Circular Reference in Schema Relation
Supabase []
drizzle-kit pull
to get my existing schema from Supabase. The schema output included the following
export const notifications = pgTable("notifications", {
id: uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),...Making a simple dictionary
Error With types from Drizzle
Property 'config' is protected but type 'Column<T, TRuntimeConfig, TTypeConfig>' is not a class derived from 'Column<T, TRuntimeConfig, TTypeConfig>'
Property 'config' is protected but type 'Column<T, TRuntimeConfig, TTypeConfig>' is not a class derived from 'Column<T, TRuntimeConfig, TTypeConfig>'
Migration Order Question
error: column "created_by_api_key_id" referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist
error: column "created_by_api_key_id" referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist
What type to use for a batch item
serial('id').primaryKey() vs primaryKey() in extraConfig?
argument as opposed to on the column definition?
If I define a column like the following, everything seems to behave fine, but I do see that in the snapshot that drizzle marks the column as primaryKey: false
and instead considers this a composite PK
```typescript...Transaction Query Statements
malformed array literal when trying to insert a 2d array of strings
or a .jsonb()
field. The error is: An internal error occurred.: malformed array literal: \"[[\"saddas\",\"dasdsad\",\"dadad\",\"sdasda\"],[\"123213\",\"1321312\",\"1231313\"],[\"111111111\"],[\"aaaaaaaaa\"]]\"
It seems to me that drizzle is converting this array of arrays into this invalid serialized string. When I use .jsonb column type, the above is the error, when I use the varchar().arr...Double 'where' clause in dynamic query overriding the original 'where' clause not combining
Query API Returned Structure
drizzle-kit generate throws SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
drizzle-kit generate
stopped working - I built my app and after that it started throwing...
It throws with the following error:
```...creating a generic selection function
Conditionally throw error on D1 Batch Process
and instead rely on db.batch
. Cloudflare D1 rolls back if a statement in the batch errors.
It is working ok, but I was wondering if it was possible to throw an error if a select returns zero results. E.g. checking if the user is owner of a certain record before proceeding into other updates
```typescript...How to log out batch operations
Drizzle-kit won't connect to local neon database
Shared db across services
Nested select in an insert
inside an insert
than to just use the sql
For example I have this function:
static async upsert(idPerson: number, studyType: StudyType) {...Running SQL statement manually for in-memory database
Infer insert model for select in "Insert into ... select"
) but to insert/update they will need to be mapped to internal IDs (iid
). Here's a typical example where customer's external ID is resovled to its internal ID so it can be used in the relevant column of transaction