Created by McBrincie212 on 2/23/2025 in #support
Having The Same Context Transfer Different Properties
im trying to make a base widget, where it has common stuff amongst the widget elements(canvas for now, there will be the reference panel as well)
import {Context, createContext, JSXElement, useContext} from "solid-js";

export const BaseWidgetContext: Context<BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface | undefined> = createContext();

export function useBaseWidgetContext(): BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface {
const context: BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface | undefined = useContext(BaseWidgetContext);
if (!context) throw new Error("useBaseWidgetContext must be used within a BaseWidgetProvider");
return context;

export function BaseWidgetProvider(props: { properties: BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface; children: JSXElement }) {
return (
<BaseWidgetContext.Provider value={}>
import {Context, createContext, JSXElement, useContext} from "solid-js";

export const BaseWidgetContext: Context<BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface | undefined> = createContext();

export function useBaseWidgetContext(): BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface {
const context: BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface | undefined = useContext(BaseWidgetContext);
if (!context) throw new Error("useBaseWidgetContext must be used within a BaseWidgetProvider");
return context;

export function BaseWidgetProvider(props: { properties: BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface; children: JSXElement }) {
return (
<BaseWidgetContext.Provider value={}>
note: BaseCanvasPropertiesInterface is a placeholder on the context here i want to supply BaseWidgetPropertiesInterface however, i can't just supply it like so bc my other widgets will inherit from this interface and expand with their own properties the naive approach would be making another context but ideally i want to handle this case from this context
53 replies
Created by McBrincie212 on 12/24/2024 in #support
Canvas Lags
function generateTransparentBackground(
canvasBackground: HTMLCanvasElement, individualPixelSize: number,
c1: string, c2: string, canvasWidth: number, canvasHeight: number
) {
const canvasBackgroundCTX = canvasBackground.getContext("2d")!;

const offscreenCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
offscreenCanvas.width = canvasWidth;
offscreenCanvas.height = canvasHeight;
const offscreenCTX = offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d")!;

let cols = canvasBackground.width / (individualPixelSize * individualPixelSize);
let rows = canvasBackground.height / (individualPixelSize * individualPixelSize);
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
offscreenCTX.fillStyle = ((i + j) % 2 === 0) ? c1 : c2;
i * individualPixelSize,
j * individualPixelSize,

canvasBackgroundCTX.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, 0, 0);

export default function BaseCanvas(props: any) {
let canvasBackground!: HTMLCanvasElement;
let baseCanvasElement!: HTMLDivElement;

const individualPixelSize: number = 20;
const c1: string = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
const c2: string = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"

let canvasResWidth: number = individualPixelSize * props.width;
let canvasResHeight: number = individualPixelSize * props.height;

onMount(() => { = `${props.width}px`; = `${props.height}px`;
canvasBackground, individualPixelSize, c1, c2, canvasResWidth, canvasResHeight

return (
<div class={"base-canvas"} ref={baseCanvasElement}>
<canvas class={"background-layer-canvas"} width={canvasResWidth} height={canvasResHeight} ref={canvasBackground}/>
function generateTransparentBackground(
canvasBackground: HTMLCanvasElement, individualPixelSize: number,
c1: string, c2: string, canvasWidth: number, canvasHeight: number
) {
const canvasBackgroundCTX = canvasBackground.getContext("2d")!;

const offscreenCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
offscreenCanvas.width = canvasWidth;
offscreenCanvas.height = canvasHeight;
const offscreenCTX = offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d")!;

let cols = canvasBackground.width / (individualPixelSize * individualPixelSize);
let rows = canvasBackground.height / (individualPixelSize * individualPixelSize);
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
offscreenCTX.fillStyle = ((i + j) % 2 === 0) ? c1 : c2;
i * individualPixelSize,
j * individualPixelSize,

canvasBackgroundCTX.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, 0, 0);

export default function BaseCanvas(props: any) {
let canvasBackground!: HTMLCanvasElement;
let baseCanvasElement!: HTMLDivElement;

const individualPixelSize: number = 20;
const c1: string = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
const c2: string = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"

let canvasResWidth: number = individualPixelSize * props.width;
let canvasResHeight: number = individualPixelSize * props.height;

onMount(() => { = `${props.width}px`; = `${props.height}px`;
canvasBackground, individualPixelSize, c1, c2, canvasResWidth, canvasResHeight

return (
<div class={"base-canvas"} ref={baseCanvasElement}>
<canvas class={"background-layer-canvas"} width={canvasResWidth} height={canvasResHeight} ref={canvasBackground}/>
6 replies
Created by McBrincie212 on 9/13/2024 in #support
Failed To Resolve
I tried importing onMount on a component but it results in vite saying
Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/store/types/server.js" from "src/App.tsx". Does the file exist?
8:56:18 PM [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/types/server/reactive.js" from "src/components/DrawComponents.tsx". Does the file exist?
8:56:18 PM [vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/store/types/server.js" from "src/App.tsx". Does the file exist?
Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/store/types/server.js" from "src/App.tsx". Does the file exist?
8:56:18 PM [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/types/server/reactive.js" from "src/components/DrawComponents.tsx". Does the file exist?
8:56:18 PM [vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "solid-js/store/types/server.js" from "src/App.tsx". Does the file exist?
7 replies
Created by McBrincie212 on 9/3/2024 in #support
Performance Overhead When Panning And Zooming
So im experiencing performance overhead when panning and zooming. I assume this is javascript's fault but i do need some way to optimise it because as of now its slow even with like 5 canvases opened
24 replies
Created by McBrincie212 on 9/1/2024 in #support
How To Communicate Between Components
suppose this setup i got here
<DrawToolsMenu />
<PixelArtCanvas />
<DrawToolsMenu />
<PixelArtCanvas />
I want to PixelArtCanvas have a reference to DrawToolsMenu. How can i achieve that?
16 replies
Created by McBrincie212 on 3/8/2023 in #support
Track Variable Changes
i quite don't remember a lot the splid js syntax can someone explain to me how can i track variable changes and based on that i execute a function
13 replies