Created by occluder on 12/8/2023 in #help
✅ Blazor's @onclick isn't firing
I have a simple blazor server page with a couple of buttons. All the buttons have the same callback, where I put a Console.WriteLine to check if it does anything, but upon clicking them nothing happens. Anyone able to explain to me what's wrong? The console doesn't show any errors either. I'm using net8
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime


<div class="grid-container">
@foreach (var x in secrets)
<button class="grid-item" @onclick="() => CopySecret(x)" @onclick:preventDefault>

<button class="add-grid-item">
<h4>Add new</h4>

private string[] secrets = ["xD", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol"];

private async Task CopySecret(string secret)
Console.WriteLine("test"); // This is never executed, even if the line below is commented out
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("clipboardCopy.copyText", secret);
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime


<div class="grid-container">
@foreach (var x in secrets)
<button class="grid-item" @onclick="() => CopySecret(x)" @onclick:preventDefault>

<button class="add-grid-item">
<h4>Add new</h4>

private string[] secrets = ["xD", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol", "kimne", "gp7xd", "lol"];

private async Task CopySecret(string secret)
Console.WriteLine("test"); // This is never executed, even if the line below is commented out
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("clipboardCopy.copyText", secret);
21 replies
Created by occluder on 3/29/2023 in #help
Assert.Raises<> in xUnit
2 replies
Created by occluder on 3/6/2023 in #help
❔ Confusing ClientWebSocket.ReceiveAsync() behavior
Picture the following class:
private ClientWebSocket _ws = new();
private Memory<byte> _buffer = new(new byte[4096]);

public Task ReceiveTask()
return Task.Run(async () =>
while (true)
ValueWebSocketReceiveResult received = await _ws.ReceiveAsync(_buffer, CancellationToken.None);
Memory<byte> message = _buffer[..received.Count];
// do something with message
private ClientWebSocket _ws = new();
private Memory<byte> _buffer = new(new byte[4096]);

public Task ReceiveTask()
return Task.Run(async () =>
while (true)
ValueWebSocketReceiveResult received = await _ws.ReceiveAsync(_buffer, CancellationToken.None);
Memory<byte> message = _buffer[..received.Count];
// do something with message
In this scenario, one would expect that the client can receive up to 4kb of data. However, the behavior I'm encountering is that it's only using the first 2048 bytes of the buffer. With a bit of googling I found out that I'm supposed to use the boolean ValueWebSocketReceiveResult.EndOfMessage to check if the data was split into multiple messages. This made me a little confused, why would it split the data into multiple messages if my buffer is big enough? No matter, I changed my code to the following, hoping I could get around this issue without creating a new buffer:
public Task ReceiveTask()
return Task.Run(async () =>
while (true)
int bufferRegion = 0;
ValueWebSocketReceiveResult received;
while (!(received = await _ws.ReceiveAsync(_buffer[bufferRegion * 2048], CancellationToken.None)).EndOfMessage)
Memory<byte> message = _buffer[..received.Count];
// do something with message
public Task ReceiveTask()
return Task.Run(async () =>
while (true)
int bufferRegion = 0;
ValueWebSocketReceiveResult received;
while (!(received = await _ws.ReceiveAsync(_buffer[bufferRegion * 2048], CancellationToken.None)).EndOfMessage)
Memory<byte> message = _buffer[..received.Count];
// do something with message
But my efforts were in vain, as each time the inner while loop iterates it overrides the previous result, instead of appending to it. So looking back at all of it, something definitely feels off. Am I using the buffer wrong? Am I supposed to handle split messages differently? Or what's going on here?
3 replies