C#10mo ago

Blazor WSAM with Cognito Hosted UI issues

Hey there, I'm slightly struggling with getting Blazor WebAssembly to work with Cognito. I created a user pool, but I'm not exactly sure how it's supposed to work with Blazor. I was following this sample repo: https://github.com/sravimohan/blazor-webassembly-cognito-hosted-ui-sample/tree/main But it seems to not work, first and foremost the RemoteAuthenticatorView gives:
Refused to display 'https://***.auth.eu-central-1.amazoncognito.com/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
Refused to display 'https://***.auth.eu-central-1.amazoncognito.com/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
but then it redirects me to their actual UI, where if I try to log in, I come back with login failed to my website. I'd love to not bother you guys with this, but I'm not even sure how this thing is supposed to work (I come from Blazor Server).
GitHub - sravimohan/blazor-webassembly-cognito-hosted-ui-sample: Sa...
Sample Blazor Web assembly project Using Cognito Hosted UI Authentication - sravimohan/blazor-webassembly-cognito-hosted-ui-sample
2 Replies
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ReseOP10mo ago
But would that work with third-party cookies? Because the iframe seems to fail, but then the user gets redirected to the Cognito UI URL, it's only once they're redirected back that I get an error saying there was an error, although I don't know what exactly the cause is. However, chrome dev tools issues mention third-party cookies I mean sure I'll give it a shot but I don't think that will help (also I've seen that thread before and skipped it for this very reason)

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