C#10mo ago

Messed up while trying to commit/merge

Which part is the new part and what is the old, or is there anyway to just remove the changes that were made. cant run the program anymore since the csproj files are broken
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12 Replies
MaxenOP10mo ago
Since I was writing the project on 2 computers I thought merging would be smart, obviously that was not the case and I shouldve somehow just overwritten everything but now I'm stuck with this. What do I remove or how do I "unmerge" everything?
Jimmacle10mo ago
this is a merge conflict, basically git doesn't know how to merge and is asking you do choose which changes you want to keep manually
MaxenOP10mo ago
yh I've understood that much rn
Jimmacle10mo ago
so choose the section that you want to keep, and delete the rest
MaxenOP10mo ago
im in the merge editor but only want everything from the right side and even when I click accept all changes from right and "complete merge" nothing seems to happen do I just delete the left side?
Jimmacle10mo ago
there is no left/right side in the screenshot, there's HEAD and your branch
MaxenOP10mo ago
cause its my old file from my other computer that is long outdated, so all I really want is one side
Jimmacle10mo ago
so just edit the file to only have what you want to keep
MaxenOP10mo ago
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MaxenOP10mo ago
sorry but its looking like this rn the program.cs file got messed up too apparently though it didnt look wrong at first
Jimmacle10mo ago
idk about VSC's built in conflict resolution
this_is_pain10mo ago
you can still abort the merge if you are in troubles

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