DiscordPresence Issue
If anyone could help it would be amazing I have added the game sdk and used same namespaces etc nothing seems to be solving...
21 Replies
Are you including the package's namespace with
?Yeah, Ill send over what Ive currently got.
Also the package name for reference
Sent over the screenshots what ive currently got.
What package are you using? Discord is a very generic namespace
Oh so it's your own type
Thats what ive currently got everything releated with the discord presence.
Any idea what can be the issue?
The errors seem to be in file Loader
Yeah, Ive been trying to solve it for a while lol :thumbsdown:
What's Discord.Discord? Judging from the syntax highlighting it seems to not be recornizing that type either
What are you making?
Multi-Loader, Stores multiple loaders then all can be run through one loader. But just trying to add discord rpc as a little extra.
What's that
At what place are you finding this.
.exe files storing UIs etc.
Huh? How can you store UI?
Build as a .exe Then when multi-loader is run it shows examples of work etc.
!ban @shades shadey. Selling game cheats