I can't find an ASP.NET Core Template
Hello everyone, I decided to take a break from Unity and tried to learn ASP.NET
I found a video on YouTube and followed it.
But I had a little trouble on the way, I can't find the same template as shown in the image here.
I wonder if the name of the template was changed or something ?
Thank you for your help

32 Replies
The Second one is "combined" and you'll pick between MVC razor etc in the wizard. There is no difference in the result
So just to be clear, the ASP.NET Core Web App (MVC) is the "combined" and it is the same as the template shown in the video ?
He is using the combined
You have them separated
I can't tell what subtemplate he used from that screenshot
@RagequitMaster u should try updating the vs and check the buttons about asp.net on the sidebar
You mean the Installation Window ?

Here's my install

ı mean on the installer
I did update it today

Um how can I show you more ?
Can I send you the link to the video ?
ASP.NET Core Crash Course - C# App in One Hour
Learn how to create a web database app in ASP.NET Core using Visual Studio and the C# language.
This tutorial will show you how to :
- Use the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.
- Configure database tables using the Entity framework.
- Setup of classes as models. Customize Razor forms.
- Create methods inside a controller.
- Style an A...
which version of core is he using
It's at 9:41
My apologies I couldn't tell
i think he is downloaded some kind of lib or extension for vs
How could I have known that ?

use this
Oh okay
You're the hero
dont forget
this is diffrent
u need the select individual accounts

on second page
this guy using diffrent vs version ı guess
He was using VS 2019
im using 2022 /shrug
why my command didnt works at the first time
The video is 4 years old so ...
it could be one of asp.net 7.0 templates
microsoft gonna release 9.0
u should learn 8.0 already
Um ...
i haven't ._.
What is the video link?
It's this one
ASP.NET Core Crash Course - C# App in One Hour
Learn how to create a web database app in ASP.NET Core using Visual Studio and the C# language.
This tutorial will show you how to :
- Use the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.
- Configure database tables using the Entity framework.
- Setup of classes as models. Customize Razor forms.
- Create methods inside a controller.
- Style an A...
In your project screen shot you would choose the second Model-View-Controller under the highlighted. When you get to the screen where the language selection second or third screen in the wizard you need to select .net 5 (out of support) to get the solution in the video hence a program.cs and startup.cs. startup.cs is not used anymore in the newer versions of VS. This video is 4 years old. @RagequitMaster ^^^^^
You can adjust the proj file to a newer version like 9.0 after the solution is created.