C#•7mo ago

Some Sources to learn C# and Unity from nothing

I wanna get into indie gamedev, hobby rn but hopefully career eventually so im trying to find some good sources to learn unity and c# (Have no experience with coding or unity) Reddit and other places just got tons of different opinions so trying to get a clearer view of the best tutorials to learn both from scratch (free)
12 Replies
AxivexOP•7mo ago
Mainly only 2d games
Buddy•7mo ago
Buddy•7mo ago
Learn C# first Once you understand the fundementals of C# you can use https://learn.unity.com/
AxivexOP•7mo ago
so complete the entire interactive course then move onto unity? or do I check out other stuff too cause the name of this is part 1
Buddy•7mo ago
This first Learn.unity.com second, once you know the fundementals of C#
AxivexOP•7mo ago
any other interactive courses or videos for unity? the c# one is great but unity website feels weird
Buddy•7mo ago
No? Why would a game engine bother with interactive courses? Most of it is learning the editor
Salman•7mo ago
@Techno $hellounity
MODiX•7mo ago
Here are some of the important C# concepts for beginners to get started with Unity: * Variables * Data Types (int, float, string, etc.) * Comments * If Statements * Loops (for, while) * Functions * Access Modifiers * Classes/Objects * Inheritance Microsoft's Interactive C# Course: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/get-started-c-sharp-part-1/ Unity also has a dedicated pathway for the Unity Programming that can lead to a job as well: https://learn.unity.com/pathway/junior-programmer Download Visual Studio Tools for Unity here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/gamedev/unity/get-started/getting-started-with-visual-studio-tools-for-unity
The Fog from Human Resources
Note that C# is just what makes Unity games work You will mostly learn the Unity API similar to how Minecraft plugins aren't "just Java", it'll still take a while until you're comfortable with the engine and it's features If you're new to game dev it's worth checking out Engines like Godot too which also fully support C# Personally I fell in love with Godot the day I touched it after years of using Unity Gamedev has been more productive than ever with it but in the end the choice is up to you and what you need for your games
AxivexOP•6mo ago
@Buddy, Citizen of Pluto 🔱 coming back to this pretty late (got busy with lots of school stuff) but yea do I do all the microsoft learning paths (part 1 to part 6) or just part 1 then unity

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