Query vs Solid Router
+ createAsync
Is there any reason to use TanStack when Solid Router comes with those built-in? Just wondering if there is something I'm missing because, the query
+ createAsync
combination if I'm not mistaken provides a lot of the same benefits that TanStack does with request de-deduping and caching by key. Wondering if there are other gaps present that I am not privy to (e.g. easy request refetching/polling on interval or conditional fetching like the enabled
field from TanStack Query).
For the visually inclined -- the question is what is the recommendation between these two options and the pros/cons of each:...[astro-island] Error hydrating /src/components/SignUp/SignUpForm.tsx TypeError: conds[i] is undefine
`scroll` event emitted until end reached when scrolling lazy-rendered table
. But I keep running into this error when trying to create a protected route.
5:35:31 PM [vite] Error when evaluating SSR modulesrc/routes/protected/index.tsx?pick=default&pick=$css:
|- TypeError: __vite_ssr_import_10__.query is not a function
5:35:31 PM [vite] Error when evaluating SSR modulesrc/routes/protected/index.tsx?pick=default&pick=$css:
|- TypeError: __vite_ssr_import_10__.query is not a function
How does `query` cache actually work?
Any way to redo this logic without an infinite loop?
and then dynamically rendering this in a <Show/>
, however, to get the data to get guaranteed instead of possibly undefined I have to use the render prop, which goes into an issue shown here: https://github.com/solidjs/solid/issues/1149. Essentially I cannot use a <For/>
loop inside this, as I get an infinite loop - I have to use an <Index/>
loop. Is there some other way to do this pattern or am I basically stuck using <Index/>
? T...Solid Start Vinxi complaining about public and can't resolve public fonts
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Why is this code not reactive?
is reactive and errors().scenarios
seems to be reactive, and the div with the Errors: {errors().scenarios?.[i]?.name?.[0]}
seems to work fine, so I can't totally understand why the vali...Best Practices for Handling Errors in a query-Wrapped Server Function
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Old client after server update
I have a fallback
that shows a link that takes them back to the web app by doing a full page reload (I make sure to have target="_self"
). Ideally, I'd like to be able make the client automatically reload the page if it detects the server has been updated. If it could do this page reload during a navigation most user's would hardly notice it.
Thanks....Seeking Insights on SolidStart Server Function Issue
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import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from "vite";
import solidPlugin from "vite-plugin-solid";...solid styled starter template(solid-start) bug
useParams not updating with urql's createQuery
const derivedParams = () => params
doesn't seem to work. Any thought...Suspense not getting triggered although I am accessing the result of createAsync in my components
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onLoad event doesn't trigger