


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Error "currentRenderingInstance is null" since upgrade of Nuxt

Since I upgraded Nuxt to version (from "^3.11.2" to "^3.12.2") I get the error "currentRenderingInstance is null". I'm now struggeling with this for a couple of days 😦 So far I am not able to create a reproduction to show. See the screenshot for a bit more of the error....
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TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module:

Does anyone have any idea why my Nuxt site doesn't work in the Arc browser? I get no errors, it works fine in Chrome, Ff, Safari and localhost works too, but when I'm trying to open the production site it only shows the page for a split second and then it turns gray. The title of the site is also showing wrong, but again only in the Arc browser. These are the dependencies, they should all be up to date: ```json...

Unable to upgrade to 3.12.2 using nuxt

I'm running a nuxt 3 monorepo using turborepo. All my packages are currently at 3.11.2. When I try to run pnpx nuxi@latest upgrade, it ends up finding 3.11.2 as the latest version. How can I update to 3.12.2?

client side navigation to a server side page will run the authorization middleware in the browser

hello all, I'm facing a problem with forcing SSR for a page all the time. From the documentation I found to achive this I should use the '.server.vue' prependix in the page's file name, which works like a charm, but the middleware that checks authorization is running in the browser only, I have this line in the middleware: 'if (import.meta.client) return ', so I can reach the site even tough the user I'm logged in doesn't have the rights to see it. Could you help me how can I configure the midd...

Cant interact with Nuxt/Vue events

Its like site is on static mode or something @click, v-on:click or any event doesn't works

Trigger page-reload on new deployments

Hey everyone, I'm working on a project and need some advice on how to efficiently implement functionality to trigger a page reload when a new deployment is triggered. This implementation needs to be able to scale across different servers behind load-balancers with 100k active users in peak periods. Here's what I have in mind:...

Typescript errors after building for production

I'm using nuxt 3.11.2, and things work fine on development but when I try building the application, I get these TS errors for things which should be autoimported . I've tried installing several versions of vue-tsc and typescript, but to no avail. In addition nuxi typecheck also stopped working...
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How to use vscode debugger in vue nuxt 2 project?

hi guys When I run the project with the debugger, I'm unable to set breakpoints successfully. This is causing me difficulties in effectively debugging my application. I've included the contents of my nuxt.config.js file below for your reference: ...
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Response Body in Error with useFetch

👋, I get the following error in an API request (see attachment). Is there a way to get the response body using useFetch?...
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Issue with Vite Build Not Including Dependent Components in UMD Format

Hello everyone, I'm working on a monorepo with two Nuxt3 applications: shadcn-components and my-components-library. - shadcn-components: Contains basic UI components....

How do I upgrade Vue? Is there a command for that or need to manually do npm install

How do I upgrade Vue 3.4.21 to 3.4.31? Is there a command for that or need to maually do npm install for vue package? I've used npm up vue that is not working...

Detect if Tailwind is installed from Nuxt Module

Hi I am building a Nuxt Module that will add some componentes to Nuxt project, and I was wondering is there an easy way to detect if the Nuxt project is using taiwlind and if it is do I have a way to extend it's config?

Type custom plugins

Hey everyone, I'm creating a custom algolia plugin to perform search. I want to know two things. 1. Is this a good usecase to create a plugin? or should i go for composable 2. how can we type custom plugins ...

In Nuxt3, Library Build Doesn't working correctly (UMD format)

Hello community! I'm building my component library (UMD) which will be consumed in python framework. I'm building it using Nuxt3 with Layers feature in my monorepo. In my project, some components reference components of ../shadcn-components. I'm building this library using Vite....

Nuxt3, need to make requests to backend server

Ideally, I just wanted nuxt3 to call our backend server without the HTTP wrapper. The backend server worked for PHP as straight sockets. As you can conclude, we are trying to move from PHP to nuxt3. For the project to move forward, I/we need to get/post/send/receive data through our backend server. I have modified our backend server to handle HTTP 1.1 and 2. Following code is in index.vue...
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Get api domain in nitro server file

Greeting i created server route that go to api and check the phone if it exist before or not here it's ``` export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { let config = useRuntimeConfig(); let domain = config.public.apiURL; ...

What storage should i use?

In my application I have a page gateway where I am uploading data. Previously I was using a cookie (with pinia persistedstore), but I saw that the data ends up being very large and occupy the entire size available for the cookie. I can't use data like clientside sessionStorage or localStorage because I show the information as soon as the page loads, without waiting for the client. What can I use? I was thinking about using H3 sessions, but I couldn't figure out how to do it in a simple way (In my app I don't need authentication, all I need is a getter and setter for a big object that I can access from the server)....

appMiddleware for API routes?

When an API under /api/admin is being called I want to run my middleware under /server/middleware/admin.ts I thought I could add a route rule to the nuxt.config.ts like this: ```ts routeRules: { '/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'admin' }...

Reactively add/remove a class name to <body>, from within a component...

I have a component with a boolean ref. As long as myBool.value === true, I'd like to bind a class name to <body>. I've attempted to use the useMeta and useMetaSafe composables (useHead > bodyAttrs.class) but it doesn't change reactively. Any idea what the heck I'm missing? This is driving me nuts and the documentation makes it sound relatively simple....