Performance Overhead When Panning And Zooming

So im experiencing performance overhead when panning and zooming. I assume this is javascript's fault but i do need some way to optimise it because as of now its slow even with like 5 canvases opened
12 Replies
jaak3w ago
Have you looked in the profiler where the slowdown is? You can also try putting the css "will-change: transform;" on your content-pannable element
McBrincie2123w ago
well i use tauri and its the safari devtools which im not too familiar also i can't get frames per second actually i think its also on the canvas the overhead also here is the pixel art canvas component
McBrincie2123w ago
ok so analysed the performance paint is the problem, at 93%
McBrincie2123w ago
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McBrincie2123w ago
i will probably need to run the canvas elements in the GPU
jaak3w ago
Making sure those elements are gpu composited should help
McBrincie2123w ago
how do i make sure that they are?
jaak3w ago
The will-change css on the one whose transform is changing should handle that one, can also try adding transform: translate3d(0,0,0) on the five canvas roots
McBrincie2123w ago
hmmm will-change tho seems todo nothing
bigmistqke2w ago
I sometimes had big performance boosts with Canvas API on chrome when disabling hardware acceleration This can be done by setting the willReadFrequently flag on the canvas to true IIRC hardware acceleration is defaulted to be enabled w Canvas API and there is not really a proper way of disabling it (besides that willReadFrequently flag, but is only for chromium). There is just something about the implementation w canvas on chromium that causes a lot of textures to be needed to be loaded to the GPU.
McBrincie2122w ago
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