C#3mo ago

✅ fade picturebox

right, so. i have two images (picturebox1 and picturebox3, picturebox3 is behind picturebox1) and i just wanna make picturebox1 fade out in transaprency and as they are the same screenshot (one is just grayscale) it should hopefully look good and make a colored image to grayscale effect? i haven't been able to find much online so i guess i'd ask here
3 Replies
neptuneen3mo ago
i have my picture boxes set up and i just need to find out how i can actually fade them: i already have a timer and such: does anyone know?
leowest3mo ago
well its winform there isn't a whole lot of things u can do its not built for that kind of stuff so u will have to animate it your self by programatically changing the opacity of picturebox if it has one if it doesn't then you're out of luck and perhaps using transparency
neptuneen3mo ago
err so guess what instead of 2 pictureboxes i could've just.. set the image and the backgroundimage and made the image fade wow