✅ hi, im trying to download an open source, im really new to this, and i need help with some errors
i'll send some pics

15 Replies
this keeps happening
btw this is the open source that im trying to download
GitHub - Steve987321/toadclient: a Minecraft cheat/client for Lunar...
a Minecraft cheat/client for Lunar Client 1.7.10 & 1.8.9 for Windows. - Steve987321/toadclient
they have some instructions, but i dont understand nothing lmao xD

We do not help with cheats

nor things related to them
I suggest you delete this thread before you catch a ban
Not to mention it's a C# server and the project is C++
oh yeah mb
didnt know, just needed help to download an open source
Sorry for that
ty anyway
You should really learn how to play the game instead of ruining other players experience
Cheating in minecraft is crazy
Ain't even that competitive
They have since left the server fyi
discord remembers all...