Advice for learning C# (Beginner - New to C# not programming)
Hi all, I am not a programmer professionally, I am an Application Analyst. I have been working with Python, Bash, and PowerShell heavily in my free time for the past 4 years and I am looking to dive into C# as I am starting the process of making a game; I will be using the MonoGame framework with C#.
Outside of YouTube and Google, does anyone have any advice/tips for learning C#, or a "best approach" for someone that knows nothing about how the language works? Any help and or advice is much appreciated!
4 Replies
The usually recomended resource is
MSDN has a little road map for python developers, maybe that can help ya as well:
Nick Chapsas has a video on this:
Nick Chapsas
The Ultimate .NET Developer Roadmap in 2024
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Hello, everybody, I'm Nick, and this is my annual .NET and C# Developer roadmap. It focuses mostly on the backend, but almost all the technology in there should be mastered by any .NET developer.
Workshops: htt...