C#8mo ago

✅ .NET SDK installed on the machine is targeting a different platform

I have found very little information on this specific issue related to vs code and unity. Whenever I launch vs code with the default console template opened it loads for a second and gives me this error. I know I have the latest version of the .NET SDK installed as x64 and I have no idea how to change what the c# dev kit is targeting. I have tried uninstalling the SDK, vs code, and all of the extensions within vs code. I have also tried editing my system environment variables and changing the path settings. I have truly no idea what to do and have been stuck on this issue for days. any help is much appreciated!
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8 Replies
phaseshift8mo ago
Isn't unity still based on net framework? I don't think installing a recent .net SDK will help much with unity? If you're just seeing a 32 Vs 64 bit issue, I have seen similar symptoms due to bad ordering of .net related locations in PATH
MerrigOP8mo ago
thats what ive been recomended to change ordering of .net locations in path but i dont know what is the correct order or if im supposed to add a knew file location.
Pobiega8mo ago
I can help you with the x86 sdk stuff, but as phaseshift said, unity uses .net fx, not modern .net Follow these instructions $dotnetpath
MODiX8mo ago
* Open powershell in a terminal in admin mode as in the following video: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569261465463160900/1157744344183341156/20230930-1822-10.7436061.mp4 * copy/paste the following script:
iex "& { $(irm https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tebeco/5c6cc0eee8c28fad3523008d58f83914/raw/d14890f540ae74ad72d950c48f6a242e9401d31e/fix-dotnet-path.ps1) }"
iex "& { $(irm https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tebeco/5c6cc0eee8c28fad3523008d58f83914/raw/d14890f540ae74ad72d950c48f6a242e9401d31e/fix-dotnet-path.ps1) }"
in case of an invalid setup detected, it will: * tell you that it did (or not) detected an invalid Path setup * in case some action are require it will ask you to Press Enter to confirm
Pobiega8mo ago
Feel free to read what the script does if you dont trust it 🙂 It just removes the offending entry from your PATH
MerrigOP8mo ago
i ended up getting a different error this time but its okay this is progress i really really appreciate your time looking into this cause ive been stuck on that bullshit for DAYS WAIT NEVERMIND I OPENED A NEW PROJECT AND IT WORKED THANK YOU SO MUCH IM SO GRATEFUL
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