C#5mo ago

✅ Mac is not supported by Visual Studio anymore, There is not download link for Mac user anymore,

I have checked the Microsoft page. VS has not been suported for Mac user since 31 August 2024, Rider is not free, there is only option for me VS code. I am just trying to create environment for basic C# code implementation to see the difference between Java, I am a new learner, I have cloned this git repo https://github.com/derekbanas/C-Sharp-Course.git which contains pretty good c# fundamental examples but I can not run any test I want to run C# Code / Program.cs file but I can not run it , what I am missing
GitHub - derekbanas/C-Sharp-Course: Here is the code for my C# Mega...
Here is the code for my C# Mega Course. It is broken into 18 different folders. This is basically a Free Full Udemy Course. I hope you find it useful. - derekbanas/C-Sharp-Course
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9 Replies
Angius5mo ago
You do not run files You run projects Seems like this repo is kinda garbage because it only contains loose files
zehraOP5mo ago
yes they contains basic C# examples
Angius5mo ago
Which are not runnable because they're not projects Well, not easily runnable It would be the same with VS for Mac or Rider You can create new projects with dotnet new console for example, and copy-paste the code from this repo
zehraOP5mo ago
himm okay they are not runnable you mean I can not write in my console basic Console.WriteLine method
Angius5mo ago
One project per one C# Code [x] folder, it seems The code in the repository you linked cannot be ran because it does not contain a project file If you create your own project, with dotnet new console for example, you will be able to run it Because this command generates a complete project: the .cs file and the .csproj project file
zehraOP5mo ago
okay thank you very much I will
zehraOP5mo ago
Yes, I have created own console project and I have passed the C# example related to exception handling example and it worked,:blobthumbsup: My question Can I use this project any other exmple ,for instance, in order to implement oop concept like abstraction , inheritance I need to create different classes like shape class, square and triangle class Can I create different C# file for each classes ? Thank you very much for all support🙌
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Angius5mo ago
Yep, you sure can create different files for each class I'd even argue that you should The rule of thumb is one class/struct/enum/interface/whatever per file
MODiX5mo ago
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