C#3w ago

✅ updated to Swashbuckle 6.6 from 6.4 and now my code doesn't compile

I have this example from a book I'm reading about asp.net, it was working fine until I updated Swashbuckle to v6.6 I checked the changelog and I don't see what I should change I don't see where is the duplicated ApiController attribute or why it's giving me type BoardGamesController already defined, I appreciate any help I can get
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2 Replies
Angius3w ago
Well, I'd start by reverting the code to the working commit The check what breaking changes did 6.5 and 6.6 introduce Which should be "none" seeing how neither is a major version increment Did you change anything in the code besides updating the nuget? Does it compile outside of VS, with just the .NET CLI?
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Unknown User3w ago
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