Maze game in console using 2D array

hey all, im a first year programming student and im really stumped with this project. I have to randomly generate a maze with items and enemies, as well as a player character that is controlled with Console.ReadKey(). Im still very much a beginner programmer, so any help at all would be very appreciated, and i will clear up any details
10 Replies
draingang_gtbsgOP3w ago
to add a few more details.. Requirements 1. Players should be able to move through a 2D maze of tiles. a. Tiles may be empty or occupied by a monster or item. b. The maze must have an exit tile, and players must be able to reach that exit. c. The maze must have walls for the player to navigate around. 2. Players can pick up weapons and potions that affect their gameplay. 3. When a player enters the same tile as a monster, a battle will ensue. a. The player and monster take turns attacking each other, until one reaches a health total of 0 or less. If the player perishes, the game ends. If the monster perishes, the player may continue through the maze. 4. When a player enters the same tile as an item, that item’s effect occurs. a. Weapons are added to the player’s inventory. The damage of the best weapon is added to the player’s attack. b. Potions are used immediately and increase the player’s health. c. If you like, you may add other items with different effects. i understand that i need a game loop that updates every time w, a, s, or d is pressed, but im stuck as far as implementing it goes
Harry John
Harry John3w ago
Okay, i would like to build Maza game with you.Please DM me if you are okay.
taner.3w ago
So u want some ideas how u could implement this?
draingang_gtbsgOP3w ago
yeah, ive got this UML diagram but im struggling to make progress
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taner.3w ago
did u implement the classes? when not create them first, like the uml Did you make the diagram yourself?
draingang_gtbsgOP3w ago
i did make the diagram myself i havent written any code yet because i figured i should have the uml completed first
taner.3w ago
U can use for the cells maybe a enum instead a of a bool? So the cell can be an item, wall, weapon etc.
draingang_gtbsgOP3w ago
good call, thank u
draingang_gtbsgOP2w ago
making progress, ran into an issue implementing an interface. anyone who can help?
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taner.2w ago
void Move();

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