C#5mo ago

UWP MAUI building problem

Hi ! So, I was testing Jetbrains Rider, as I have a free student account, and when I want to run on debug the basic MAUI template for Windows (UWP), it just doesn't work and throw me this error : Registering UWP app with manifest: D:\Programmation\CsharpProjects\MauiApp3\MauiApp3\bin\Debug\net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0\win10-x64\AppX\AppxManifest.xml arch X64... Register application failed return code is 1. STDERR: ERROR: The asynchronous operation was failed: E_ACCESSDENIED General access denied error (hresult_error:80070005)[location] = Z:\BuildAgent\work\40149736ac453055\dotnet\Rider\Native\Solution\winrt_launcher\src\utility.hpp(41)[function] = void __cdecl jbrs::wait_for_finished(const struct winrt::com_ptr<struct IAsyncInfo> &)[uri] = D:\Programmation\CsharpProjects\MauiApp3\MauiApp3\bin\Debug\net8.0-windows10.0.19041.0\win10-x64\AppX\AppxManifest.xml
2 Replies
Buddy5mo ago
JetBrains doesn't officially support MAUI and if they claim they do, they're lying. Does the same project work in VS or does it also error there?
CurundirOP5mo ago
I'll give it a try

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