C#3d ago

Need to develop SDK.

16 Replies
Buddy3d ago
Note that we do not help with entire projects This is more of a Q&A
Angius3d ago
That's quite a big project
jcotton423d ago
Well, what have you done so far, where are you stuck @Fan?
Fan3d ago
who can do this project? This project is not hard project
jcotton423d ago
you this is clearly a school assignment, it's your job to do it
Fan3d ago
haha, I think so, but I need this project. If you help me, I will pay
jcotton423d ago
better get started then rule 6 my guy
jcotton423d ago
no don't
Angius3d ago
The fact that we even have it on speed dial lmao
jcotton423d ago
make them read the rules themesleves
Angius3d ago
Well, can't delete it now
jcotton423d ago
guess you can't have modix delete tags, sad
Angius3d ago
I swear it used to delete the response when the comment calling it was deleted...
Jimmacle3d ago
if people could read we wouldn't need the tag
Buddy3d ago
You think people ever read rules? I bet many people were just informed of them when caught infringing; it's mostly just based on common sense. No way in hell would I go into discord and pay people to do my homework. I'd rather take the F than to cheat.
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