.NET MAUI Android Dashcam App
I am trying to make an Android dashcam application, and I have the preview setup working fine but I have an issue with my cameraView not adhering to a surfaceview or textureview.
I need some help because I've been stuck on this for a long time. If anyone has any expertise regarding this, It would be greatly appreciated 😄
Am i doing something wrong?
5 Replies
My goals is to get recording to work and save it on another page which i havent created yet, but main focus right now is for recording to work
Not sure if this will help, but You could use Android MediaRecorder for the stream https://developer.android.com/media/platform/mediarecorder
Android Developers
MediaRecorder overview  | Android media  | Android Developers
There is also a use of it for Maui in Gerald's screen recorder sample
Plugin.Maui.ScreenRecording provides the ability to record the screen from within your app - jfversluis/Plugin.Maui.ScreenRecording