im watching a course about and creating some kind of web
but everytime i try to do "dotnet ef migrations add init" it says "Unable to create a 'DbContext' of type 'RuntimeType'. The exception 'Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions`1[api.Data.ApplicationDBContext]' while attempting to activate 'api.Data.ApplicationDBContext'.' was thrown while attempting to create an instance. For the different patterns supported at design time, see"
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@ded like this?
this all looks fine
have you configured your asp app to have a dbcontext in your
file?am i suppose to have a startup.cs file
in most cases, yes

that is what asp will use to register services and configure the server
show what's in program.cs
also, fwiw, i would recommend using visual studio if you are new to c#
not VSC
ik i was jsut watching a course and it did it in vscode so i didnt wanna do anything wrong
oh, top level statement asp project
it isn't using the asp web host, so I'm guessing that's why you're getting that error
how do i use it?
haven't set up EF in an asp project like this, but you could try:
okay thanks ill see
@Keswiik yo
tysm bro
ive been trying to make this work
for litteraly 3 days

for an explanation on why you were getting errors, look at this section:
okay thank you
Can you show the api.csproj file in this screenshot
I think they're banned