✅ How to learn data structures and algorithms?
I am trying to learn data structures and algorithms. I use neetcode.io(only free version) and Leetcode. But I don’t really have direction besides the roadmap on neetcode.io.
Additionally I have a lot of questions:
How many questions should I do before going to the next topic?
How should I learn the topics(try to solve a problem first and then learning from the solutions, or straight up learning the topic from e.g. a YouTube video)?
Are there other great recourses?
I would be thankful for any advice!!!
(I am really sorry for my bad English. I am not a native speaker speaker)
6 Replies
my advice is to learn by doing. just code. write code, create things, have a goal in mind and try to reach it. then clean up the code, ask how you can improve it. and expand it, add more features you think are neat
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills:
Harvard University
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard University
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
just doing leetcode all day every day won't make you a good programmer. it'll improve your thinking, but the problems presented are rarely something you will need to apply in real world scenarios
https://frontendmasters.com/courses/algorithms/introduction/ free course from primeagen.
focus on concepts core to dsa, not specific algos/leetcode problems.
Thank you so much!!! I will definitely take a look at these courses and focus on project, rather than grinding Leetcode.