Entity Framework Core: How to build without Package Manager Commands?
I am looking at this sample project : https://github.com/Nedal-Esrar/Travel-and-Accommodation-Booking-Platform
I notice that it automatically creates the TABP table as long as the connection string goes through, which is not the same for other EFCore projects I have created in the past in .NET 8.0.
I have always needed to manually do
Add-Migration "Add_Tables"
and Update-Database
but it seems this project does not?
I did ctrl + shift + f but I do not see any scripts for the aforementioned commands.
What dark magic is this project doing that bypasses the migrations step?GitHub
GitHub - Nedal-Esrar/Travel-and-Accommodation-Booking-Platform: Hot...
Hotel Booking API implemented with ASP.NET Core and built upon the principles of clean architecture. - Nedal-Esrar/Travel-and-Accommodation-Booking-Platform
4 Replies
They are probably using EnsureCreated()
more info https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/ensure-created
Create and Drop APIs - EF Core
APIs for creating and dropping databases with Entity Framework Core
I think you can also add the database. Migrate in the on model creating override.
Another way is through DI registration.
Here the StorageBtroker is registered in DI with the command in its constructor.
See line 78 of: src/TABP.Infrastructure/Persistence/PersistenceConfiguration.cs in the repo you posted.
Yes, thank you! I didn't know that calling a method automates the migration process. Are there drawbacks to this?
Only if for some reason you need to remove a migration before the next one occurs automatically.