C#9mo ago

visual studio setup

If you were downloading someone else’s sln to troubleshoot, how would you confirm the “using” namespaces at the top of the program.cs were installed so you can troubleshoot?
7 Replies
Angius9mo ago
Nuget packages are defined in the .csproj file So just building the project should download anything necessary
Denis9mo ago
E.g., Dev express supplies NuGets for their UI components only via their private NuGet server. So, it may happen that the required NuGet packages are not available for you, unless you have a purchased license for said commercial product, or have a trial Older .NET Framework projects might still use the .nuspec file for specifying NuGet dependencies. But that doesn't change your steps for restoring and building the solution projects
Core_CodeOP9mo ago
using helperfunctions. Is this a NuGet method or something else?
Denis9mo ago
Please send the csproj XML content. In visual studio, double click the project you have issues with to view its definition. If the project is in the old .NET format (which also means it is in .NET Framework), a configuration window will appear. In this case, it is necessary to first unload the project to view its XML definiton Supply the requested data here using $codegif
Denis9mo ago
Just write XML instead of CS, as seen in the example gif In the solution tree, under the project, do you see any warnings regarding its dependencies? If you expand the project, you'll probably see files within it, along with special items at the top, such as dependencies Asking all of this, because it is impossible to say from this single line. Apart from a NuGet package reference, it can come from a project reference that is potentially missing from the solution. Please provide as much $details as possible to receive proper assistance
MODiX9mo ago
When you ask a question, make sure you include as much detail as possible. Such as code, the issue you are facing, what you expect the result to be, what .NET version you are using and what platform/environment (if any) are relevant to your question. Upload code here https://paste.mod.gg/ (see $code for more information on how to paste your code)

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