✅ ASP.NET 'web' application
My exercise says the following:
The path of the folder where we store the addresses should be customized: extend your program to read it from the appsettings.
. I think I should just make the path (which is a json file) an environment variable in the appsettings. Does that make sense to do or should I just ask the teacher?
If there are any other options that might work with the use of appsettings then please tell me.5 Replies
Yeah but you should be able to make environment variables in the appsettings right?
App settings is one of many sources that all combine into the built in configuration system used in Asp.net
So if it's env vars, or appsettings.json, you still consume the value the same way
Unknown User•6mo ago
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We didnt use JS, I used IConfiguration
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