✅ Can I using AOT Library into WPF project?
My project I want to release to the public and pay for it. But this Net based code can be viewed with a disassembly application like dotPeek. Maybe the easiest way is to do code obfuscation, but some tools are paid. And doing obfuscation may decrease application performance. I heard that Net Core can use AOT Compilation with Native assembly like C/C++ do. Generally Net projects use JIT Compilation. Is it possible to use a Library compiled with AOT to a project like WPF that must use JIT Compilation? How to do it?
11 Replies
if u really are concerned with people reversing your app then dont make something u distribute to the user pc but something on the web.
$obfuscation is a cat and mouse game, if you product is successful enough there will always be people to break in.
"Then finally, there is that question of code privacy. This is a lost cause. There is no transformation that will keep a determined hacker from understanding your program. This turns out to be true for all programs in all languages, it is just more obviously true with JavaScript because it is delivered in source form. The privacy benefit provided by obfuscation is an illusion. If you don’t want people to see your programs, unplug your server."
- Douglas Crockford
* Spend your effort on putting proprietary things in your api, and keeping the distributed code as empty as possible
* Use AuthN/AuthZ to control who/what/when/etc...
* Free obfuscation is worth the amount your paid for it -- it's already broken and most decompilers out there can make sense of it.
* Paid ofbuscation will bankrupt you unless you have a very strong revenue stream and can justify the additional cost with gained sales
* The "threat" of someone hijacking your UI and shimming it to make it provide them money is not a real threat. If this is legitimate software, you can ruin their business with lawsuits
- Cisien
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Is it important to obfuscate C++ application code?
In the Java world, sometimes it seems to be a problem, but what about C++? Are there different solutions?
I was thinking about the fact that someone can replace the C++ library of a specific OS wit...
AOT is only for full apps, not libraries.
And I don’t believe you can AOT a WPF app.
you cannot no
I already done it. I can call function/method on native aot library to WPF project. 😀
doesnt change the fact it can be reverse eng
All program can be reserve enginnering, but this make it hard to do.
pretty much what I said here https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1333625271605137531/1333638093533745202
$obfuscation is a cat and mouse game, if you product is successful enough there will always be people to break in.
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if the app is popular enough or there is enough will there will be people to do it
if its a business app its easier to shut it down legally
then playing cat and mouse
both routes have their costs
and more over if its an app u can deploy on the web less risk of that happening
as there is nothing physical for them to play with
Unknown User•2w ago
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