C#6mo ago

System.Text.Json.JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected

I'm working on an API and I have Doctor and Appointment models. The Doctor model has a List<Appointment> as a prop and Appointment has a Doctor prop too. I understand what's going on but couldn't find a solution for it yet: when I fetch a doctor and Include(doc => doc.Appointments), it seems like, since the Appointment could have a reference to that same Doctor (and it does), they would end up including each other infinitely. The thing is, if I add a [JsonIgnore] to the Appointment's 'Doctor' property, things start working (since the Doctor won't be present among Appointment's properties) but it won't be serialized when I'm fetching Appointments, even with Include(appt => appt.Doctor). Another odd thing is that Doctor is not added automatically when I fetch an Appointment, but it still complains when Include(doc => doc.Appointments) even though I'm not doing ThenInclude(appt => appt.Doctor) right after. The error code:
System.Text.Json.JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected. This can either be due to a cycle or if the object depth is larger than the maximum allowed depth of 32. Consider using ReferenceHandler.Preserve on JsonSerializerOptions to support cycles. Path: $.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.User.
System.Text.Json.JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected. This can either be due to a cycle or if the object depth is larger than the maximum allowed depth of 32. Consider using ReferenceHandler.Preserve on JsonSerializerOptions to support cycles. Path: $.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.Appointments.Doctor.User.
The ReferenceHandler.Preserve made it work but it adds $id and $values to the json object and, at first, seemed like a hack (I'm ok with it in case it's not). Any ideas?
8 Replies
Kringe6mo ago
You can also use DTO's or specify a max depth in JsonSerializerOptions
Pobiega6mo ago
Map to DTOs. Its the only real answer. You can't treat your domain models as viable serialisation targets, it causes a whole bunch of issues, including oversharing and cyclic object reference
Kringe6mo ago
I also saw ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles if you don't want the metadata of the referencing
dev1111OP6mo ago
Got it to work with Dtos! This is how it looks
No description
dev1111OP6mo ago
Quite the lesson because I had no idea how Queryables worked, I thought it was like regular linq, but it's actually building the query So I ended up with the impression that the error came up right at the Include, and had no idea you could Select after
dev1111OP6mo ago
Nested a bunch of Dtos and ended up with what I wanted:
No description
dev1111OP6mo ago
Thank you very much!
Pobiega6mo ago
looks good if the Queryable uses the includes, you can usually leave them out btw

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