browser-wasm hell
i'm trying to use raylib with browser-wasm and i get error whenever i try to call something from raylib:
here's my Program.cs:
and .csproj:
10 Replies
Maybe I'm missing something but.... Isn't the entire point of the browser sandbox, and use of WASM, to prevent people from running arbitrary native code?
this should be possible
i referenced DotnetRaylibWasm but it crashes when you try to enter loop
now it doesn't even begin
maybe i need directpinvoke?
or is it thing for static library
oh it didn't copy it to the folder
As in, I don't see any static libraries in their csproj? But maybe I'm missing a bit of how this all works
GitHub - stanoddly/DotnetRaylibWasm: Prototype for .NET 7 with Rayl...
Prototype for .NET 7 with Raylib compiled into WebAssembly (wasm) - stanoddly/DotnetRaylibWasm
Ah, I see you've copied their csproj
(I was looking at the Examples csproj, which is normally a good place to start)
examples are just normal raylib-cs' examples
waow, i renamed libraylib.a to raylib.a and it booted
now it's same issue as in dotnetraylibwasm

chrome gives more details
seems like it's aot issue
it doesn't seem i can export emscripten functions
0>EXEC: Warning : invalid item in EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS: emscripten_set_main_loop
i guess no asyncify for me

here we go again, back to wasm hell
now i have this code: