Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Migration defaulting to neon driver

hey, I run into an issue where i'm not using neon but when migrating it does try to use neon driver even tho I'm running my postgres db locally. I'm using next js Could anyone help?...
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insert without passing schema

if you pass schema to drizzle like, ``` drizzle({ schema, connection: process.env.DB_FILE_NAME!...

How to make function that takes in a table as parameter with correct types?

e.g. if we have the following function, which takes in an arbitrary table and executes a where clause on it: ``` typescript import db from '../db' import { type Table, type SQL, } from 'drizzle-orm'...

Postgres insert returning expecting zero arguments

I'm trying to specify columns to return during a Postgres insert using the Neon serverless driver. But .returning() is telling me it doesn't accept any arguments. However the docs show it's possible to specify an object?
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Drizzle-Seed null values

Hello there, how can I seed null values with drizzle-seed? I want something like: ```js...

Migration failed, and can't add new migration

Hello, I've tried to add a change to a table ```ts import { pgTable, serial, text } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'; ...

Turso drizzle-kit CLI: Passing dbCredentials via CLI options

Hi, I'm building a multi-tenant database and trying to configure drizzle-kit using CLI options. However, I’m unsure whether it's possible to pass the dbCredentials part of the config via CLI, and if so, how to do it. ``` dbCredentials: { url: process.env.TURSO_DATABASE_URL,...

Knowing when drizzle finished Migration/Pushed.

Hi, I'm new to DrizzleORM and backend development as a whole. I'm using Drizzle BetterSQLite3 with SvelteKit. I'm trying to execute raw SQL commands to create some triggers for backups. Currently, I'm doing it like this `` await db.transaction(async (tx) => { tx.run(sql CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS TRG_CT_INSERT_BACKUP...

arrayOverlaps case insensitive

is it possible to make arrayOverlaps case insensitive in drizzle ? ```ts const fetchFromDb = async (names : string[]) => {...

Use DB functions to format data on update e.g. DATE()

Is there a way to use database functions like DATE in SQLite to format a value on update to ensure it is formatted correctly? I have a text field where I store a person's date of birth and want it formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (which DATE does) and doing it on the client side with no verification on the server / db side seems error prone. As with schemas in general it is best to constrain data as much as possible and this data should never be in any other form. Is there a way to make it so? I already have a check that it is a valid date with
sql`(LENGTH(${table.date_of_birth}) <= 10 AND DATE(${table.date_of_birth}, '+0 days') IS ${table.date_of_birth})`,
sql`(LENGTH(${table.date_of_birth}) <= 10 AND DATE(${table.date_of_birth}, '+0 days') IS ${table.date_of_birth})`,

Time Mysql Formatting

The Time format come formatted like hh:mm:ss.mmmmmm ( unsure if the last part is ms. Just like in the following query result: ```Js { id: 2,...

Many to Many to Many

I mean a relationship where a user can belong to many groups and in a particular group can have many roles. I am counting on quick help. Thanks in advance for your help.

Subquery within same table not working as expected

I have this table that list employees: ``` export const workersTable = pgTable('workers', { workerId: integer('worker_id').notNull().primaryKey(),...

How to store Uint8Array in postgresql

```ts const users: pgTable("user", { recovery_code: // what to use here? })...

npx drizzle-kit pull: pg driver but getting a `'./gel-core' is not defined by "exports"` error

g'day from Aus, I'm using drizzle for the first time. I have followed along with the doco: in as much that i have copy n' pasted my way through it. I tried to use pull to generate my schema definitions...but get an error about the gel-core subpackage not being exported. here is my config. ```import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";...

Do we have a way to connect to sqlite-cloud?

I saw them as one of the sponsors in the right hand side in the docs of drizzle So I gave them a visit and they look really neat Anyone knows how I could connect to their cloud isntance using drizzle ??...

TypeScript suddenly not working anymore

So I was refactoring my Project, to be able to share Drizzle/DB code between two NestJS APIs - so far working fine. But when pulling over the parts of the code that updated data in tables, I started noticing problems: ```ts export const userBusinessDetails = mysqlTable("user_business_details", {...
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neon database is not working

when i am opening my database it is opening but the table tab is not opening a error is coming in that. It was opening a few hour ago but not now and i have not done any changes in my any code Plz someone help me with this...
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Migration not setting DB column to NOT NULL

when I update my schema to set a column to use .notNull().Default("whatever") the migration files don't actually update the DB to alter the column to NOT NULL with a DEFAULT set. We are using the standard generate approach in drizzle-kit. Any ideas what we are doing wrong?

Running db.execute on the read replica?

I have some code (see next message - ran out of characters). It uses the db.execute to run the command. Currently when it executes it runs on the primary instance: ```...