✅ Unrecognized escape sequence how do I solve it ?
I am pretty new to C# And i am using it on Visual Studio for MacOS , if someone could help me that would be great
18 Replies
post line 9
The app just crashed for no reason-
post full code
Is there any other app I can use other than visual studio ?
vs is fine, just configure it
disable analyzers and it will work better
Alright ! tysm ))
its vscode
REPL Result: Failure
Exception: CompilationErrorException
Compile: 150.730ms | Execution: 0.000ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
Oooh ok ok
I might have done smth like that
There are two ways to get Rider for free:
Being a student: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students
Using it for an OSS project: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/opensource/#support
What is it for ?
its an IDE for writing code
oh aight ty ty
Unknown User•6mo ago
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Read the full thread and stop being angry for no reason :skulld:
Unknown User•6mo ago
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k ty anyways