Trying to understand proper error handling
I am trying to write my code to properly handle errors and I am getting so hyper fixated on it that I can't tell whether I'm making good decisions or not.
I have rewritten the way my code base handles errors several times and I'm not sure what the right approach is anymore.
I originally started using my own implementation of the result pattern, then realized I have this issue where the status code wasn't correct when returning errors, so I said maybe my implementation isn't that good so I looked for a library and settled on ErrorOr, but soon realized its the same issue, I dont understand how you can tell the "result pattern" that this error is a 401, 500, or 400 etc so I gutted that out and started writting my own custom exceptions and made a middleware that handles all the exceptions but now Im reading that you shouldn't throw errors when you now how to handle them and that throwing excessive erros will cause performance issues.
84 Replies
don't you just use
in asp and return Ok()
or Unauthorized()
or BadRequest()
or whatever?Well I do use those, for instance in my globall exception handler, but i dnt understand how uw ould use those with something like the result pattern, like yes I can do it with one but if the result pattern doesnt have a status code how can u do like a switch case to match ur api response's to be wrapped in the correct one of those methods?
i guess i'm questioning why you need results at all instead of just using
from asp?isnt the result pattern and action result compeltely different things?
maybe? depends on the implementation of either. i'm just wondering why you feel the need to do this instead of using what's there?
I am using IActionResult and those different methods inside my controller, but not in my service methods
Im trying to handle errors in the service method and then send a formatted api response in my controller whether something error or it was successful
After reading all the ErrorOr documentation and chatgpting i think I understand what i need to do now
knowing that it's in a service makes more sense.
anyway you can just have your result type contain the error type?
what's the issue there?
if u handle the error in the service method, i didnt understand how u can tell the controller to assign the correct status code
cause error returns all errors in a results.Errrors list
so theres like no http status code or anything
is there like something stopping you from adding the status code to the error list or
from my understanding, in the ErrorOr library u cant
but maybe i just add my own custom codes
oh, the
type is from another library, not your own
i mean a result type is really easy to write, you can just do it yourself really
depends on how complicated you need it to be, but the most basic implementation you can think of might be
Yeah I think im gonna try to write my own, i dont need anthing complex, i just want to be able to map errors to certain httpstatuscodes, and be able to take in either a string error message or a dictionary for validation errors that should be mapped to specific form fields, like
password: "Password must be 8 characters"
@ero I created my own Result class, prob overengineered this but maybe if you read the code you will have a better understanding of what I was trying to do and then could tell me if what I'm doing is stupid or not 😅 on earth are you doing?
throw the exception that occurs by using
or let it naturally throw
and catch that exception
and return the status code (Unauth, Forbidden.. etc)
and in the payload return ex.Message
(if this is sensitive).
Also by the way, you should rename Login
to LoginAsync()
since it's an async method. It will be confusing later on
A quick example though, instead of mapping to some crazy class DTO with a custom message, just create a custom exception for your specific scnearios (IFF it makes sense)
For example
I am using the result pattern instead of throwing exceptions, since u shouldnt throw exceptions for things like
user == null
or string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)
Then you can, in the base custom exception message, customize it how you want and pass it in
since u shouldnt throw exceptions for things like user == null or string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)what??
this is how my original iteration of this application worked
What do you mean by that exactly? "Shouldn't throw exceptions for things like
It's quite the opposite!Ok for example, in another non refactored section of my code base, i do the exact thing you suggest
You don't have to even check if
user is null
you could just do ArgumentException.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty, String) Method (System)
Throws an exception if argument is null or empty.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. What's the issue? That's what you're supposed to do.
But i read that exceptions should only be thrown under unexpected or exceptional conditions, so since I know that there can be an error if user is null, intstead of throwing it, i should just handle it, in my case using the result pattern
Where did you read that, that is not true at all.
There was no issue, i just kept reading deeper and deeper and found this, that made me think okay maybe throwing exceptions isn't the best approach.
It also stated, that throwing exceptions is a performance expensive task, so they shouldnt be thrown in cases where you can just handle them.
An exception should be thrown when anything could go wrong. That is inclusive of
or empty strings or anything that doesn't satisfy getting to the next step
Can you link me this article? That is not accurate
Also, think about it, if you are throwing an exception, the performance is irrelevant LOL the program will blowI dont have the article on hand, this was a few days ago, I was stumped on how to refactor this app to use this result pattern thing this entire time lol
like here's an example of another method that isn't refactored
there's nothing wrong with this?
Yeah, I would not read into that. Throwing exceptions is not performance expensive, and even if it was (it wasn't) it wouldn't matter since that's the whole point of throwing
looking.. 1 sec.
especially for something like a web api, throwing is kinda bad and pointless
the app isn't supposed to "blow up"
Nothing wrong with that but I would use this
ArgumentException.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(String, String) Method (System)
Throws an exception if argument is null or empty.
it must keep running
instead of writing my own custom error exceptions?
Throwing is important if something bad is happening and you need to stop that instance. VERY important lol
you're not gonna have your entire server shut down just because 1 user entered the wrong data in an api request
It's just not that different from the generic one , but you could
throwing is just the wrong thing here
Who said anything about shutting the entire server down?
Lol, see this is where i get overwhelmed and confused, one side says throw errors other side says you shouldn't
Throwing errors is how you stop your application from processing something that has a problem.
You should always throw when nec, and always LOG errors.
Suppressing is almost always a bad idea UNLESS, you have a poison queue or a very huge process where you dont want to throw because you dont want to crash the for loop or whataever it is
how is throwing useful here, if you're just gonna catch the exception one layer up?
it's useless
Because he said he was returning a 401
It's a web API right?
yeah a web api
& It's not useless at all, it's good for logging or returning non-sensitive stack trace info to the caller
Its too long to post it here, but i have a global exception handler middleware that catches the errors and formats them into an ApiError, so i im not catching errors all over the place.
Also while its on my mind, is there a simpler approach then making my own ApiResponse? so all the api responses follow the same format?
How are you doing it now?
I would imagine just making a class to represent the
I basically made a class called ApiResponse, that has these properties
and then based on the Exception i fill out that api response and return it wrapped in like a BadRequest() or an Ok() etc
Looks good to me, you could have overloaded constructors when you need to pass in diff stuff or massage the info differently
If you're using Web API I think they have a
class, and in Azure Functions its HttpResponseMessage
(I think)Sweet, are there any simpler ways to handle formatting different errors? like for example some of my methods return just a straight up string message for an error and other's for like forms return a dictionary where the key is the field and value is the message
Never can find any resources that go over how to create api responses that explain how to structure ur errors for things like that
Because in my front end i like to catch the error in my submit method and then map it directly to the input so it shows under the input,
I think it's kind of up to you unless you pull in a custom nuget that does that sort of thing.
You could do something like a
CustomResponse: IApiResponse
and have multiple classes , or something like that or differently formatted ones.. not really sure tbh, ctor overloads seem to be the way to go
Can you give me an example where 2 would be entirely different responses?Let me see if i have an example if not i can write one up.
Ok so say you have these two different exceptions
the first one would send back a json response like this
but the 2nd one would return like this
I don't exactly understand how you can have that error field be of different types but the same key if that makes sense.
Prob a dictionary yeah the way to go, have you ever used
keyword? It might be usefulI saw this when i was asking Chatgpt for help lol
haha yeah I mean, I would say the easiest thing is a dictionary<string,string>
or a Dictionary<IType, string>
what about for the errors that arent neccessarily needed in a dictionary?
you know where the string is the message, and
is some custom type (if u even need to go that deep)
You could categorize them as Generic
so for example you will always have a dictionary
but "generic": "Some message"thats what i was doing in the first ever iteration of this app, but then like Fluent Validation, was sending errors exactly how i wanted and im like i want that lol
:Shrug: im just spitballing
oh yeah FluentValidation
this app has been literally complete for 2 months and i keep going back trying to make it perfect and its killing me xD
been learning C# and .NET for like 140 days now and ive almost made myself rage quit this ecosystem 😂
nothing wrong with that
that will make you a great programmer
refactors never stop!
Yeah, u right, just wanna work on something else but i refuse till i really understand wtf im doing
whats link to ur repo?
or is it private
its private, but it could def be public, the apps gonna go on my portfolio if i ever finish it and figure out how to deploy a .net app lol
not at my computer but tomorrow, i can make it public and post the link here, it could prob use some hard code review, so i can see where to make improvements tbh
@Cydo I had the same problem with the codes. Ended up solving it by mapping the error code at a later point (I think you did the same). The problem is that it's not going to be documented properly unless you make your possible errors known declaratively, so I also had to make a swagger extension and decorate the possible errors on each action. And after that I decided to work through having the possible errors be implied, which means having the errors sort of propagate declaratively through the whole pipeline. I have developed some ideas, but haven't solved it completely yet.
There are so many things that you'd think should be solved that there isn't a good solution to, with complete attention to detail and maximum code / configuration reuse. People just don't care enough
Yeah when I was writing the one implementation, it always seemed like I had to go back and add one more thing that I didnt think of at the time and it was getting more complex and overwhelming each iteration. I'm currently going back and just switching to throw exceptions now, my goal has changed from making this thing perfect using all these "design patterns" to just functioning deployed app.
throwing exceptions doesn't solve the problem with documentation though
In fact, it doesn't really solve anything
it's just less handling code overall
and it's easier to just delegate the handling to something else, whatever does the handling, without using an abstraction or injecting a dependency
@shua Turns out the repo was public this entire time lol, Im still trying to refactor everything back to using exceptions instead of my shotty Result pattern so its a bit of a messge in there, but i refactored at least the auth, and party service if u wanted to take a look and potentionally vomit
I mean you can't do better with the regular tools
If you need to do validation after you've bound the model
The thing I do different is a single action per controller
And I would only do interfaces for the services if I have tests for them
otherwise they're just a pointless abstraction
wdym a single action per controller?
I wanna add testing, just havent learned it yet, its on the list tho lol
Some people only have one endpoint in each controller class when using mvc.
It is often done to reduce the dependencies in each controller.
Regarding your problems above with exceptions and results.
The advantage of an Result implementation is, that you are forced to handle errors. And you are aware that errors could happen in a method.
Unless it is documented or you read the methods source, you cannot know if and which exceptions it may throw.
In APIs this will result in 500 responses, which is often undesired.
What we currently do is to map our different Error types to the corresponding api error. So a NotFoundError would return a 404.
Having it well documented in an OpenApi schema, without manually defining the possible errors that could happen at this specific endpoint is really hard. Probably even impossible in MVC. Mainly because everything is boiled down to IActionResult. And its hard to know at compile time which actual types could maybe occour.
But honestly not that important unless you develop an API meant for public consumption.
The one method per controller seems insane to me, but having only been learning .NET for 144 days I'll leave that to my inexperience lol.
So overall, its probably better to use a result pattern and handle those errors then to use exceptions since its harder for outside users of an API to understand why/when an exception will be thrown?
But I also thought you can decorate ur endpoints in ur controller with
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(ErrorResponse), StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)]
and that will document ur API's possible responses in Swagger? Or do you mean that even if it's documented like that, it doesnt actually tell you why/what will cause those exceptions to be thrown regardless?It is technically possible, a ready solution just hasn't been made yet
it being documented is important in all cases imo
you wanna generate your frontend client
You do the same for the services if you have any so they only handle one thing
Different methods in a service may have different dependencies
So it's a way to only resolve the dependencies that you need to do the concrete thing
in an ideal world there would be no controller at all
just a handler class that lets it generate an endpoint by convention
or if you have something more concrete, by sharing the wrapping logic around it
anyway, ignore my ramblings if you're just starting
it's coming from thinking about it a lot and trying things
The problem with annotations is that they are not connected to the actual source code
They can lie
Is that what you do for minimal api's?
And the compiler won't detect that
No, minimal API's are the same thing, just without a class
Haha fair, I come from mainly frontend development and my previous job was wordpress so using C#/.NET compared to react and just vanilla php is a different beast
You still need a model for the json body and you need to include any parameters in the url
That should be more dynamic so you don't have to repeat that across many endpoints
Gotcha, I thought i saw somewhere that when u use minimal api, you make like action specific files so like POST would just be a file containting a post method for a specific route etc.
You can't share this structure with the systems we have right now
I mean yeah they are easier to generalize, because you don't have to have the controller classes, you can create things in a loop just as well
But it's not nearly advanced enough as is
Gotcha my next plan after what im currently working on is to learn minimal api, is that a good idea or should I just focus on improving with MVC and such, aiming for a job in the .NET ecosystem lol
I mean digging deeper is not mistake
Thier basic idea is that the metadata model for an action is the delegate
While MVC has some heavier metadata structures
And MVC has lots of legacy
Yeah, sometimes it just feels like I'm doing way more in MVC to get a simple api going then I should really need to, so I figured switching to using minimal api would let me bring my ideas to life much quicker, i've read minimal api is a lot closer to express which is/was the backend i am most use to using, except I have moved away from even touching Js/Ts for anything outside the frontend lol
mvc has more steps in the pipeline out of the box, in minimal APIs you have to add them manually
Did not know that, thought it was all just the same stuff with out controllers tbh.
Would you elaborate how? Because that would be something really interesting to build.
To me it sounds like you should give minimal apis with the REPR pattern a try. Like FastEndpoints. It also has strongly typed endpoint methods with union responses, which will end up in the OpenApi schema.
Not too familiar with generation, because we work with blazor and just share our dtos.
I only used Kiota (a few years ago) and that doesn't really care about your defined errors. It will just throw exceptions on non success in any case.
My idea is basically that you make a pipeline where you combine multiple steps together like middlewares, and where each step declares its possible errors. The errors can be either specified manually, or source generated from the result type of a method that does the step. I made a source gen that generates the result type from what types or values you return in the method. When you build the pipeline by combining the steps, you can get the error set of the whole pipeline by just looking at what each step returns. This way it's easier to combine unrelated logic without mentioning the possible errors of the other system explicitly (you just specify your own errors).
All this is complemented with a precindition system, where you can check if the context a step depends on has been specified at an earlier step. Once again, without running or testing the whole pipeline.
Then you can map the errors and check at startup if all the errors have been handled there.
Sure, the kind of problem is that you have to trust what errors each step declares, but it's more localized so it's easier not to mess up. Additionally, because each step is modular, you won't have to repeat the logic anywhere. Including the context passing logic.
I haven't developed this idea fully, but I'll get back to it in some time
Since the errors and the whole context are known at startup, you can inject that info from the pipeline into OpenAPI descriptors
So you get perfect information without decorating the action method at all, it's propagated automatically