


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Dev server reloads take about a minute and do close to 1k requests

I haven't been on a project for some days and now suddenly dev server takes about a minute to load on each refresh It comes down to nr of requests, it does about 1k requests. With cache enabled it comes down to "just" about 45 sec, with cache disabled it's around 50-70 sec Is there a way to make it more snappy? Don't even know where to start investigating. Some config value somewhere most likely...
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NuxtImg not working in production with IPX on Linux (Ubuntu Server 24.04.2, NodeJS 22.14.0)

NuxtImg looks to be broken in prod mode on linux, but interestingly enough, was working fine under windows before i tried actually deploying. All images, except for one which also isnt working, are stored under public/images. Im getting these errors in the browser console. Any clue as of what might be going on ? The image/background for my hero section which was applied with background-image css is working fine.
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SelectMenu, trailing button issue.

I’m trying to add a clear functionality to the SelectMenu component using a button in the trailing slot: ```html <USelectMenu v-model:model-value="selectedCountry"...
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How to reroute a request to a different template: GET /hello -> render(/foo/hello.vue)

Hi, when a request comes into the server, I want to check the hostname and decide which page to render. How can I do that? I've looked at nuxt-multi-tenant module and it's possible, but that module uses dynamic routes. I have static routes.
Seems like this should be an easy win, but when I try to modify in defineEventHandler() it's read-only. 😦...

Toggle useAsyncData's server option on SSG with SSR dynamically.

Hey! I am building a SSG with SSR. I use useAsyncData to fetch data from an api. After deploying my app to a webserver, i would like to use ?ssr=false query-string to (re)load the content from the api on the client site. Is this somehow possible to do that on demand?

How can nuxt use a stage name in its url? Im using AWS apigateway,

How can nuxt use a stage name in its url? Im using AWS apigateway, so a stage name, like /prod is appended at the end of the base URL. The nuxt app is not working and giving errors like: is not found. Thats because it should be

Reduce amount of files in production

Hi, I have website in vue 3 & nuxt 3 + shadcn. I'm using many shadcn components and I'm wondering if it's possible to reduce somehow amount of files used in production nuxt generate/build? Currently after build every refresh on website makes ~70 requests, it's caused mostly by shadcn components (screenshoot). Every shadcn component is other component in components directory. It's possible to reduce somehow amount of files?
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Nuxt has an error reloading the page when clicking on a link

My Nuxt project in development when clicking on links wrapped in <NuxtLink> tags all reload the page, my ui components are not displayed, devtool is also hidden. In production it works fine. Has anyone encountered this problem, please support me.

Connection error

Does anybody know what causes this error? I am new to nuxt and this already happened multiple times. Im running nuxt on my local machine.
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Nuxt UI Pro dashboard sidebar not rendering.

I'm creating a dashboard in nuxt ui but the side bar is not rendered at all. I have followed all the installation steps.

Nuxt UI table, tooltip on row.

How would one create a tooltip on a complete row. Couldn't figure it out with the templating...

Custom useAsyncData - $fetch TypeScript error🙏

Hello everybody, I have followed the nuxt 3 guide to create a custom fetch client. All seems to be right, but when I'm going to add TypeScript FetchError<CustomError> in useFetch, I receive this TypeScript error (I'm a TypeScript newbie): ```...

Error parsing JavaScript expression: Unexpected token, expected

[plugin:unplugin-vue-i18n:directive] Error parsing JavaScript expression: Unexpected token, expected "," (3:16) /Users/x/Development/frontend/components/settings/AccountingSettings.vue at createCompilerError (/Users/x/Development/frontend/node_modules/@vue/compiler-core/dist/compiler-core.cjs.js:1364:17) at emitError (/Users/x/Development/frontend/node_modules/@vue/compiler-core/dist/compiler-core.cjs.js:2949:5) at createExp (/Users/x/Development/frontend/node_modules/@vue/compiler-core/dist/compiler-core.cjs.js:2942:7)...

Is it possible to configure a static site generated nuxt app to also output a server for the APIs?

Is it possible to configure a static site generated nuxt app to also output a server for the APIs?

How do you watch for body change in usefetch?

<script setup> const usersByLastName = reactive <UsersByLastName> ({ lastName: "" }); const { data, pending, error } = useFetch("/api/users/bylastname", { method: "POST",...

In production build the server console is full of vue router warns for /_nuxt/

``` [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/_nuxt/" [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/_nuxt/" [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/_nuxt/" [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/_nuxt/"...
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What is the difference between static and prerender in routerules?

What is the difference between static and prerender in routerules?

Debugging Nuxt in jetbrains IDEs

Hi, does anyone please know how to attach to already running node and already running chrome ? when i use the XML from this guide it starts new process fro node and chrome everytime :/...

routeRules help

Can someone help me with this: ``` routeRules: { '/chat/:chat_id': { proxy: '/api/v1/:chat_id/public' },...

watching useNuxtData

Hi folks! I have a question: Can I watch changes in useNuxtData? It seems that after fetching with asyncData and storing the results, I can't access the cached data immediately in another component. Using a timeouting (nextTick) gives me the expected result, but watching does not. Anyone?