C#•7mo ago

How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?

Hey guys, im currently in an IT School and i will learn Java through it in the near future. But another Goal of mine is to learn C#, im always trying to find an Beginning thats actually also keeps me motivated. I had many Tries and always failed after some time to just keep going. i tried websites like W3Schools but i have a hard time keeping it going. My main Focus i want to do with C# is building Programs in Visual Studio and later on games in Unity or UE Any advice?
43 Replies
Kouhai•7mo ago
Do projects that interest and challenge you, you'll learn a lot that way Also please avoid W3Schools
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Why should i avoid it? Yea thtas kinda a problem, i want to learn how to make a game mainly, even if theyre simple like tetris. But i just also dont know where to start
Kouhai•7mo ago
It's not a good resource for any programming language, they barely scratch the surface Well, how comfortable are you with C#?
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Barely, i tried starting many times as mentioned before but i dont really recall much so i think i should really start at the beginning
Kouhai•7mo ago
Okay and how comfortable are you with programming and CS in general? Because if you already have a good enough foundation in another programming language, you can just jump into making a tetris clone and learn C# along the way
SnawaOP•7mo ago
I dont know a language yet I tried alone to maybe learn some HTML C++ or Java but everywhere its the same problem as with C#, i cannot find a beggining and cannot keep me motivated or a reason to keep going. I really want to change that cause it annoys me already so much I think thats even the hardest part i need to get through, learning a language as base. Learning another one may be easier due to many things being similar between different languages at some point
Kouhai•7mo ago
Alright, so without any former programming languages you'll need to start with a much smaller projects imo, because tetris will be quite complex for a new learner. So try to find any project idea that interests you, because learning a language without practicing it won't really get you anywhere.
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Thats true, i was thinking of maybe a simple Program in VS what probably will be the way to go. But where do i start practicing?
Kouhai•7mo ago
Sorry what do you mean where? You apply what you learnt by making projects And you learn new things alongside it
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Sorry if i said that wrong, English isnt my native language and can get stuffed mixed, what i wanted to say is where do i begin? Do i just watch Youtube Tutorials? Do i read a Microsoft Introduction Guide to C# or how?
Kouhai•7mo ago
Ah no worries Yeah, I would recommend reading the official Microsoft guide, it's a pretty decent starter for the language I think they even have official videos
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Oh okay, i never tried to give it a shot because i always got redirected to other things, thank you then i will try that
Kouhai•7mo ago
:ThumbsUp: Feel free to ask here if you have any question
SnawaOP•7mo ago
I will, thank you very much for the help :)
Keswiik•7mo ago
I just make stuff that I want to use, day job is in Java :PatrickDab:
this_is_pain•7mo ago
i want to help people, i want to build stuff, i want to do right stuff that other people do wrong
Mako•7mo ago
I enjoy solving programming problems and building stuff that suck less than yesterday's stuff that suck more. To achieve that, I approach everything with deliberate curiosity and no judgment.
SnawaOP•7mo ago
I finished now the Interactive course from MS but what do i do now? Do i just read everything they wrote on their learn.microsoft.com page about C#?
Kouhai•7mo ago
Build a project, a mod for a game you play 😅 And when you encounter something you don't know how to solve, you research and learn
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Yeaaa the problem is i just learned about Loops, number counts lists and variables. Is there even anything i could do with that? Or is now the trick to use the basic knowledge and just expand
Kouhai•7mo ago
Well you need to learn few more things so give the fundementals tab a read https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/program-structure/ Still the best thing to do is building a project, even a very simple calculator while going over the fundementals
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SnawaOP•7mo ago
Okay thank you :) youre a huge help
Mako•7mo ago
Trying to find a problem that fits your existing knowledge is the wrong approach. You're still into "learning mode" and, if you followed the interactive course, you know how to use docs. This is why people say "pick a project and start working on it" because the goal has to be interesting enough for you to practice new stuff
Cortex•7mo ago
ah, great question! I'd say instead of just cramming a bunch of theory in your head all the time (which you should still do tbf, but sparingly) try and focus on making an application and see how far you can get with the new knowledge applied. it may not be optimal but it prevents you from losing motivation over time. also, examples are great resources. find projects that do similar things to what you're trying to achieve, read the code and try to understand it
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Okay sounds plausible, ill probably work on that tomorrow cause its getting late
Mako•7mo ago
Also, you can try to work on algorithms and data structures problems on websites like hackerrank and start small
SnawaOP•7mo ago
That sounds good, i already do try to understand code when i see it. Its basically english but with really weird and bad grammar sometimes lol
Mako•7mo ago
I'm also new (not to programming but to C#) and I do a little bit of everything
Cortex•7mo ago
coming from C I had a really good time transitioning haha
SnawaOP•7mo ago
I mean after knowing one language going to another is probably not that hard (ofc based off from what to what language) cause everything is just build up the same just different words and maybe even more specific in some cases
Mako•7mo ago
I made the mistake of "learning languages" where instead I should be "using languages to build stuff and contribute to open source"
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Im on hackerrank rn and i cant seem to find C# on their page, or am i looking wrong?
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Mako•7mo ago
you can use C# for both algorithms and data structures section
Cortex•7mo ago
it really depends. there is a lot to unpack, and you may not immediately need to use sockets, but when you eventually do you'll be back to doing lots of reading 😛
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Oohh i see it now, thank you!
Cortex•7mo ago
and of course C# is only part of the equation. whether you want to use winforms, wpf, avalonia they all come with a learning curve I think it took me a week to grasp MVVM
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Mako•7mo ago
You're welcome! hit me up if you need a study partner or anything 😉 it's late here 😴
SnawaOP•7mo ago
What Country you in?
Cortex•7mo ago
Model, View, ViewModel. basically a style of development where you seperate logic from the UI
SnawaOP•7mo ago
Ohh okay Thank you to everyone who helped me to help me get on to this journey once again. Im going to sleep due to it being 11:59PM atm Thank you and when i have questions ill ask tmrw here
Mako•7mo ago
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese•7mo ago
Can I say, making money?

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