The Given key was not present in the dictionary
ive revived a nostalgic old mobile game and ive converted the offline dead servers from smart fox to photon and everything seems to work but one mode in the game doesnt work at all here is a code snippet public void BirthPlayer(PhotonPlayer player)
if (!SFS_Player_Arr.ContainsKey(player))
Multiplayer multiplayer = new Multiplayer(player.ID);
multiplayer.InitAvatar((AvatarType)player.customProperties["avatarType"], (uint)(int)player.customProperties["birthPoint"]);
multiplayer.InitWeaponList((int)player.customProperties["weapon1"], (int)player.customProperties["weapon2"], (int)player.customProperties["weapon3"]);
SFS_Player_Arr.Add(player, multiplayer);
multiplayer.nick_name = (string)player.customProperties["nickname"];
public void InitializePlayer(PhotonPlayer player)
// Check if the player is already added, if not, add them
public void OnPlayerJoin(PhotonPlayer newPlayer) { InitializePlayer(newPlayer); } public override void DoLogic(float deltaTime) { if (!is_game_excute) { return; } player.DoLogic(deltaTime); if (!is_game_over && PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { object[] array = new object[enemyList.Count]; enemyList.Keys.CopyTo(array, 0); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Enemy enemy = enemyList[array[i]] as Enemy; enemy.DoLogic(deltaTime);
public void OnPlayerJoin(PhotonPlayer newPlayer) { InitializePlayer(newPlayer); } public override void DoLogic(float deltaTime) { if (!is_game_excute) { return; } player.DoLogic(deltaTime); if (!is_game_over && PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { object[] array = new object[enemyList.Count]; enemyList.Keys.CopyTo(array, 0); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Enemy enemy = enemyList[array[i]] as Enemy; enemy.DoLogic(deltaTime);
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Where does the error happen?
bascially the key or photon player is not in the SFS_Player_Arr dictionary. this happens when 1 player tries to revive the other but it cant because it cant find the photon player or key in the dictionary causing this error for refrence here is the unity console
KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[PhotonPlayer,Zombie3D.Player].get_Item (.PhotonPlayer key) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:150)
Zombie3D.GameMultiplayerScene.HandleEvent (.ServerEventData data) (at Assets/Scripts/Assembly-CSharp/Zombie3D/GameMultiplayerScene.cs:222)
PunCallback.OnServerEvent (.ServerEventData data) (at Assets/Scripts/Assembly-CSharp/PunCallback.cs:85)
PunCallback.OnEvent (Byte eventCode, System.Object content, Int32 senderId) (at Assets/Scripts/Assembly-CSharp/PunCallback.cs:66)