βœ… From App C# Error

pls help me for this : basically, I want my combobox to once select a value, it changes both the label (so it works) but also changes an image (PictureBox) I did everything with Resources.resx but there's the line "Properties.Resources" Invalid thx !
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18 Replies
x0rldβ€’9mo ago
show the error
The name 'Properties' does not exist in the current context
Sentiβ€’9mo ago
I read some stuff on the web about bad namespaces concerning "Properties" issues https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9665335/properties-does-not-exist-in-the-current-context
Stack Overflow
Properties does not exist in the current context
I have to store some strings in the Settings file of my project. However, I am not able to access the Settings file to store the strings. I definitely have accessed Properties file in an earlier p...
I understand but I'm trying to introduce and change an image in a PictureBox which changes when a value is called??
leowestβ€’9mo ago
@πŠπ«ΓΈπ‘ΓΈπ— can you upload your project to github?
I'm still a beginner and I don't know how to publish on github, there is another way
leowestβ€’9mo ago
its not hard u right click your solution then create git repository and fill in
TheBoxyBearβ€’9mo ago
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TheBoxyBearβ€’9mo ago
One way or the other
leowestβ€’9mo ago
its also a very useful feature everyone should use version control allows u to save changes to ur code and then if something breaks u can revert to a previous code or even work a split code that wont affect the main code
how use that okok i found wait https://github.com/KroRoX/test is okay ???
leowestβ€’9mo ago
u need to make it public
ok ok wait is good now
leowestβ€’9mo ago
looks good now so because u renamed your namespaces or copied from else where the resources namespace remained the same so you need to do this
leowestβ€’9mo ago
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leowestβ€’9mo ago
and at the top of the file add
using WindowsFormsApp1.Properties;
using WindowsFormsApp1.Properties;
MODiXβ€’9mo ago
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