Cant figure out what these checkboxes are
I'm just attempting my first MAUI Application, So far not too many issues. I have a collection view with a binding and currently its very basic, however I cannot for the life of me figure out what these checkbox's are called or how I modify /remove them. I cant find anything in the documentation for them either. Any help would be appreciated.
5 Replies
after quick googling that seems to be a winui issue
add this eg to your app.xaml or into the resourcedict of the control
[WinUI] .Net MAUI CollectionView with SelectionMode=Multiple shows ...
Description Selecting the first two items leads to the following graphical output: Note the first two tick marks. I would love to remove them and use my own styling. Is that possible? The tick mark...
That was the issue, Thank you. I guess my google foo (Or my stupid attempt at using bing) is not strong today
as everything I could find was about adding them