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BABetter Auth
Created by Mads on 3/5/2025 in #help
InviteMember roles as array
Hi in the docs it says we can set multiple roles in an invitation:
await authClient.organization.inviteMember({
role: "admin", //this can also be an array for multiple roles (e.g. ["admin", "sale"])
await authClient.organization.inviteMember({
role: "admin", //this can also be an array for multiple roles (e.g. ["admin", "sale"])
But when trying to do so I get error:
"message": "Invalid body parameters"
"message": "Invalid body parameters"
Types in the intellisense also says it has to be a string: const response = await authClient.organization.inviteMember({ email:, role: parsedValue.roles, // Has to be string })
2 replies
Created by Mads on 2/20/2025 in #❓・help
Typescript intellisense extremely slow
No description
14 replies
Created by Mads on 2/16/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt Seo needs help
Hi Nuxt team, I wanted to share some feedback as a Nuxt user. The Nuxt SEO module is one of the main reasons I (and many others) chose Nuxt over vanilla Vue. It's a crucial feature for building production websites, especially when dealing with sitemaps, OG images, and other SEO requirements. I really appreciate @harlan's incredible work on the module. However, I've noticed there are quite a few open issues that could use attention. As someone who relies on this module for production sites, I believe additional resources in this area would greatly benefit the community. @danielroe I saw your mention about wanting to attract more enterprise users to Nuxt. From my perspective, having robust SEO capabilities is often a key requirement for enterprise projects, so this could be a valuable area to strengthen. Just wanted to share this feedback from a user's perspective. Thank you for all your work on making Nuxt great!
5 replies
Created by Mads on 12/20/2024 in #❓・help
Ideas to debug this Nuxt UI / Tailwindcss bug
Hi When I visit my site (in production) on one computer I get extremely rounded corners on almost anything. I can see in the inspection tool that the: .rounded-2xl { border-radius: var(--radius-2xl); } On one computer --radius-2xl is === 1rem. On my other computer --radius-2xl === 64px. I use Nuxt UI 3 alpha 10, which uses Tailwind v4. How the hell do I debug this?
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Mads on 8/31/2024 in #help
notNull and Unique
Hi Whenever I use push:db I get that I am about to add a new unique constraint. I then checked and I don’t actually have the unique constraints set. Am I doing something wrong?
export const companies = mysqlTable('companies', {
id: int('id').autoincrement().primaryKey(),
name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
owner_id: varchar('owner_id', { length: 255 }).notNull().references(() =>,
has_finished_introduction: boolean('has_finished_introduction').default(false).notNull(),
created_at: datetime('created_at').default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`).notNull(),
updated_at: datetime('updated_at').default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`).notNull(),
export const companies = mysqlTable('companies', {
id: int('id').autoincrement().primaryKey(),
name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).unique().notNull(),
owner_id: varchar('owner_id', { length: 255 }).notNull().references(() =>,
has_finished_introduction: boolean('has_finished_introduction').default(false).notNull(),
created_at: datetime('created_at').default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`).notNull(),
updated_at: datetime('updated_at').default(sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`).notNull(),
"drizzle-kit": "^0.24.2",
7 replies
Created by Mads on 5/7/2024 in #❓・help
Any way to trigger a Nitro Task from an endpoint?
Is it possible to hit an endpoint to trigger a Nitro Task?
2 replies
Created by Mads on 7/20/2023 in #❓・help
Layer Extend broken on Vercel
No description
25 replies
Created by Mads on 5/23/2023 in #❓・help
build failed vercel
No description
13 replies
Created by Mads on 4/24/2023 in #❓・help
Arrays in query params
Hi! Is there a simple way to navigate to a link with query params as array? e.g. this link results in /checkout?product_id=5&equipment_ids=30&equipment_ids=31 Which is fine for me, as I can easily get it working. However, Facebook does not like this and strips away the duplicate equipments_ids. It always keeps the last one.
path: '/checkout',
query: {
product_id: params.product_id,
equipment_ids: [30, 31],
Click me
path: '/checkout',
query: {
product_id: params.product_id,
equipment_ids: [30, 31],
Click me
1 replies
Created by Mads on 3/28/2023 in #❓・help
Multiply return types
When having an API and there is multiple return scenarios. e.g.
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { isactive } = getQuery(event) as {
isactive?: string;

if (isactive === "true") {
return {
isactive: true,
} else {
return {
hello: "world",
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { isactive } = getQuery(event) as {
isactive?: string;

if (isactive === "true") {
return {
isactive: true,
} else {
return {
hello: "world",
How can I on the frontend determine and use types based on the result? I was hoping something like this would work:
<div v-if="response.hello">
<!-- Make types work here -->
{{ response.hello }}

<div v-if="response.isactive">
<!-- Make types work here -->
{{ response.isactive }}
<div v-if="response.hello">
<!-- Make types work here -->
{{ response.hello }}

<div v-if="response.isactive">
<!-- Make types work here -->
{{ response.isactive }}
The error i'm getting is something like:
Property 'hello' does not exist on type 'SerializeObject<...
Property 'hello' does not exist on type 'SerializeObject<...
48 replies
Created by Mads on 3/10/2023 in #❓・help
When prerendering why are there still network requests?
I am prerendering a bunch of pages:
nitro: {
prerender: {
crawlLinks: true,
routes: ["/"],
ignore: ["/tak", "/konfiguration", "/checkout"],
nitro: {
prerender: {
crawlLinks: true,
routes: ["/"],
ignore: ["/tak", "/konfiguration", "/checkout"],
Why are my useFetch calls still running? Shouldn't the site be statically generated?
7 replies
Created by Mads on 1/4/2023 in #❓・help
Pre-render page but SSR when query string
Hi I'd like to build a page where I pre-render a page. Let's call it /blog. I then put the following settings in the Nuxt config like this:
nitro: {
prerender: {
crawlLinks: true,
routes: ["/"],
nitro: {
prerender: {
crawlLinks: true,
routes: ["/"],
This works perfectly and /blog is now pre-rendered. However, if I do something like this /blog?author=James it also works well and the page now displays values and it basically becomes a SPA, meaning the content of the page is not pre-rendered. What i'd like instead of it becoming a SPA, which means when JS is disabled it shows the page equal to /blog and not /blog?author=James, is for it to render with SSR. Thus, when navigating to /blog should be a pre-rendered page and /blog?author=James should be a server side rendered page. Is this at all possible?
3 replies