Pipe is being closed. Trying to pass request body to php process
I am trying to open a php process in my kestrel middleware. Without body everything works fine, but sending a body throws the exception Pipe is being closed. Do you know why?
9 Replies
.StandardInput of phpProcess is already a StreamWriter, try eliminating the
await using StreamWriter sw = new(phpProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream);
@occluder Like this?
Same exception
@レオン Why not just
you are flushing StandardInput without using any of the write methods on itMy fault, but hasnt changed anything. The exception occurs on the write method. Same for this one:
Interesting, perhaps the process is somehow ending before you get a chance to write anything? I've come across this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/compatibility/core-libraries/8.0/filestream-disposed-pipe
.NET 8 breaking change: FileStream writes when pipe is closed - .NET
Learn about the .NET 8 breaking change in core .NET libraries where an exception is thrown if you write to a FileStream whose underlying pipe is closed.
@レオン check phpProcess.HasExited before writing, otherwise your code looks like it should work. If it doesn't I would suggest using CliWrap from nuget rather than dealing with the process class
HasExited is true. That seems to be the problem. Now I have to check how can I let the process wait for my inputs
Maybe you got the filename or arguments wrong? Process.Start() returns bool, that might help out
returned true. I have moved over to CliWrap.
Thats my code. Sadly same result, blank screen while executing a script with a body
I found the main issue. The script sets the header location and this is not supported. I have removed the php script and replaced it with html/js + api. Thanks for help. Even we havnt found a solution I have learned few new things. The solution (havnt tried yet) is to call the fastcgi service e.g. php-fpm, but there is no active maintained wrapper for .net